| Rettelse af engelsk oversættelse Fra : Claus999 | Vist : 634 gange 100 point Dato : 28-11-04 17:27 |
Hey.. Nogen der lige vil rette nedenstående tekst for fejl.. På forhånd tak..
Dear Muhammed
I know, you maybe are surprised about my daily life, as it emerges of your last letter. But after been moved to Denmark, is it only through the mass media, I see misery. I want to tell you little about how it feels.
Every morning I get up at seven o´clock. After a shower I go to the kitchen, make some coffee and set the table. Then I fetch the newspaper, and while I am eating breakfast, I am reading it.
Again today there are articles about all the terrible things, which are happening all over the world.
For example there is an article about some terrorists, who have taking more than 100 hostages in a bank. There are also pictures of children, who are starving in Africa, and refugees, who are suffering in Asia. On the front page there is an article about the situation home in Turkey. It is difficult to imagine political prisoners are torturing in the prisons, while I am drinking my morning coffee.
Sometimes however also happen accidents in Denmark. Yesterday, for example, when I was eating breakfast, I heard a loud bang. I rushed to the window and saw, that a house burned. A lot of people were crowding, while others already stood and were seeing the flames, which licked the walls of the house. In the meantime the ambulances and fire engines soon arrived, and before long the fire was put out. The ambulancemen searched long time in the house after the occupants – they did not know, that the family spend their holiday in Spain.
And tonight, when I switch the television on, I will again feel ill at ease, because your misery is my entertainment.
Best regards
your brother Mustapha
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| Kommentar Fra : BoWie |
Dato : 28-11-04 17:54 |
Dear Muhammed
I know, you maybe are surprised about my daily life, as it emerges of your last letter. But after been moved to Denmark, is it only through the mass media, I see misery. I want to tell you little about how it feels.
Every morning I get up at seven o’clock. After a shower I go to the kitchen, make some coffee and set the table. Then I fetch the newspaper, and while I am eating breakfast, I am reading it.
Again today there are articles about all the terrible things, which are happening all over the world.
For example there is an article about some terrorists, who have taking more than 100 hostages in a bank. There are also pictures of children, who are starving in Africa, and refugees, who are suffering in Asia. On the front page there is an article about the situation home in Turkey. It is difficult to imagine political prisoners are torturing in the prisons, while I am drinking my morning coffee.
Sometimes however there are happen accidents in Denmark. Yesterday, for example, when I was eating breakfast, I heard a loud bang. I rushed to the window and saw that a house burned. A lot of people were crowding, while others already stood and were seeing the flames, which licked the walls of the house. In the meantime the ambulances and fire engines soon arrived, and before long the fire was put out. The ambulance men searched long time in the house after the occupants – they did not know, that the family spend their holiday in Spain.
And tonight, when I switch the television on, I will again feel ill at ease, because your misery is my entertainment.
Best regards
your brother Mustapha
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| Kommentar Fra : dova |
Dato : 28-11-04 18:10 |
i stedet for maybe are surprised, ville jeg lave det til: You may be surprised. Og after been moved to Denmark: since I moved to Denmark, it is ..! Og tell You a litttle...
kitchen, to make som coffee
Then I grip the newspaper
Udelad home i sætningen home in Turkey, eller skriv back in Turkey
Prisoners being tortured in the prison
Sometimes accidents happens in Denmark as well.
a house was burning
while others already stood there looking at the flames
and it did not last long until the fire
when I turn on the television, it is easy to feel sick again,
Det var det jeg lige kunne finde i farten.
Håber du kan finde ud af det
mvh dova
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Det ville nok være nemmere hvis du også postede den danske tekst, der er jo ting der kan oversættes på forskellige måder, ting i din tekst je gumiddelbart mener er forkert, men det kommer jo an på den danske version
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| Kommentar Fra : dova |
Dato : 28-11-04 19:26 |
Der er i hvert fald en ting der er direkte forkert.
Political prisoners are torturing in the prisons. Det betyder oversat til dansk, at det er fangerne der torturerer nogen.
mvh dova
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| Kommentar Fra : Claus999 |
Dato : 28-11-04 20:03 |
Jeg ved godt, at du måske kan undre dig over min daglige tilværelse, som det fremgår af dit sidste brev. Men efter at jeg er flyttet til Danmark, er det kun gennem massemedierne, at jeg oplever nød og elendighed. Jeg vil fortælle dig lidt om, hvordan det føles.
Hver morgen står jeg op klokken 7. Efter et brusebad går jeg ud i køkkenet, laver kaffe og dækker bord. Så henter jeg avisen, og samtidig med at jeg spiser morgenmad, læser jeg den.
I dag er der igen artikler om alle de forfærdelige ting, der sker over hele verden netop nu. Der er for eksempel en artikel om nogle terrorister, der holder mere end 100 mennesker som gidsler i en bank. Der er også billeder af børn, der sulter i Afrika, og flygtninge, der lider nød i Asien. På forsiden er der en artikel om situationen hjemme i Tyrkiet. Det er svært at forestille sig, at politiske fanger torteres i fængslerne, mens jeg sidder hyggeligt og drikker morgenkaffe.
Somme tider sker der dog også ulykker her i Danmark. I går, for eksempel, da jeg sad og spiste morgenmad, hørte jeg et højt brag. Jeg styrtede hen til vinduet og så, at et hus brændte. En masse mennesker stimlede sammen, imens andre allerede stod og så på flammerne, der slikkede op ad husets mure. Imidlertidig ankom ambulancer og brandbiler snart, og inden længe var ilden slukket. Ambulancefolkene gik længe og søgte efter beboere i huset - de vidste ikke, at hele familien tilbragte ferien i Spanien.
Og i aften, når jeg tænder for fjernsynet, vil jeg igen sidde og føle mig ilde til mode, fordi jeres elendighed er min underholdning.
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| Kommentar Fra : Claus999 |
Dato : 28-11-04 20:03 |
Ovenstående er den på dansk
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| Accepteret svar Fra : dova | Modtaget 100 point Dato : 28-11-04 20:51 |
I know that You may find my weekday a little strange, this it appears from your latest letter. But since I moved to Denmark, it is only by the mass-medias I know of misery and wretchedness. I will tell you a little about how it feels.
Every morning I get up at 7 o'clock. After the shower I go to the kitchen to make some coffee and to set the table.
Then I take the newspaper and read it while I eat breakfast.
Also today there is articles about all the terrible events taking place all over the world right now. As an example there is an article about some terrorists that keeps more than a hundred people as hostages in a bank.
There are photos of children starving in Africa as well, and refugees that suffers in Asia.
On the frontpage there is an article about the situation in Turkey. It is hard to imagine that political prisoners are being tortured in prisons while I am enjoying myself drinking coffee in the morning.
Some times accidents happens in Denmark though. Yesterday for instance, while I was eating breakfast, I heard a loud crash. I rushed to the window and found that a house was in flames. A lot of people crowded and others alredy stood there watching the flames licking the walls of the house. Meanwhile the ambulances and the fire engines arrived, and very soon the fire was put out.
The rescue people spent a long time searching for the people living in the house- They did not know, that the entire family spent their holiday in Spain.
And tonight when I turn on the television, I will sit once more and feel bad, because your misery is my entertainment.
Ja det var mit forslag til en oversættelse
mvh dova
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| Godkendelse af svar Fra : Claus999 |
Dato : 28-11-04 22:25 |
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