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Gunnar - Haunted Honeymoon
Vist : 633 gange
200 point
Dato : 09-08-04 14:44

Jeg skal bruge akkorderne til denne gode sang... Håber I kan hjælpe mig?

Fra : upyoursmate

Dato : 10-08-04 10:44

Haunted Honeymoon
Aadd9 Dmaj7 Aadd9 Dmaj7
Dont give in to your fears, don’t give in to frozen tears,
C#sus4 F#m D H7 Eaug
you said it once, oh you said it twice, it doesn’t matter now.
Aadd9 Dmaj7 Aadd9 Dmaj7
Get me off this haunted honeymoon, everything is over all to soon,
C#sus4 F#m D H7 Eaug
I said it once, oh I said it twice, it doesn’t matter now.
D /maj7 C#m7 H
When the light of day, finally fades away, slowly you’ll forget my name,
D /maj7 C#m7 H Eaug
and when you fill the room, my haunted honeymoon, slowly I’ll forget your name.

How come I get cold when I’m with you? When all I ever wanted was you, I said it once, oh I said it twice, it doesn’t matter now. When the light of day, finally fades away, slowly you’ll forget my name, and when you fill the room, my haunted honeymoon, slowly I’ll forget your name too. I’ll forget your name. Tomorrow is a day to be alive, or just another day to survive. When the light of day, finally fades away, slowly you’ll forget my name, and when you fill the room, my haunted honeymoon, slowly I’ll forget your name too. I’ll forget your name too now, now. I’ll forget your name.

Accepteret svar
Fra : upyoursmate

Modtaget 200 point
Dato : 10-08-04 10:52

Haunted Honeymoon
Aadd9 Dmaj7 Aadd9 Dmaj7
Dont give in to your fears, don’t give in to frozen tears,
C#sus4 F#m D H7 Eaug
you said it once, oh you said it twice, it doesn’t matter now. Aadd9 Dmaj7 Aadd9 Dmaj7
Get me off this haunted honeymoon, everything is over all to soon,
C#sus4 F#m D H7 Eaug
I said it once, oh I said it twice, it doesn’t matter now.

D /maj7 C#m7 H
When the light of day, finally fades away, slowly you’ll forget my name,

D /maj7 C#m7 H Eaug
and when you fill the room, my haunted honeymoon, slowly I’ll forget your name.

How come I get cold when I’m with you? When all I ever wanted was you, I said it once, oh I said it twice, it doesn’t matter now. When the light of day, finally fades away, slowly you’ll forget my name, and when you fill the room, my haunted honeymoon, slowly I’ll forget your name too. I’ll forget your name. Tomorrow is a day to be alive, or just another day to survive. When the light of day, finally fades away, slowly you’ll forget my name, and when you fill the room, my haunted honeymoon, slowly I’ll forget your name too. I’ll forget your name too now, now. I’ll forget your name.

Fra : upyoursmate

Dato : 10-08-04 10:54

Nå, det kan åbenbart ikke lade sig gøre at få det til at stå ordentlig... Du må nøjes med dette. Beklager.

Mvh Upyoursmate.


Dato : 10-08-04 16:11

Tak det er fint, tror jeg finder ud af det...

Fra : upyoursmate

Dato : 17-08-04 15:06

Hvor er mine point???!???!?!!!!

Godkendelse af svar

Dato : 17-10-04 21:17

Tak for svaret upyoursmate.

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