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kan ikke huske hvad den sang hedder.
Fra : RaB
Vist : 443 gange
20 point
Dato : 30-06-04 11:50

jeg er på jagt efter en gammel sang men kan ikke huske hvad den hedder. men sanger ind holder det her :

one day we gonanna get so high

plz hjælp det er hvis en kærligheds sang

Accepteret svar
Fra : taliskoko

Modtaget 30 point
Dato : 30-06-04 12:10


Det er Lighthouse family med nummeret "High".

Du kan høre det her: http://www.universalmusic.dk/artist_album.asp?id=2040#

Fra : ans

Dato : 30-06-04 12:20


When you're close to tears remember
Someday it'll all be over
One day we're gonna get so high
Though it's darker than December
What's ahead is a different colour
One day we're gonna get so high

And at the end of the day remember the days
When we were close to the end
And wonder how we made it through the night
At the end of the day
Remember the way
We stayed so close to the end
We'll remember it was me and you

Cause we are gonna be
Forever, you and me
You will
Always keep it flying high in the sky
Of love
Don't you think it's time you started
Doing what we always wanted
One day we're gonna get so high
Cause even the impossible
Is easy when we got each other
One day we're gonna get so high

And at the end of the day remember the days
When we were close to the end
And wonder how we made it through the night
At the end of the day
Remember the way
We stayed so close to the end
We'll remember it was me and you

Cause we are gonna be
Forever, you and me
You will
Always keep it flying high in the sky
Of love

Cause we are gonna be
Forever, you and me
You will
Always keep it flying high in the sky
Of love

And at the end of the day remember the days
When we were close to the end
And wonder how we made it through the night
At the end of the day
Remember the way
We stayed so close to the end
We'll remember it was me and you

Cause we are gonna be
Forever, you and me
You will
Always keep it flying high in the sky
Of love

Cause we are gonna be
Forever, you and me
You will
Always keep it flying high in the sky
Of love

Cause we are gonna be
Forever, you and me
You will
Always keep it flying high in the sky
Of love

Cause we are gonna be
Forever, you and me
You will
Always keep it flying high in the sky
Of love...

Hilsen ans

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : RaB

Dato : 30-06-04 23:57

Tak for svaret taliskoko.

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