 | Ideer og eventuelt ret Fra : dr0zie  | Vist : 484 gange 80 point Dato : 01-04-04 17:58 |
En der kan rette dette og eventulet komme med nogle ideer hvad jeg kan skrive til ;)
My Life in 10 years?
Well, it's a very good question, I've been thinking intensely about it, and I've reached the following answer.
I see myself sitting in a black leather chair, wearing a black Armani suit.
I'm sitting on the top floor of the Microsoft Corporation's head office in Denmark,
I got this job 2 years before I finished my education. I have been studied Computer graphics and programming. I am now 26 years old, I have a girlfriend named Susie, and a child named Mini Me. We life in a house, in Copenhagen. We have 3 cars, one Mercedes S 650, black, one Nisan skyline, and last a Ferrari.
The Nisan Skyline is my car, and only mine. I use it, when I want to have fun.
After 5 years work at Microsoft, I desired to open my own company.
I opened the company named “Network Graphic” with a friend, from England.
The company runs very good, we earn a lot of money, but I don’t run this company for the money. I have that sum of money, I need to life the rest of my life in luxury.
I run Network Graphic, for fun. I don’t want to stop working, as a 32 years man.
Ps: Starter med at give 1 points for at tit oblevet at mine spørgsmål ikke bliver besvaret og så er de points mistet men giver 100 points til den der kan rette det og komme med nogler ideer først;)
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 | Kommentar Fra : refi  |
Dato : 01-04-04 18:01 |
Hvad skal det bruges til - og det er skam alvorligt ment.
Sprogbruget er jo ikke ens til alle befolkningsgrupper.
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 | Kommentar Fra : zhogun  |
Dato : 01-04-04 18:16 |
"We live..."
"one Nissan skyline and last a Ferrari" - ikke komma tilsidst.
"I open.." det er vel ikke nutid?
"as a 32 year old man" tror ikke man kan bruge den vending..
får endnu et barn og træder mere tilbage i virksomheden for at pleje familien
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 | Kommentar Fra : zhogun  |
Dato : 01-04-04 18:17 |
tilføjelser: vendingen kan selvfølgelig godt bruges nu tror jeg :)
Nissan er med to s'er
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 | Kommentar Fra : SEPPE  |
Dato : 01-04-04 18:26 |
We life in a house
need to life the rest of my ...
Life= Live
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 | Kommentar Fra : Paulus1  |
Dato : 01-04-04 18:50 |
I have studied
I wanted to start my own company
I have earned enough money, to be able to live the rest of my life in luxury
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 | Kommentar Fra : SEPPE  |
Dato : 01-04-04 18:55 |
I 5. linie skal du lige rette skyline til Skyline.
Ved ikke om du kan bruge noget af dette, faldt lige over det:
when someone asks me for my dreams I would first say to be like my father, but that is not enough. You see I love, respect and admire my father more then words can describe. Yes ofcourse I want to be like him, but better. He has given me what he has learned, so I may make some broad attempt at trying to get myself through life. So far I have not done so well but that has not turned me from my dream. I want to love and be loved. I want to have that feeling of love. I want to be a husband a father a friend. Most of all I want to be a father. I want to pass what what my father has showwed me to someone else. It is the least I can do and he deserves it. I want to give the love that my father has and gives to me, that is my goal for the time being, and has been for most of my life.
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 | Kommentar Fra : dr0zie  |
Dato : 01-04-04 19:03 |
Det sr fint ud med de rettelser:
Prøver lige at rette dem og tilføje lidt mere og så kommer det lige herind ;)
Ville gerne be jer gører det lidt mere overskueligt det i har rettet;) næste gang ;)refi hvad mener du?
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 | Accepteret svar Fra : refi  |  Modtaget 80 point Dato : 01-04-04 19:33 |
Ok mit bud
My Life in 10 years? (hvad mener du med det-er det OM 10 år)
Well, it's a very good question, I've been thinking intensely about it, and I've reached the following answer.
I see myself sitting in a black leather chair, wearing a black Armani suit.
I'm sitting on the top floor of the Microsoft Corporation's head office in Denmark.
I got this job 2 years before I finished my education studying Computer graphics and programming.
I am now 26 years old, have a girlfriend named Susie and a child named Mini Me.
We live in a house in Copenhagen.
We have 3 cars - a black Mercedes S 650, a Nisan Skyline and last but not least, a Ferrari.
The Nisan Skyline is my car, and only mine. I use it when I want to have fun.
After 5 years work at Microsoft, I desired to open my own company.
I opened the company named “Network Graphic” with a friend from England.
The company runs very good, we earn a lot of money, but I don’t run this company for the money. I already have the amount of money I need to live the rest of my life in luxury.
I run Network Graphic for fun because I don’t want to stop working as a 32 years man.
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 | Kommentar Fra : SEPPE  |
Dato : 01-04-04 20:19 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : dr0zie  |
Dato : 01-04-04 20:31 |
Sådan her er den så :
My Life in 10 years?
Well, it's a very good question, I've been thinking intensely about it, and I've reached the following answer.
I see myself sitting in a black leather chair, wearing a black Armani suit.
I'm sitting on the top floor of the Microsoft Corporation's head office in Denmark,
I got this job 2 years before I finished my education studying Computer graphics and programming. I am now 26 years old, have a girlfriend named Susie, and a child named Mini Me. We life in a house, in Copenhagen. We have 3 cars - a black Mercedes S 650, a Nisan Skyline and last but not least, a Ferrari.
The Nissan Skyline is my car, and only mine. I use it when I want to have fun.
After 5 years work at Microsoft, I desired to open my own company.
I opened the company named “Network Graphic” with a friend from England.
The company runs very good, we earn a lot of money, but I don’t run this company for the money. I already have the amount of money I need to live the rest of my life in luxury. I run Network Graphic for fun because I don’t want to stop working as a 32 years man.
When someone asks me for my dreams I would first say to be like my father, but that is not enough. You see I love, respect and admire my father more then words can describe. Yes of course I want to be like him, but better. He has given me what he has learned, so I may make some broad attempt at trying to get myself through life. So far I have not done so well but that has not turned me from my dream. I want to love and be loved. I want to have that feeling of love. I want to be a husband a father a friend. Most of all I want to be a father. I want to pass what my father has showed me. It is the least I can do and he deserves it. I want to give the love that my father and my mother has and gives to me. Of course I want to be like I have wrote above, but first like I said, I want to be a father.
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 | Kommentar Fra : refi  |
Dato : 01-04-04 20:37 |
more then words > more than words
but better > just better
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 | Kommentar Fra : dr0zie  |
Dato : 01-04-04 20:38 |
er det, det hele der skal rettes;)
Og syntes der mangler noget ;)
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 | Kommentar Fra : refi  |
Dato : 01-04-04 20:39 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : refi  |
Dato : 01-04-04 20:44 |
Det klarer vi hurtigt
Hvor meget til hver.
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 | Kommentar Fra : dr0zie  |
Dato : 01-04-04 20:46 |
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 | Godkendelse af svar Fra : dr0zie  |
Dato : 01-04-04 20:47 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : refi  |
Dato : 01-04-04 20:49 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : dr0zie  |
Dato : 01-04-04 20:51 |
selv tak .. Venter på jeres andre svar inde på de andre link jeg har skrevet ^^^
ses og mange tak alle sammen ;)
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