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Harry Potter & hemmelighedernes kammer
Fra : MSondergaard
Vist : 1005 gange
150 point
Dato : 05-03-04 08:39

Er der nogen der kan hjælpe.

I Harry Potter & hemmmelighedernes kammer er der en mur i læselokalet på 7. sal. Man skal kravle ind først.
Denne mur kan jeg ikke åbne - hjælp søges.

Fra : Mallie

Dato : 05-03-04 13:22

PS2 ?

Fra : MSondergaard

Dato : 06-03-04 09:03

Ja til PS 2

Fra : mikael_hanna

Dato : 08-03-04 14:46

Hejsa igen MSondergaard.

Du kan vist nok ikke åbne denne væg.... nu har jeg ikke spillet selv. Men du kan læse en komplet walkthrough af spillet her http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/game/16955.html . Jeg har læst lidt og kan ikke rigtig finde ud af hvad du mener med at åbne væggen..! Men du finder helt sikkert løsningen i en af de walkthrougs der er på siden..


Fra : dscoop80

Dato : 08-03-04 15:06


Mvh. Cooper

Fra : MSondergaard

Dato : 09-03-04 07:30

Tak Cooper

Men denne væk burde kunne åbnes , den er markeret og de sidste troldmandkort ligger i dette rum, får jeg fat i dem har jeg samtlige og spillet er fulført. Mon ikke der er en eller anden der kender løsningen. Det samme gælder bogen Gensyn med genfærd den kan jeg ikke finde.

Fra : mikael_hanna

Dato : 09-03-04 09:44

Hej fandt det her... kig på andet spørgsmål, det er nok det du har brug for..!

Q. Where is Fred/George's shop?
A. It located behind a portrait on the back wall towards the right corner in the
Reading Room on the seventh floor. (Through the Gryffindor portrait entrance
and before the common room) There is one prefect (Percy) patrolling this
area. The shop is only accessible during the night or on the last day of

| F|
| | | |
_____| |_____
/ \____________
/ ___ |
/ / \ |
Fred/George's Shop ---> | ( ) |
| \___/ _______??___|
\ /=====| |
\ /======| |
\ /=======| |
-------------------[ * ]---=======| |
| ###### |=======| |
|# ____ # |=======| |
|# | | # | |
|# |____| # | |
7th Floor ----> |# # | |----
Reading Room | | |
| # | |
| P # | | <-- Secret
| # #| | Passage
| # #| |
| #| |
|###### ###### | |
-----------| #| |
<-- Gryffindor | H #?? |
Common Room | #|-------
-----------| #### |

##### Bookshelves

?? Secret Passage(s)

[ * ] Portrait entrance to Fred/George's shop

P Prefect (Percy)

H This is where you (Harry) are located when you enter the room.

F Famous Witches and Wizards Card. Some traded cards may appear
in this location.

Q. Where is the restricted section of the library?
A. To get into the restricted section of the library, you'll have to go through
the door with the golden annex. DO NOT go through the doors that lead to the
actual library. Here's a diagram.

---------------- ---******-------
| |
| ^ |
| +++++++++++ +++++++++++ |
| |
| +++++++++++ +++++++++++ |
| ^ |
| |
---------------| H |---------------


XXXXXXX Doors to the main library. (DO NOT ENTER)

^(s) Patrolling prefects. (x3)

+++++++++++ Reading desks. (used for hiding behind/sneaking)

****** Door with golden annex.

H This is where you (Harry) are when you first enter the reading
Room from the second floor.

This is a rough diagram of the Reading Room on the second floor. From the
second floor, go through the door that says "Library (Reading Room)". There
are three prefects patrolling around in this room. Do not go through the doors
leading to the library. Instead, go through the doors with the golden annex
located to the RIGHT of the entrance to the main library.

In the next area, you'll have to avoid and sneak past a couple prefects to get
the back of the room. There's a single portrait on the back wall. Say the
password to reveal the crawl hole. Crawl through to find yourself in the
restricted section of the library.


Fra : mikael_hanna

Dato : 09-03-04 09:45

Hov tegningerne blev ikke så gode. Væggene flyttde sig lidt .. håber du stadig kan se mnening i det,,!


Fra : mikael_hanna

Dato : 09-03-04 09:52

Hvis du har brug for ´de ordentlige tegninger kan du gå ind på det link jeg gav dig før, og vælge "wizard card faq" her har du dem i slutningen af teksten....


Fra : MSondergaard

Dato : 10-03-04 07:40

Hej Mikael _ Hanna

Det er her på 7. ved Secret Passage jeg ikke kan komme ind - ved stadig ikke hvordan., og hvad jeg skal gøre for at denne væg flytter sig.
Tak for tegningerne.

Fra : MSondergaard

Dato : 10-03-04 07:54

Hej kan nogen hjælpe eller oversætte evt. kort fortælle hvad dette betyder.eller hvad jeg skal gøre ved dette ????

Transformation spell
After you acquire the spell and return to the main room, use it to get across the room on the other side of the gargoyle. You will need to use the hardly visible ledges to cross. Hang off the wall ledge to escape nearing ghosts, and push down the slabs to make a bridge. Once this is done, you will have to fight the gargoyle. It is recommended that you get on the right staircase, halfway up. Then, use the spell on the last stone and the door will open.

Fra : mikael_hanna

Dato : 10-03-04 09:24

Hej igen.

Det du vil have oversat har jo ikke noget med det andet rum at gøre, så vidt jeg kan se. Det er en tekst om en transformations-formular, og hvad man skal bruge denne til efter man har fået den. Man skal gå til hovedrummet og bruge formularen til at komme til den af side af rummet på den anden side af gargoylen. Man skal bruge de små næsten usynlige platforme/kante i væggen til at komme gennem rummet. Hæng ned fra væg-kanten for at undgå spøgelserne, og sa skal man trykke ned på nogle "slabs" for at bygge en bro. Når dette er gjort skal man bekæmpe gargoylen. Der bliver foreslået at man tager den højre trappe og halvvejs oppe kaster formularen på den sidste sten og døren vil åbne sig.

Som sagt før så har dette vel ikke noget med læserummet at gøre..?


Fra : mikael_hanna

Dato : 10-03-04 09:33

Hej. Bogen "gensyn med genfærd" eller "gaddling with ghouls" på engelsk skulle efter sigende fås sådan her:

Gå til døren til tummet med de konfiskerede ting og vend rundt. Til højre skulle du kunne se noget grønt græs. Stig på Nimbus 2000 og flyv derover, og bogen skulel så være der.!

Go to the door to the confiscated items storeroom and turn around. Over to your right you should see a patch of green grass. Get on your Nimbus 2000 and fly over there and then the book is yours.


Fra : mikael_hanna

Dato : 10-03-04 09:40

Prøv at læse den her tekst. Jeg VED at her findes løsningen til dit problem.
7. Hogwarts: A History

Once again, you wake up in the middle of the night. Meet Hermione
by the enterance to the Common Room, and she'll tell you that she
wants you to sneak into the Library Restricted Section on the
second floor and get her a copy of Hogwarts: A History. Once again,
you're playing errand boy for her. As a last thought, she'll tell
you to watch out for Prefects.

On the second floor, enter the room all the way at the back. Once
in the Library, sneak by the Prefects and enter the door on the right
in the back. It's easy to find with it's golden glow. In the next
room, you have to dodge more Prefects in a more complicated maze.
Flipendo them if you're having trouble, and enter the portrait at the
far end of this room.

Welcome to the Restricted Section, where you promptly get trapped in
by bookcases. You're now in a tall room, with books lining the walls
as far up as you can see. On the right wall of this room is a ladder
that will lead you upwards. Climb it to the first landing, then
creep across the wall to the next ladder. Watch out for the books as
you creep along, as they'll knock you off the ledge. On the fourth
landing is a door instead of a ladder. Enter it and proceed to the
door at the end of the next room as well.

In the large library, proceed to the right around the bookcases to
find a door covered with green slime, and a chest with an Owl Treat
in it. Take the Treat, and proceed to the other side of the room to
find a stand to call Hedwig at. She has a note that basically tells
you that Hogwarts: A History can only be viewed by appointment.
Well, you're going to make your own appointment. Give Hedwig the
Owl Treat, and she'll fly across the room to release a ladder. Go
back to where the slime covered door was, and there will now be a
ladder to the left of it. Climb up the ladder, and turn around.
Jump onto the ledge that is above the door, and then across onto the
next bookcase. Creep along the wall to the next bookcase, then
cast Diffindo on the rope blocking the next ledge. Move along this
walkway and cast Diffindo again to remove the rope at the end. Now
jump across the bookcases and make your way to the copy of Hogwarts:
A History on the pedastool. Take it and a door will open. Jump down
and head to the left into the newly opened door.

There will be slime blocking your way on the right, so go down the
stairs on the left and through the door. A bookcase will slowly be
walking towards you. Target it and hit it with Flipendo while
dodging the books that it throws at you. After a while, it will fall
over. Now grab the block that is right next to it, and move it back
to where you started the fight. Place it in front of the square
bookcase to give yourself a step to climb up on. Get on the book-
case, and target the book flying in the air. Use Flipendo to make it
fall, then jump to the next bookcase top. Repeat this process all
the way across, dodging the ghosts as you go. At the far end of the
room is the Skurge spellbook. Yes, it can be very difficult to get
past this area. Just keep trying. Now return to the room that had
the copy of Hogwarts: A History in it, and go to the left to find
the slime covered door. Use Skurge to remove the slime and proceed
through the door. Proceed through the room with the torches to a
large circular room with four slime covered passageways and a barred

Proceed through any of the slime covered halls by using Skurge, and
Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle will appear. Malfoy will send Crabbe off
to fight you. Behind each of the slime covered halls is a room with
a button in it. Each button removes one of the four bars blocking
the exit door. After hitting two button, you will face Crabbe in a
duel. Both of you have nine health this time. Just use the same
Expelliarmus/Diffindo tactic that you used against Malfoy to make
sort work of him. Draco will then send Goyle off to fight you. He
will appear after you hit the final two buttons. Defeat him, then
go through the now open exit door.

Go down the stairs and into the next room. A slime barrier will be
blocking your way, so remove it with Skurge. The door to leave is
on the right past the slime, but it's barred. Pull the block back
through where the slime was, and to the base of the stairs. Now pull
it one space away from the stairs, and over to the wall on the left
or the right. Jump up on it and then onto the ledge above. Cast
Skurge to remove the slime, and then cast Skurge on the slime-covered
switches to activate them. Once you use both switches, the door will
open. Cast Lumos in the dark room behind the door to find a secret
panel in the wall, then make your way past the Prefects back to the
Grand Staircase, and then cast Diffindo on the tapestry across from
the Girl's Bathroom. Open the chest to get a Wizards Card. Now go
cut the tapestry that is next to the Library, and proceed down the
hallway behind it and up the staircase. At the top of the stairs,
enter the room on the right, and take the small stairs to your left.
Cast Skurge on the chest at the top to get a bigger Bean bag. You
can now carry 100 beans instead of 50. Leave this room and continue
down the hallway to the crawlspace leading to the fourth floor. Go
to the bookcase directly across from the crawlspace, and open it to
find the secret passage to the seventh floor. Go up the long spiral
staircase, then through the crawlspace at the far end of the hallway.
Enter the portrait of the Fat Lady, and you'll meet Hermione and Ron
waiting for you. Hermione will repeat what the book says about the
Chamber of Secrets, which you can find out by just reading the book
yourself when you pick it up. Once the cutscene is finished, go
pay a visit to Fred and George, and purchase the Alohomora spellbook.
Exit through the secret passage in the bathroom, and cast Skurge on
the slime covered chest to get a Wizards Card. Then end the day.


Fra : mikael_hanna

Dato : 10-03-04 10:15

Forresten har du været i Fred og Georges butik (toilettet)??


Fra : MSondergaard

Dato : 10-03-04 12:57

Ja, der har jeg været

Fra : mikael_hanna

Dato : 10-03-04 13:05

Kan du ikke sige mig nummeret (og navnet) på de kort du mangler..? så skal jeg finde dem for dig.:! Fandt du bogen du manglede..?


Accepteret svar
Fra : mikael_hanna

Modtaget 150 point
Dato : 31-03-04 17:57

Nu siger jeg som HUGO... ØHHHHHHH...... HALLO er der nogen hjemme..?

Får ingen point for deres arbejde de har lavet med dit spørgsmål..? Kedeligt at man skal bruge tid og ressourcer på at hjælpe folk, og så gider de ikke sige tak ved at godkende et svar..!


Godkendelse af svar
Fra : MSondergaard

Dato : 01-04-04 07:49

Tak for svaret mikael_hanna.

ET STORT UNDSKYLD , men har haft ferie på hjernen - er lige vendt hjem fra varmen.
Tak mange gange Michael .

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