| hjælp til hp Fra : tronddk | Vist : 368 gange 40 point Dato : 20-01-04 15:03 |
hej jeg har en hp som er www.animationer1.1go.dk men nu er det jeg ikke fatter og opload bilder i 1go hvis du har en hp der inde eller har en html kode så jeg kan sætte bilder ind så skriv
på forhånd tak
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du laver en mappe der f.eks. hedder Billeder
Så ændre su din kode til <img border="0" src="Billeder/welcome.gif" width="337" height="118">
Så laver du på mappe på go1.dk og uploader filen til welcome.gif til den nye mappe Billeder som du laver.
Det skulle virke.
skriv hvis du ik forstår
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| Accepteret svar Fra : molokyle | Modtaget 50 point Dato : 20-01-04 15:29 |
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| Kommentar Fra : molokyle |
Dato : 20-01-04 16:17 |
Hmm.. Det er vist din explorer der er syg.
Når jeg tjekker din side får jeg :
Citat And the Results Are...
CSE HTML Validator Professional v6.01 generated 0 error messages, 3 warning messages, and 20 other messages when checking this web page. These problems may damage this web page's search engine rankings as well as cause viewing problems for visitors. It is highly recommended that any problems be corrected.
ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION: Of all the messages generated, 3 messages had to do with accessibility. While this page did not generate any accessibility errors or warnings (Congratulations!), it is very likely that there are opportunities to improve this web site's accessibility. Consider reviewing this web site for accessibility issues. CSE HTML Validator can help. |
.og denne fatale meddelelse:
Citat Fatal Error: No DOCTYPE specified!
I could not parse this document, because it does not include a DOCTYPE Declaration. A DOCTYPE Declaration is mandatory for most current markup languages and without such a declaration it is impossible to validate this document.
You should place a DOCTYPE declaration as the very first thing in your HTML document. For example, for a typical XHTML 1.0 document:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<!-- ... body of document ... -->
For XML documents, you may also wish to include an "XML Declaration" even before the DOCTYPE Declaration, but this is not well supported in older browsers. More information about this can be found in the XHTML 1.0 Recommendation.
The W3C QA Activity maintains a List of Valid Doctypes that you can choose from, and the WDG maintains a document on "Choosing a DOCTYPE". |
Råd? Find dig en anden HTML editor end Frontpage. F.eks : http://www.webwriter.dk/
..eller en anden : http://tucows.tdconline.dk/htmledit95_default.html
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| Kommentar Fra : molokyle |
Dato : 20-01-04 18:59 |
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| Kommentar Fra : molokyle |
Dato : 20-01-04 19:00 |
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