 | Kommentar Fra : senta  |
Dato : 10-01-04 17:09 |
Dex2 BODILD LARSEN er fra Fs. prøv at søge der
You searched for: Bodil Larsdatter, Birth/Christening, 1750 - 1770, Abenraa-Sonderborg, Denmark, Denmark
Exact Spelling: Off
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International Genealogical Index / Denmark - 2
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1. BODILD LARSEN - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 09 OCT 1768 Uge, Aabenraa-Sonderborg, Denmark
2. BODEL LARSEN - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 05 AUG 1770 Lojt, Aabenraa-Sonderborg, Denmark
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 | Kommentar Fra : senta  |
Dato : 10-01-04 17:12 |
Er det din BODIL LARSDR ?
FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0 Denmark
Family Group Record
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Marriage: 16 MAY 1790 Garnisons Sogn, Kobenhavn, Kobenhavn, Denmark
Marriage: 16 MAY 1790 Garnisons Sogn, Kobenhavn, Kobenhavn, Denmark
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 | Kommentar Fra : jkrjk2  |
Dato : 10-01-04 20:36 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : senta  |
Dato : 10-01-04 21:33 |
data for fødsel af Bodil Larsen fra FS:
IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
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Bodil Larsen
Birth: 31 OCT 1792 Vandlose, Bronshoj, Kobenhavn, Denmark
Death: 15 NOV 1792
Father: Lars Madsen Family
Mother: Marie Sorensen
Record submitted by a member of the LDS Church. The record often shows the name of the individual and his or her relationship to a descendant, shown as the heir, family representative, or relative. The original records are not indexed, and you may have to look at the film frame-by-frame to find the information you want. A family group record for this couple may be in the Family Group Record Collection; Archive Section. (See the Family History Library Catalog for the film number.) These records are alphabetical by name of the father or husband.
Source Information:
Film Number: 537492
Page Number:
Reference number:
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Use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use (last updated: 3/22/1999).
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 | Kommentar Fra : senta  |
Dato : 10-01-04 21:35 |
Se bort fra ovenstående her er den rigtige Bodil Larsen ..beklager.
IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
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Bodil Larsen
Female Family
Birth: About 1765 , Kobenhavn, Denmark
Death: 11 FEB 1792
Spouse: Johan Gottlieb Kyhn Family
Record submitted by a member of the LDS Church. The record often shows the name of the individual and his or her relationship to a descendant, shown as the heir, family representative, or relative. The original records are not indexed, and you may have to look at the film frame-by-frame to find the information you want. A family group record for this couple may be in the Family Group Record Collection; Archive Section. (See the Family History Library Catalog for the film number.) These records are alphabetical by name of the father or husband.
Source Information:
Film Number: 184607
Page Number:
Reference number: 17238
© 1999-2002 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. English approval: 3/1999
Use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use (last updated: 3/22/1999).
Privacy Policy (last updated: 10/12/2001). 27 http://www.familysearch.org v.2.5.0
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 | Kommentar Fra : senta  |
Dato : 10-01-04 21:37 |
Så er der frit valg her er 7x Bodil Larsdatter på FS.
You searched for: , Birth/Christening, 1765, Kobenhavn, Denmark, Denmark
Exact Spelling: Off
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International Genealogical Index / Denmark - 7
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1. Bodil Larson - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Birth: About 1765 , Kobenhavn, Denmark
2. Bodil Larsen - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Birth: 28 JUL 1765 Ramsomagle, Gadstrup, Kobenhavn, Denmark
3. Bodil Larsen - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Birth: 28 JUL 1765 Ramsomagle, , Kobenhavn, Denmark
4. BODIL LARSEN - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Birth: 28 JUL 1765 Ramsomagle-Gadstrup, Kobenhavn, Denmark
5. BODIL LARSEN - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Birth: 28 JUL 1765 Ramsomagle-Gadstrup, Kobenhavn, Denmark
6. Bodil Larsen - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Birth: About 1765 , Kobenhavn, Denmark
7. Bodil Larsen - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Birth: 28 JUL 1765 Ramsomagle, , Kobenhavn, Denmark
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© 1999-2002 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. English approval: 3/1999
Use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use (last updated: 3/22/1999).
Privacy Policy (last updated: 10/12/2001). 27 http://www.familysearch.org v.2.5.0
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 | Kommentar Fra : jkrjk2  |
Dato : 11-01-04 12:50 |
Hej Finn!
Hvis hun er født i Aabenraa 246, er hun ikke født i Ramsømagle (v/Roskilde).
Der er en Bodil Larsdatter 22 år i FT1787:
Samtlige personer i husstanden
kbhv, København (Staden), Frimand Kvarter, , , Klosterstræde 41, 4, FT-1787
Der vises flg. felter:
Navn, Alder, Civilstand, Stilling i husstanden, Erhverv , Fødested
Christian Colding, 49, Gift, Hosbonde, Bud og Fyrbøder ved det Tydske Cancellie,
Henriche Holm, 37, Gift, Hans Kone, ,
Jørgen Colding, 13, Ugift, Deres Barn, ,
Christian, 11, Ugift, Deres Barn, ,
Friderich, 2, Ugift, Deres Barn, ,
Margrethe, 10, Ugift, Deres Barn, ,
Elisabeth Holm, 66, Ugift, , Nyder Almisse,
Bodil Lars Datter, 22, Ugift, Tienestepige, ,
Det er langt fra alle FT for KBH 1787 som er indtastede, så hun kan "gemme" sig et andet sted.
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 | Godkendelse af svar Fra : Finn_Kyhn  |
Dato : 11-01-04 22:46 |
Tak for svaret jkrjk2.
Jeg havde aldrig tænkt over at det kunne være en gade i København. Nu er hun også placeret, men straks kommer der en ny tanke. Gad vide hvad der skete med deres søn Carl GOttlieb Kyhn (Kühn) født i 1790 i København. Han var 2 år da moderen døde i barselssengen og 7 år da faderen styrtede ned på Christiansborg og blev dræbt. Han bliver konfirmeret 1806 i Tysk-reformet kirke i København.
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 | Kommentar Fra : jkrjk2  |
Dato : 12-01-04 17:28 |
Hej Finn!
Står der måske hvor han boede ved konfirmationen? Og hvor var han i 1801 (der var moderen vel død?)?
Det kan måske give et fingerpeg om hans "skæbne"?
Hilsen Jeannie
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 | Kommentar Fra : Finn_Kyhn  |
Dato : 13-01-04 23:07 |
Desværre er det en andenhåndsoplysning jeg har vedr. hans konfirmation, som jeg ikke selv har tjekket. Jeg har forsøgt mig i FT-1801 i København på nettet men uden resultat. Begge hans forældre var døde i 1801 og så vidt jeg ved havde han ingen søskende. Han bliver konfirmeret i 1806 i Tysk-reformeret kirke i København, men der står intet opholdssted. Resten af sine dage foregår også i København samt på Frederiksberg, så mon ikke han også var her fra faderens død 1797 til 1801. Men hvor ??????????
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