 | Accepteret svar Fra : srhansen  |  Modtaget 210 point Dato : 06-01-04 21:57 |
Hej jaco9240
Jeg har ikke fundet ud af hvorfor det ikke virker, men jeg har fundet et tip til at gennemføre dette scenario:
Citat Campaign #17 Dilemma Down Under—1957
+1 credit rating.
-25% engine purchase cost.
-20% fuel cost.
Have a company net income(profit) of 1 million for 3 consecutive years.
I took choice #2 and ran diesels. The best places to start are either around Melbourne or Sydney. I prefer Sydney as you can almost entirely avoid mountainous track. Take out bonds and issue stock in your company. It's a good idea to issue stock every year. Start with track from Sydney to Newcastle and a couple of GP-9's. Expand to Brisbane and upgrade to GP-18's when they are available. Haul all the freight you can , especially iron/coal-steel. Don't bother with the track you are given at the start. It's mostly useless and in the middle of nowhere. I don't even bulldoze it. Once you connect to Brisbane run long routes with everything you can. Buy industry that's lucrative or better as well. After you have a 1 million profit year slow down your expansion enough to maintain the million dollar profit. I had gold in 1962. |
taget fra: http://persweb.direct.ca/cbarkman/html/rr2.htm
Går det helt galt kan du på denne side se hvordan du kan snyde dig gennem banen for at komme videre: http://www.cheatcc.com/pc/railroadtyc2.html
Ellers syntes jeg da du skal hente en opdatering her: http://www.take2games.com/index.php?p=support_patches
Det vil i de fleste tilfælde kunne løse problemet.
mvh srhansen
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 | Godkendelse af svar Fra : jabco9240  |
Dato : 06-01-04 22:01 |
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