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alex so beautiful
Fra : SuperLullu
Vist : 612 gange
200 point
Dato : 10-12-03 17:16

nogen der har sang teksterne til denne sang ??
vil virkelig gerne ha dem.....

alex - so beautiful

Fra : Hovsan

Dato : 10-12-03 20:15

Køber du CDen får du teksten med.

Fra : SuperLullu

Dato : 10-12-03 21:02

det jeg efterlyste var sangen på "computer tekst" !!
ikek at jeg kan få den hvis jeg køber CD'en

Fra : TCO

Dato : 11-12-03 00:33

www.letssingit.com søg under alex

Accepteret svar
Fra : Don_Pepe

Modtaget 200 point
Dato : 11-12-03 10:36

The morning light caresses your face on my pillow
You’re still asleep and you’re so beautiful
I’m so proud that i lie right beside you
My bed, my sheets, you and me, so suitable

You give me the best of you, and i wanna give you the best of me
I know that to two of us together we are meant to be
I adore you, my body’s calling for you
I feel like i’ve come home when i’m with you

You’re so beautiful
I just thought you ought to know
This is original
I never felt like this way before
And now i’m waking up with you
I can’t belive that this is true
You’re so beautiful

The glow of a candle caresses your face on my pillow
You just fell asleep and you’re so beautiful (you’re so beautiful)
It feels so good, i cannot belive it’s real
This silence of the noght, you by my side, i got it all (i got it all)

You give me the best of you, and i wanna give you the best of me
I know that the two of us together we are meant to be
I adore you, my body’s calling for you
I really, really, really, really love you

You’re so beautiful
I just thought you ought to know
This is original
I never felt this way before
And now i’m waking up with you
I can’t belive that this is true
You’re so beautiful (x2)

... so don’t you ever walk away
Never, never.. no, no...
... don’t you walk away from me now...

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : SuperLullu

Dato : 11-12-03 16:31

Tak for svaret Don_Pepe.

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