 | Accepteret svar Fra : molokyle  |  Modtaget 90 point Dato : 09-12-03 16:09 |
Citat Windows XP (WinXP) is Microsoft’s newest operating system and biggest upgrade in several years. It already has a reputation for being easier to use than Win2000 and less crash prone than WinMe. Following on the heels of WinNt/2000, MS improved WinXP’s ability to have a secure and stable core. From Win9x/Me, MS enhanced WinXP so it has greater compatibility with hardware and software along with features for working with digital images, video, and audio.
Burning CDs
WinXP handles the recordable CD drives built into most new computers. To copy any file(s) to a recordable CD drive, right-click on the file(s), choose Send To from the menu that appears, and select Writable CD. A little window pops up with the message that you have files waiting to be copied to the CD. Insert a writable CD into the drive, click the Start button, and choose My Computer. Open your recordable CD with a double-click and select Write these files to CD to copy them to your CD.
WIN98/Me/NT4.0/2000 were Windows versions that one could use to run older, Disk Operating System (DOS) based software or even earlier versions of Windows. WinXP is meant to replace all of the current Windows platforms, so it has extensive resources to ensure compatibility with older problems. However, if one of your programs won’t run under WinXP, try the built-in compatibility support by right-clicking the program, choosing Properties, and clicking the Compatibility tab. Now select the platform that was previously able to run the program and check off any pertinent display settings. Finish by clicking OK and then try to run that program. If you still have a problem running it, use different settings. If all of these steps fail, you can then use the Application Compatibility Toolkit by inserting the WinXP CD-ROM, navigating to the Support\Tools folder, and launching Act20.exe. When the toolkit is installed on your computer, run the QFixApp applet. This utility contains about 200 fixes to resolve compatibility problems. |
Herfra : http://www.alamopc.org/pcalamode/columns/beverley/bb0202.shtml
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 | Kommentar Fra : Rellom  |
Dato : 09-12-03 16:10 |
Prøv følgende:
Højreklik på ikonet, klik på "Kompabilitet" , sæt kompabilitetstilstanden
til "Windows 98/Me og klik på "Anvend".
Jeg tør ikke garantere for, at det virker med det nævnte spil,
men det er da forsøget værd.
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 | Kommentar Fra : Claussen |
Dato : 09-12-03 16:21 |
hvor meget ram har du i din maskine ...
og får du en fejlmeddelelse når du forsøger og kører programmet.
Jeg spiller selv meget cm og især cm97/98 hvis din maskine har mere end 256 mb ram kan cm versioner op til cm97/98 ikke kører og de nyere op til cm01/02 kan kun kører med max 512 mb .. en ret kedelig ting :S
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 | Kommentar Fra : zantana |
Dato : 09-12-03 16:24 |
Hej med dig. Jeg kender desværre ikke dit spil og ved derfor ikke problemet.Jeg kan råde dig til at sende dit spørgsmål til min søn, da han ved en frygtelig masse om pc og spil. Du kan sende ham en mail på kenni@hotmail.com. Held og lykke.
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 | Kommentar Fra : molokyle  |
Dato : 09-12-03 16:37 |
Juhuu... nu kan hele verden sende stakkels kenni ->Snabel A<- hotmail.com SPAMMAIL.
zantana -> Det er ikke særlig fikst ar give din søns E-mail addresse væk i offentligt forum
Folk spørger kandu.dk for at få anonymt svar hér, så jeg kan råde dig til at komme med den slags råd andetsteds
Held og lykke...
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 | Kommentar Fra : wezzler  |
Dato : 14-12-03 18:14 |
Tak for alle svarene
Jeg har stadig ikke fået det til at virke, men så må jeg gå til en nyer version!
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 | Godkendelse af svar Fra : wezzler  |
Dato : 14-12-03 18:14 |
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 | Du har følgende muligheder | |
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