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Shut up
Fra : ida.sorensen
Vist : 460 gange
20 point
Dato : 01-12-03 07:48


Er der nogen der har teksten til Shut up??

Hvor finder i den??


Fra : Zerg911

Dato : 01-12-03 08:30

eh hehe .. er det eneste hun synger ikke "Shut up"?

Accepteret svar
Fra : Don_Pepe

Modtaget 20 point
Dato : 01-12-03 09:29

Her er den.

Artist: Black Eyed Peas
Album: Elephunk
Song: Shut Up


Shut up
Just shut up
Shut up (3x)
Shut it up, just shut up
Shut up
Just shut up
Shut up (3x)
Shut it up, just shut up

We try to take it slow
But we're still losin control
And we try to make it work
But it still isn't the worst
And I'm craaay
For tryin to be your laaadddy
I think I'm goin crazy

Girl, me and you were just fine (you know)
We wine and dine
Did them things that couples do when in love (you know)
Walks on the beach and stuff (you know)
Things that lovers say and do
I love you boo, I love you too
I miss you a lot, I miss you even more
That's why I flew you out
When we was on tour
But then something got out of hand
You start yellin when I'm with my friends
Even though I had legitimate reasons (bull shit)
You know I have to make them evidence (bull shit)
How could you trust our private lives girl
That's why you don't believe my lies
And quit this lecture


Why does he know she gotta move so fast
Love is progress if you could make it last
Why is it that you just lose control
Every time you agree on takin it slow
So why does it got to be so damn tough
Cuz fools in lust could never get enough of love
Showin him the love that you be givin
Changing up your livin
For a lovin transistion
Girl lip so much she tryin to get you to listen
Few mad at each other has become our tradition
You yell, I yell, everybody yells
Got neighbors across the street sayin
“ Who the hell?!?”
Who the hell?
What the hell's going down?
Too much of the bickering
Kill it with the sound and


Girl our love is dyin
Why can't you stop tryin
I never been a quitah
But I do deserve betta
Believe me I will do bad
Let's forget the past
And let's start this new plan
Why? Cuz it's the same old routine
And then next week I hear them scream
Girl I know you're tired of the things they say
You're damn right
Cuz I heard them lame dame excuses just yesterday
That was a different thing
No it ain't
That was a different thing
No it ain't
That was a different thing
It was the same damn thing
Same ass excuses
Boy you're usless


Stop the talking baby
Or I start walking baby
Is that all there is (repeat)


Fra : ida.sorensen

Dato : 01-12-03 14:27

Iih... takker, men hvor har i fundet d??

Fra : Don_Pepe

Dato : 01-12-03 15:13

Jeg fandt den på lyrics.com Der kan du finde tekster til næsten alle sange. prøv også azlyrics.com og lyricsworld.com.
ps: husk at lukke spørgsmålet ved at trykke på "Accepter som svar" over mit indlæg.


Godkendelse af svar
Fra : ida.sorensen

Dato : 07-12-03 13:48

Tak for svaret Don_Pepe. Det er jeg virkelig glad for ;)

Tager lige et kig på de der sider :)

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