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Rette farver på scannede DIAS
Fra : 1991
Vist : 966 gange
500 point
Dato : 11-12-10 18:02

Jeg har Photoshop 7 og Element 6, samt PSP 9.
Har scannet nogle gamle dias, som trods alt blev ganske gode,
MEN flere af dem har et rødligt skær, som jeg skal have rettet.
Jeg har glemt hvordan det rettes - jeg kunne engang pege på
et hvidt eller sort punkt på fotoet og derefter få rettet de fleste
af farverne.
Jeg pegede på f.eks. et helt hvidt sted på foto så passede det
meste af fotoet i farverne.

Fra : Klaudi

Dato : 11-12-10 18:24

I PSP 9 kan du bruge Enhance Photo

Fra : Benjamin.Hansen

Dato : 11-12-10 18:35

Det ser ud til at du søger "Hvidbalance", jeg ved ikke hvor du finder den funktion i dit program, men når du finder den kan du rette "overmægnden" af rød.

vh Ben

Fra : Klaudi

Dato : 11-12-10 20:33

To use the Histogram Adjustment command:

To limit the adjustment to a specific area, make a selection in the image. See Using the Selection Tools.

Choose Adjust > Brightness and Contrast > Histogram Adjustment to open the Histogram Adjustment dialog.

Click to magnify the histogram or click to reduce the view of the histogram. Click 1:1 to display the histogram at its original size.

For the Edit option, choose a channel:

Luminance Lightness values of the image. If you are correcting contrast, start with this channel.

Color Pick a color channel from the drop-down list: Red, Green, or Blue.

In the Presets drop-down list, choose Default. The default values represent no adjustment to the image.

On the left side of the histogram, look for a gap between the left edge and the point where the graph starts to rise. If there is a gap, it shows that the darkest pixels in the image are not completely black. Click and drag the Low slider (the black triangle) to the point where the graph rises. The top Low edit box displays the low position (from 0 to 255). The bottom edit box displays the percentage of pixels that are between zero and the low value; their contrast will be lost. As a general rule, keep the percentage below 0.1%.

On the right side of the histogram, look for a gap between the right edge of the window and the point where the graph decreases to zero pixels. If there is a gap, click and drag the High slider (the white triangle) to that point on the graph. This changes the lightest pixels in the image to white. As a general rule, keep the High percentage change (the bottom edit box) to below 0.1%.

If the overall image is too dark or too light, adjust the gamma. (Gamma is a standard measure of change in an image’s contrast.) If the image is too dark, drag the Gamma slider (the grey triangle) to the right to increase the gamma (the number changes in the Gamma edit box). If the image is too light, drag the Gamma slider to the left to decrease the gamma.

If the graph has peaks on the left and right sides and contains low points in the center, the midtones need to be compressed. Shadows and highlights need to be expanded to reveal the information they contain. This often occurs in flash photography when a subject is too close to the camera; the subject appears brightly illuminated but the background of the photograph is very dark. To compress the midtones, click and drag the Midtones slider up.

If the graph peaks in the center and has a low number of pixels at the left and right sides, expand the midtones by dragging the Midtones slider down.

If you are improving your image, skip this step. If you are creating artistic effects, use the Output Max and Min sliders on the left side of the histogram to make further adjustments. The Max slider is the white circle within a grey square; the Min slider is the black circle within a grey square. To darken the image’s whites, click and drag the Max slider down. To lighten the image’s blacks, click and drag the Min slider up.

Note: Even though you are dragging sliders along the vertical axis, the Max and Min values actually affect the horizontal axis. They indicate the maximum and minimum value (from 0 to 255) in the image. All pixels outside those values are converted so that they fall within the maximum and minimum.

Fra : dova

Dato : 12-12-10 02:04

I elements er der flere muligheder:

Først de enkle:

Enhance> enten "Auto levels" eller "auto color correction" eller

Adjust color> color variations > decrease red

Du kan selvfølgelig også går ind i nævnte funktioner og rette manuelt

Fra : hawaii7

Dato : 12-12-10 07:42

Når du har photoshopo 7 er det ingen problem at rette farverne.
Du skriver det er rød der er for kraftig. Hvad jeg kan huske er det på en MAC æble og "L" tasten. I det vindue kan du gøre de 4-farver svagere eller kragtigere. Er dit billed i CMYK farv er er det "magenta" du skal gøre svagere. Er dit billed i RGB farver gør du bare den røde svagere.
Der er også en anden mulighed. I et rullegardin foroven er der noget der hedder farvejustering og her kan du også ændre de forskellige farver.


Accepteret svar
Fra : Sønder

Modtaget 500 point
Dato : 12-12-10 09:43

Det du søger er flg:
Vælg Image<adjustments<curves ( eller blot ctrl M) og vælg en af de små "pipetter" nederst til højre.

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : 1991

Dato : 12-12-10 12:53

Tak for svaret Sønder.

Det var det jeg søgte.

Fra : Sønder

Dato : 12-12-10 13:41

Velbekomme! Nogen gange behøver man ikke gøre det for indviklet

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