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MSI K7266 PRO & Geforce 4
Fra : kender_du
Vist : 607 gange
170 point
Dato : 09-04-03 09:41

Jeg har et MSI K7266 PRO og et Point of view Geforce 4 128 mb grafik kort, men kan ikke sætte min
bios op.
hvor skal jeg ændre biosèn,?

jeg køre nu med mit 32 mb GeForce kort



Dato : 09-04-03 23:32

umidlbart lyder det som om du snakker om opsætning af ram tildelingen i bios. Dette er er ikke nødvendigt når du har et garfikkort med 128 mb ram, det du sætter op i bios er tildelingen af dine ram, dvs. at sætter du den på 32, deler du 32 af f.eks. 256 mb ram, dette er specielt brugt ved grafikkort der er onboard hvor selve grafikkortet ikke har nogen ram, desuden kan det bruges hvis du har et grafikkort med 8 mb ram. Resultatet er selvfølgelig at der er de færere ram at arb. med i maskinen.

men at ændre i bios gør du ved at trykke på "del" lige i starten nå du starter comp. op. men jeg tror der ud over at du får mere ud af at fortælle hvad dit problem entlig er.

Fra : kender_du

Dato : 11-04-03 11:18

Jeg har prøvet at montere mit g4 kort i en 500 mhz computer, da virker det fint,
men når jeg monterer det i min MSI bundkort, vil den ved opstart komme med 7 - 8 bip
jeg kan godt komme ind i bios.
mit spørgesmål er " er der nogle parameter jeg skal ændre, når jeg vil sætte mit g4 kort op,
i forhold til mit tidliger g2 32 mb kort

Accepteret svar
Fra : Seamaster

Modtaget 170 point
Dato : 15-04-03 23:49

Hvilken bios har du ? (Kan ikke lide dine 7 -8 Bip !")
Her er lidt forklaring... på bip's

One beep is good! Everything is A-OK, that is, if you see things on the screen. If you don't see anything, check your monitor and video card first. Is everything connected? If they seem fine, your motherboard has some bad chips on it. First reset the SIMMs and reboot. If it does the same thing, one of the memory chips on the motherboard is bad, and you most likely need to get another motherboard since these chips are soldered on.

2 Your computer has memory problems. First, check video. If video is working, you'll see an error message. If not, you have a parity error in your first 64K of memory. Check your SIMMs. Reseat them and reboot. If this doesn't do it, the memory chips may be bad. You can try switching the first and second banks memory chips. First banks are the memory banks in which your CPU finds its first 64K of base memory. You'll need to consult your manual to see which bank is first. If all of your memory tests good, you probably need to buy another motherboard.

3 Same as 2 beeps; follow diagnosis above.

4 Same as 2 beeps; follow diagnosis above. Your problem could also be a bad timer.

5 Your motherboard is complaining. Try reseating the memory and rebooting. If that doesn't help, you should consider another motherboard. You could probably get away with just replacing the CPU, but that's not too cost-effective.

6 The chip on your motherboard that controls your keyboard isn't working. First, try another keyboard. If that doesn't help, reseat the chip that controls the keyboard, if it isn't soldered in. If it still beeps, replace the chip if possible. Replace the motherboard if the chip is soldered in.

7 Your CPU could be broken and no good. Either replace the CPU or buy another motherboard.

8 Your video card isn't working. Make sure it is seated well in the bus. If it still beeps, either the whole card is bad or the memory on it is. Your best bet is to install another video card.

9 Your BIOS is bad; replace it.

10 Your problem lies deep inside the CMOS. All chips associated with the CMOS will likely have to be replaced. Your best bet is to get a new motherboard.

11 Your cache memory is bad and your computer disabled it for you. You could reactivate it by pressing -Ctrl- -Alt- -Shift- -+- , but you probably shouldn't. Instead, replace your cache memory. ´

Fra : kender_du

Dato : 19-04-03 13:26

skal jeg ændre min bios, eller kan jeg bare montere det, og installere driver, eller hvad skal jeg evt prøve

Fra : Manse9933

Dato : 19-04-03 13:33

I bios har du været inde i pci/plug and play setup page og sætte
alocate IRQ for pci vga til yes.


Fra : Manse9933

Dato : 19-04-03 13:51

og så installerer det

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : kender_du

Dato : 31-08-03 23:44

Tak for svaret Seamaster.

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