 | Accepteret svar Fra : leob  |  Modtaget 100 point Dato : 07-03-08 03:26 |
Du kender formentlig denne side
Det er muligt, at noget der kan hjælpe, men jeg er slet ikke god til host filer (heller)
Bemærk måske især det sidste afsnit
Citat [B]Related Utilities[/B]
SpywareBlaster can encrypt and create a backups of your HOSTS file.
WinPatrol will allow you to lock your HOSTS file and will monitor changes.
ZoneAlarm Pro and Security Suite users have a "Lock Hosts" file option.
However this requires special instructions to edit or update the HOSTS file.
HostsMan is a freeware application that lets you manage your Hosts file.
Includes an option to turn off the unneeded DNS Client Service.
This also has an option to update the existing HOSTS file when needed.
Important! - make sure you select: Default action - Overwrite
Use the Server option to replace the Action Cancelled message.
Windows Vista users ... once installed right-click on "hm.exe" and select: Properties
Click the Compatibility tab and select: "Run as Administrator" [screenshot]
Rename the HOSTS file on the fly ... a simple one click batch file. (Win9x/XP)
HostsXpert is a terrific multi-function Hosts File Manager [screenshot]
Note: no install required, it runs from anywhere ... when updating the HOSTS file make sure to use the Replace option, rather than Merge
Homer is a LocalHost webserver used to replace the Action Cancelled message.
Download a custom image for use in Homer.
Simply save (Save Target As) blocked.gif (2 kb) to the "\Homer\Homer\images\" folder.
[B] Various Troubleshooting Articles[/B]
You cannot modify the Hosts file in Windows Vista
Options for Using the Ipconfig Diagnostic Utility (XP)
WinME users - Start | Run (type) "winipcfg" (no quotes)
"The Page Cannot Be Displayed" Error Message (XP) [more info]
Error Message: The Page Cannot Be Displayed (98/ME)
"The Page Cannot Be Displayed" Error Message (2K)
Repairs Winsock 2 settings (usually spyware related)
How to Reset Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in Windows XP
How to Troubleshoot TCP/IP Connectivity with Windows XP |
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 | Kommentar Fra : Klaudi  |
Dato : 07-03-08 09:06 |
Spybot kan også låse HOST filen
Kender du HostMan, den bruger jeg, syntes den er ok.
Du kan finde den her:
mvh klaudi
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 | Kommentar Fra : leob  |
Dato : 08-03-08 03:27 |
Det var godt, at det lykkedes
Jeg må se også at lære lidt om hostfiler - jeg har ikke været opmærksom på mulighederne før, men det er vel egentlig fordi jeg bruger forskellige programmer som spybot, firewall o.lign og de sætter hostfilen op efter mine anvisninger hvergang jeg installerer eller bruger et program første gang
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