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Andet uddannelse
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Fra : Kevin_90
Vist : 1529 gange
20 point
Dato : 03-03-08 22:07

plz hjælp med at rettte denne tekst, ved godt der lidt for doven, men har sindssyg stor aflevering for til imorgen. Det er fra dansk til engelsk

Danske version:

Harold var godt sur. Hans cykeltur var gået helt i vasken! Han havde virkelig glædet sig til at prove sine nye, rode cykel, og turen fra Birmingham til landsbyen Knowle, ti kilometer uden for Birmingham centrum, var gået vældigt fin. Men cyklens forhjul lavede en mærkelig lyd. Han holdt fem minutter pause og var på vej hjem igen. Han kørte hurtigt rundt i bakkens skarpe sving, og id et same faldt forhjulets møtrik af. Der lå han med næsen i asfaltens hårde, sorte overflade. Eller rettere, asfaltens farve var nu den samme som cyklens: blodrød! Han humped ind til lægeklinikken, som lå ved bakkens fod, men klinikdamen sendte ham hjem i en taxa, da kæges konsultationstid var forbi den dag. I taxaen havde han fået skæld ud af chaufføren, fordi hans næse druppede blod på taxaens sæde, og fordi han havde ikke penge nok. “Jeg er ikke de fattiges hjælp,”havde manden sagt. “Jeg må tænke på konens nye frakke, ungernes vinterstøvler, hundens loppehalsbånd og det, jeg selv skylder på pubben”. Nu lå Harold hjemme i stuens sikkerhed, men han vidste, han ville være nød til at hugge sin brors cykel for at køre til tandlægen. Højre forstandsene halvdel matte ligge ved foden

Min engelske version:

Harold was really mad. His bike trip was gone all wrong! He had really looked forward to try his new red bike and the trip from Birmingham to a village Knowle, ten kilometres out of Birmingham Centrum, was gone quit good. But the bike’s front wheel did make a strange sound. He took a five minutes break / pause and was on the way home again. He drove quickly around in the Hills and in the same the nut fald of.
There he lay down with the nose on the asphalt heavy black surface. Or truly, surfaces colour was now the same as the bike: Blood red! He limped into a clinic, which lay at the hills food, but the secretary sends him home in a cap, ((da)) lægens surgery hours was passed that day. In the caphad been told off of the cap driver, because his nose dryppede blood on the taxis seed, and because he had not enough money. ”I am not de fattiges hjælper” had the man said. “I must think about my wifes new coat, the childrens vinterstøvler, the dogs flee collar and that what I own to the pub”. Now was Harold laying home in the stuens sikkerhed, men han vidste, han ville være nød til at hugge sin brors cykel for at køre til tandlægen. Højre forstandsene halvdel matte ligge ved foden

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 22:27

Harold was really mad. His bike trip was gone all wrong! He had really looked forward to try his new red bike and the trip from Birmingham to a village Knowle, ten kilometres out of Birmingham Centrum, was gone quit good. But the bike’s front wheel did make a strange sound. He took a five minutes break and was on the way home again. He drove quickly around in the Hills and in the same the nut fald of.

There he lay down with the nose on the asphalt heavy black surface. Or truly, surfaces colour was now the same as the bike: Blood red! He limped into a clinic, which lay at the hills food, but the secretary sends him home in a cap, while the doctor surgery hours was passed that day. In the caphad been told off of the cap driver, because his nose dripped blood on the taxiseats, and because he was broke. ”I am not the poor peoples helper” the driver had told him. “I must think about my wifes new coat, the childrens winterboots, the dogs flee collar and what I owe to the pub”. Now Harold was laying home in the safty of the sitting room , but he knew, that he had to steal his brothers bike, to go back to the dentist.

Højre forstandsene halvdel matte ligge ved foden = det forstår jeg ikke???????

det med fed forstår jeg heller ikke

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 22:28

Jeg ved ikke om det kan bruges, men det er meget sjovt at lege med

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 22:30

Hold da op din nød...du har sprunget en masse over LOOL... jeg kigger lidt mere på det

Fra : karenD

Dato : 03-03-08 22:35

In the caphad been told off of the cap driver,

In the cab he had been told off by the cab driver.

Bemærk cab med b

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 22:37

yes... thx Karen

Fra : karenD

Dato : 03-03-08 22:41

He had really looked forward to try

Der er noget galt i grammatikken her... Er det ikke før datid, iså fald foreslår jeg:

He really had been looking forward to trying

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 22:49

Her er mit spæde forsøg. Kig det lige igennem Karen. der er noget med fed... det vedf jeg ikke hvad er hedder

Harold was really mad. His bike trip was gone all wrong! He had really looked forward to try his new red bike and the trip from Birmingham to a village Knowle, ten kilometres out of Birmingham Centrum, was gone quit good. But the bike’s front wheel did make a strange sound. He took a five minutes break and was on the way home again. He drove quickly around in the Hills and in the same the nut felt of.

There he lay down with the nose on the asphalt heavy black surface. Or truly, surfaces colour was now the same as the bike: Bloody red! He limped into a clinic, which lay at the hills food, but the secretary sent him home in a cab while the doctors surgery hours was passed that day. In the cab he had been told off of the driver, because his nose dripped blood on the seat, and because he was broke. ”I am not the poor people’s helper” the driver said. “I must think about my wife’s new coat, the children’s winter boots, the dogs flee collar and that what I owe to the pub”. Now Harold was laying home in the safe of the sitting room, but he knew that he had to steel his brother’s bike to go to the dentist. Right forstandsene half had to be on the foden of the hills

Fra : karenD

Dato : 03-03-08 22:50

to a village

to THE village

out of Birmingham Centrum


was gone quit good


Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 22:51

ok jeg retter LOOL

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 22:54

Harold was really mad. His bike trip was gone all wrong! He had really looked forward to try his new red bike and the trip from Birmingham to the village Knowle, ten kilometres out of Birmingham centre, had gone quite well. But the bike’s front wheel did make a strange sound. He took a five minutes break and was on the way home again. He drove quickly around in the Hills and in the same the nut felt of.

There he lay down with the nose on the asphalt heavy black surface. Or truly, surfaces colour was now the same as the bike: Bloody red! He limped into a clinic, which lay at the hills food, but the secretary sent him home in a cab while the doctors surgery hours was passed that day. In the cab he had been told off of the driver, because his nose dripped blood on the seat, and because he was broke. ”I am not the poor people’s helper” the driver said. “I must think about my wife’s new coat, the children’s winter boots, the dogs flee collar and that what I owe to the pub”. Now Harold was laying home in the safe of the sitting room, but he knew that he had to steel his brother’s bike to go to the dentist.Right forstandsene half had to be on the foden of the hills

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 22:55

Hwa er det sidste for noget bavl LOOl Fatter det ikke

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 22:56

det hedder osse to steal...stjæle

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:01

Kom nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Karen Er der mere?? Hvad betyder dette nonsens?
Højre forstandsene halvdel matte ligge ved foden

Fra : karenD

Dato : 03-03-08 23:01

Høh, Klumme, jeg ved sørme heller ikke lige, hvad det med fed skal betyde...

Undskyld mine store bogstaver...

did make


felt of




Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:03

Halli halli hallå, hvad sker der dog i Vrå? Er der nogen hjemme???

Fra : karenD

Dato : 03-03-08 23:03

Kom nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Karen Er der mere??

Rolig nu, ven, jeg sidder her med mine røde gyldendals på skødet...

Fra : karenD

Dato : 03-03-08 23:06

"Højre fortands ene halvdel måtte ligge ved foden" ??????

Eller hvad???

Jeg fatter nada, men jeg er selvfølgelig heller ikke fra Vrå

Fra : karenD

Dato : 03-03-08 23:09

Bakkens fod hedder altså ikke the hills foot (bemærk ikke food)

Men hvad hedder det så?

Gyldendal hjælper ikke her...

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:11

Vrå LOOl det var det eneste jeg kunne hitte på som rimede hehehe.

Tror den er der nu, bortset fra det med ved foden af bakken... ved ikke hvad det hedder

Harold was really mad. His bike trip was gone all wrong! He had really looked forward to try his new red bike and the trip from Birmingham to the village Knowle, ten kilometres out of Birmingham centre, had gone quite well. But the bike’s front wheel made a strange sound. He took a five minutes break and was on the way home again. He drove quickly around in the Hills and in the same the nut fell of.

There he lay down with the nose on the asphalt heavy black surface. Or truly, surfaces colour was now the same as the bike: Bloody red! He limped into a clinic, which lay at the hills food, but the secretary sent him home in a cab while the doctors surgery hours was passed that day. In the cab he had been told off of the driver, because his nose dripped blood on the seat, and because he was broke. ”I am not the poor people’s helper” the driver said. “I must think about my wife’s new coat, the children’s winter boots, the dogs flee collar and that what I owe to the pub”. Now Harold was laying home in the safty of the sitting room, but he knew that he had to steel his brother’s bike to go to the dentist. Right half front tooth had to be by thefodenof the hills

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:11

det mener jeg heller ikke. Prøver lige GADs som jeg har på PC'er... moment

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:13

Nix... det kan den ikke finde ud af....stupidos

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:16

Men hvis Kevin kan æde den, så kan vi jo osse LOOL

Harold was really mad. His bike trip was gone all wrong! He had really looked forward to try his new red bike and the trip from Birmingham to the village Knowle, ten kilometres out of Birmingham centre, had gone quite well. But the bike’s front wheel made a strange sound. He took a five minutes break and was on the way home again. He drove quickly around in the Hills and in the same the nut fell of.

There he lay down with the nose on the asphalt heavy black surface. Or truly, surfaces colour was now the same as the bike: Bloody red! He limped into a clinic, which lay at the hills food, but the secretary sent him home in a cab while the doctors surgery hours was passed that day. In the cab he had been told off of the driver, because his nose dripped blood on the seat, and because he was broke. ”I am not the poor people’s helper” the driver said. “I have to think about my wife’s new coat, the children’s winter boots, the dogs flee collar and that what I owe to the pub”. Now Harold was laying home in the safty of the sitting room, but he knew that he had to steel his brother’s bike to go to the dentist. Right half front tooth had to be by the foot of the hills.

Fra : karenD

Dato : 03-03-08 23:16

Det nærmeste jeg kan komme er:

bottom of the hill

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:17

Naaaaaa tror du...På bunden af bakken. jeg tvivler

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:18

Jeg elsker dig ved foden af mit hjerte = I love you on the bottom of my heart

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:19

Men man skal aldrig sige aldrig.... Kevin skal sgu osse lave noget...

Fra : karenD

Dato : 03-03-08 23:20


Jeg sagde ikke det var perfekt, men det smager da lidt af fisk...

Fra : karenD

Dato : 03-03-08 23:21


Ham har vi ikke set meget til, han er vist gået i Føtex...

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:22

Jamen det er rigtig, og stod man med en engelænder skulle de såmænd nok forstå det

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:22

Han sover. Han regner med at vi skriver den ind med blæk for ham til i morgen LOOOL

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:24

Skal vi ikke bare sige at det er godt.... ?

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:24

Jeg er i hvert tilfælde ret stolt.....af dig LOOL Tak for hjælpen

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:25

Nå jeg skal lige se om jeg skal ud og være ond hæ hæ hæ Hvad syns du???

Fra : Kevin_90

Dato : 03-03-08 23:26

hehe takker .... sover ikke endnu og kommer heller ikke til:) har en dansk aflevering på 8 sider jeg skal afleverer imorgen

Fra : karenD

Dato : 03-03-08 23:26

Han sover. Han regner med at vi skriver den ind med blæk for ham til i morgen

Tja, det her lektiehjælp er udelukkende for min egen fornøjelses skyld - han burde jo selv lave det.

Men det plejer at være tysk oversættelser de spørger på, og dér står jeg af.

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:29

Okay...Du må nøjes med dette Kevin. Og du husker at give Karen point. Jeg får dem ikke alligevel, hvis du skulle få sjove ideer. Tysk LOOl Næææ det må de selv klare. Jeg kan klare mig i Tyskland, men så er jeg osse ligeglad med køn og grammatik. Det lyder sikkert sjovt, men jeg får da hvad jeg vil ha.

Accepteret svar
Fra : karenD

Modtaget 20 point
Dato : 03-03-08 23:30

Jeg er i hvert tilfælde ret stolt.....af dig LOOL Tak for hjælpen

Tak selv da, Klumme.

Nå jeg skal lige se om jeg skal ud og være ond hæ hæ hæ

Jeg er ikke den, der opfordrer til ballade, men du skulle jo nødigt skuffe dit publikum

(Er jeg nu i risikogruppen for at blive kaldt rygklapper?)

Fra : Kevin_90

Dato : 03-03-08 23:31

hehe hvordan giver man point..

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Kevin_90

Dato : 03-03-08 23:32


Fra : karenD

Dato : 03-03-08 23:34


High five til Klumme

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:35

Yes...nu er du rygklapper Men tag det roligt.... det er kun i denne småt begavede landsbytosses hoved. LOOL Tak for i aften....

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:36

hehehe du er sød.....

Fra : Kevin_90

Dato : 03-03-08 23:36

hehe takker for svarene skal nok give ektra point en anden gang ;)

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:40

Det går nok Kevin Bare vær flittig, og pas skolen. Det er vigtigt

Fra : karenD

Dato : 03-03-08 23:57

Og vi er alligevel skide-ligeglade med pointene, når bare vi har det sjovt...

Fra : Klumme

Dato : 03-03-08 23:59

Ja hehehehehhe Jeg fodrer fugle med dem

Fra : frieda

Dato : 05-03-08 18:45

His bike trip was gone all wrong!

Alreday the second sentence is wrong.

Correct: His bike trip had gone all wrong

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