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Et ultra Kort oversættelse..
Fra : Hoddy
Vist : 573 gange
15 point
Dato : 31-01-08 21:40

Er der måske nogen der lige hurtig vil kigge den her oversættelse igennem og evt. kigge gennem for fejl? takker på forhånd:)
Fra Dansk til Engelsk.

André Brink, forfatteren til romanen A Dry White Season, er boer, dvs. tilhørende den Afrikaans-talende hvide gruppe i Sydafrika. At være i opposition og boer er en yderst vanskelig position for en forfatter. Boere er per definitio og tradition højpatrioter og tilhængere af apartheid; er de ikke det, er de forrædere, frafaldne og straffes ubønhørligt.
Ben du Toit, hovedpersonen i André Brinks roman, er en ærlig, samvittighedsfuld lærer, der aldrig har taget stilling til apartheidsystemet. Han har, som det venlige menneske hn er, i flere år støttet en søn af skolens sorte pedel, og denne spinkle forbindelse har været hans hidtil eneste forbindelse med den sorte verden. Gennem den sorte skoledrengs død under Soweto-urolighederne i 1976 opdager Ben Du Toit "the other side of the moon": systemt set fra de undertryktes side.

André Brink, the author of the novel A Dry White Season, is a Boer i.e. he belongs to the African-speaking white group in South Africa. Being in the opposition and Boer is a quite difficult position for an author. The Boers are per definition and tradition high patriots and supporters of apartheid; if they are not that than they are traitors, deserters and they must be punished relentless.
Ben Du Toit, the main character in André Brinks novel, is an honest, conscientious teacher, who has never taken a position on the apartheid system. He has, as the friendly human being he is, in several years supported a son of the schools black janitor and this slight connection has been his so far only connection to the black world. Ben Du Toit discovers through the black schoolboy’s death under the troubles in Soweto in 1976 “the other side of the moon”: the system from the suppressed point of view.

Fra : piaskov

Dato : 31-01-08 22:16

Hej Hoddy. Det ser helt fint ud. Umiddelbart kan jeg ikke se fejl. V.H.Pia

Accepteret svar
Fra : berpox

Modtaget 25 point
Dato : 31-01-08 22:30

Her er mit ændrings/korrektur-forslag:

André Brink, the author of the novel A Dry White Season, is a Boer i.e. he belongs to the Africaan-speaking white population in South Africa. Being in the opposition, and Boer, is a quite difficult position for an author. The Boers are by definition and tradition highly patriots and supporters of apartheid; and if they are not, they are traitors, deserters and they must be relentless punished.
Ben Du Toit, the main character in the novel of André Brinks, is an honest, conscientious teacher, who has never decided an oppinion about the apartheid system. He has, as the friendly human being he is, supported the son of the schools black janitor in several years. And this slight connection hasthis far been the only connection to the black world.
Ben Du Toit discovers through the black schoolboy’s death at the Soweto unrests in 1976 “the other side of the moon”: the system seen from the oppressed peoples point of view.

God fornøjelse!

Fra : berpox

Dato : 31-01-08 22:31

Husk ordvendt omstilling.... eller hvad det nu hedder

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Hoddy

Dato : 31-01-08 23:04

Tak for svaret berpox.

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