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The da vinci - walkthrough
Fra : jeb3
Vist : 1630 gange
100 point
Dato : 30-01-08 22:35


Min dreng er kørt helt fast i Da vinci mysteriet til PS.

jeg har søgt efter en walkthrough, men kan ingen finde.

Det er nogle bogstaver han skal sætte samment til et ord i kirken: Saint Sulpice kirken.

Er der nogen der kan hjælpe?

Fra : gangster50

Dato : 30-01-08 22:43


Der er en hel walktrough til hele spillet, mon ikke om det skulle være deri

Fra : jlbendtsen

Dato : 31-01-08 09:10

Koden har nok noget at gøre med PRIORY OF CION

Fra : jeb3

Dato : 31-01-08 09:18

Tja det kunne da være. Kigger på det i eftermiddag, når han kommer hjem

Fra : jlbendtsen

Dato : 31-01-08 10:46

Har også fundet en walktrough meeeeeeeeeeeeeen spillet mister jo lidt mening hvis man bare "labber" det igennem

Fra : jeb3

Dato : 31-01-08 11:02

Han labber det ikke bare igennem, men når man er kørt fast, kan et lille hint nu være rar at have, for at komme videre.

Men jeg har ikke funnet en walkthrough endnu :-/

Accepteret svar
Fra : jlbendtsen

Modtaget 100 point
Dato : 31-01-08 13:39

Okay så godt nok på engelsk

The Da Vinci Code: FAQ/Walkthrough by EWaechter
Version 1.8, Last Updated 2006-06-13 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs
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Walkthrough for:

The Da Vinci Code (Playstation 2, XBox, PC)

Version 1.8

Author: Eric Waechter






May 21, 2006 - Version 1.0 Completed first draft of COMPLETE walkthrough.

May 22, 2006 - Version 1.1 Corrected mixup of church organ room and
closet with can of oil and bolt cutters in Saint Sulpice.

May 23, 2006 - Version 1.2 Easier solution to slider puzzle in Chateau
Villett added.

Link to image of completed picture puzzle at Westminster
Abbey at Newton's Tomb added

Link to image of gear placement in the basement of Temple
Church added

May 23, 2006 - Solutions to Anagrams and button puzzle in Rosslyn Chapel
Revisited added

May 24, 2006 - Version 1.3 New and improved description for the solution
of the torch puzzle at the end of Normandy Mansion

May 26, 2006 - Version 1.4 "Helpful Images" added throughout the entire
walkthrough. Credits added and contact info updated.
Some spelling and grammatical errors corrected and some
puzzle descriptions improved.

June 3, 2006 - Version 1.5 Added the "Before you contact me" section.
Clarified how to unlock everything in Rosslyn Chapel Revisited.
Corrected number of "creepy monks" found in Saint Sulpice.
Added links to PDF and DOC version of this walkthrough
(Version 1.4)

June 9, 2006 - Version 1.6 Replaced all image links with working ones
to a site where I haven't "exceeded my bandwidth limit".
Added link to webpage version of this walkthrough with
images included.

June 12, 2006 - Version 1.7 Added FAQ and Dumb FAQ section. Changed contact
address to walkthrough specific address.

June 13, 2006 - Version 1.8 Authorized sites list updated.

Copyright Notice
This document is copyrighted © 2006 by Eric Waechter (author) This guide
is for personal use only and may not be altered, printed or distributed
for any commercial purposes. This guide may be printed for personal use
providing it is not further distributed or sold. No part of this guide
may be used without written consent of the author and the requester agrees
to provide proper recognition. Violators of this copyright will be
prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

All characters, trademarks and images taken from this game are property of
Dan Brown, 2K Games and The Collective.

The only Internet sites
that have permission to use this guide are:


If this guide is found on any other sites, please
contact the author.

Being that this is my first and probably only walkthrough I will ever do,
I'll just say now that I originally just wrote this stuff down to help my
wife when she played the game, and since there were no walkthroughs up
for it yet, I decided to go ahead and submit it. The walkthrough, while
truncated, answers every puzzle, reveals every secret item and will
successfully get you through the entire game including the "Revisited"
levels. The nitpicky little stuff like controls I won't be including
because I feel like if you went through the trouble to look up a walkthrough,
then you are probably capable of reading the book the game came with to
get the controls. I'm also not going to retell you the story of the game.
If you want the story, read the book. This walkthrough is designed simply
to get you through the game when you get stuck.

UPDATE JUNE 10, 2006 - Due to the popularity of this walkthrough and from
numerous requests to do so, I will retract my statement about this being the
only walkthrough I am doing. I am beginning work on the walkthrough for
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories.


I. The Louvre
II. Saint Sulpice
III. Normandy Mansion
IV. Bank of Zurich
V. Chateau Villette
VI. Biggin Hill Airfield
VII. Temple Church
VIII. Westminster Abbey
IX. Rosslyn Chapel
X. The Louvre Revisited
XI. Rosslyn Chapel Revisited
XII. Credits
XIII. Cheat Codes
XV. Dumb FAQ
XVI. Contact Information


Since the walkthrough must be presented to the various websites in
a .txt based format, I have included URL's throughout the walkthrough
to images that I have posted to help you get through the game.

Because of the popularity of the walkthrough, the website that I
had originally hosted the images on has shut me down because I
exceeded my allotted bandwidth within a span of 2 days, therefore,
I've put them up on my own webspace upping my monthly bandwidth
limitation from 250MB to 30Gig.

These images are hosted in a photo gallery of my own creation on
one of my own websites. I have only put in a few as necessary to
help you get through the game, however there are over 800 screenshots
in total throughout the entire gallery if you would like to view it.
It can be found at http://www.northsearesearch.com/dvcgallery/index.php

As of June 3, 2006, the PDF and DOC versions can be downloaded from
the links shown below:




I do not mind answering questions, in fact I have enjoyed hearing from folks
all over the world already and have met some really great people, but I would
ask this: Please don't write with a question until you have CAREFULLY checked
the walkthrough to be sure the answer isn't there. I have been recieving a LOT
of e mail and I'm the type of person who has to answer EVERY SINGLE ONE (it is
just the kinda guy I am and I wouldn't sleep if I didn't answer one - not that
I sleep anyway). Far too many of the questions have been things that were
answered in the walkthrough, and either because the individual read too quickly
or they had not read far enough, they didn't find the answer they needed.
Please help me by making absolutely sure the answer isn't in the walkthrough

I am a writer. I write in english and I appreciate those that respond to me
in english, do it correctly. I do not respond to "internet shorthand". Do
not write "r" instead of "are". Do not write "4" instead of "for". Do not
write "2" instead of "to" and for God's sake, don't write "knoe" instead of
"know". I took the time to write using proper english, you will take the time
to respond to me in proper english. I believe "internet shorthand" is an
abomination of the language and simply goes to demonstrate INCREDIBLE laziness.
I also used capital letters, punctuation and sentence structure. I expect
you to do so as well. The idea here is that if you can read it correctly,
then you ought to be able to write it correctly too. This is a major pet peeve
of mine and I will not bend on it. Any e mail sent to me like this will
simply get this paragraph, copied and pasted, in return.


I. The Louvre (3 Secrets)
(Secrets will be indicated by surrounding stars and all capital
letters. eg: **SECRET**)

Starting with the opening scene with Silas sitting on the bed, carefully
watch the entire opening scenes. Take special note of the order in which
each character appears in the opening sequence. I know its a little early
to be talking about it now, but this sequence of character appearance will
be important to you in the very last puzzle of the game.

You'll go through some more scenes and finally you will gain control.
You will get a phone call that doesn't make any sense to you, and you will
say as much to Sophie. She will then slip you a business card. Go into
your inventory and examine the business card and you will find a number on
the back of it. Then use the cell phone in your inventory and dial "454"
on the phone and there will be a message that will clear things up a bit.

You'll then end up in the bathroom with Sophie. Get the bar of soap from
the counter, go into your inventory and combine it with the tracking device.
Use the buttons you are instructed to, to lift the window and throw the
resulting device out.

**I have recieved numerous e mails about people not being able to get this
window open. You have to tap the button that appears at the bottom of the
screen REPEATEDLY until that icon turns bright green (you have built up his
strength), then you must QUICKLY push up on both joysticks and the window
will raise. If you don't push up quickly enough, Langdon will lose his
strength and you will have to start again. Get used to this procedure!!
You will be using it a lot in this game!**

Now you'll have a cryptogram puzzle. Rearrange the letters in "OH LAME
SAINT" to make "THE MONA LISA" A clue!

Now you'll be Sophie and you'll have to creep towards the entrance way
to get the UV light from the Crime Investigators box. Just crouch and
sneak past the first two guards and in the next room grab the pole on the
ground and sneak up behind the third guard staring into the box and club
him quietly to the floor. Examine the box and you'll eventually find
the UV light. Poof - You're standing in front of the Mona Lisa and
Langdon is with you again.

Examine the Mona Lisa with the UV light and you'll see the cryptogram.
Use the UV light to highlight EVERY SINGLE character and it will switch
you over so you can solve the puzzle by replacing the symbols with
letters. The solution will be:


Congratulations, you've solved the first of many cryptograms. Grab the
**SATURN SPHERE** from the statue in the middle of the room.


Take note of the glowing symbol on the statue before you grab the item.
This is what you will look for to find further secret items. Now head
out the door back into the main hall. Just outside the door you'll
find the paintings of both Bacchus and Uriel and a cutscene will ensue.
Examine the painting in between the two and you'll find something.
Lift Sophie up and she'll grab the PRIORY RING. More cutscene.

Now you'll be heading to Sauniere's office. Either hide out in the main
hall and sneak past the guards (wait for them to walk out), or double
team them and beat 'em up, your choice. Go into the office (the guards
won't return). Examine all the objects on the desk (grab the small
bandage in the top right drawer if you need it). When you've done that,
move to the wall and examine the map with the UV light. Another clue!
Go to the air vent on the wall just to the left of the map and lift
Sophie up to climb in. She'll open up the Restoration room and let you in.

In here you'll need to examine another desk and read a note to learn
about mixing chemicals. Directly behind you on top of some boxes, you
can find **DA VINCI'S ARIAL SCREW** (There are no glowing symbols to
indicate any of Da Vinci's contraptions, you've actually gotta look for


Now you want to head to the table with the chemicals on it and examine
that. Just to sort out what you read at the desk, you want 1 shot of
Chitinase, 1 shot of Dismutase and 1 shot of Catalase (1st, 2nd and 4th
chemicals) and you'll have your mixture. Now look by a yellow toolbox
and find the TOWEL. Combine the towel and the chemical. Take the
resulting red rag and use it on the dirty painting. When the cutscene
is done, grab a first aid kit from a corner of the room behind some tall
paintings and you can head out of this room. You're heading back down
to the Mona Lisa room.

When you get back in there, creep up the left side of the room because
a guard will come around from the right side of the Mona Lisa. You
want to go where he came from, you just want to get there from the
left side of the painting. Creeping will avoid having to deal with him
at all. Go through the doorway behind the Mona Lisa and creep directly
to the left side of the two doorways and hide in that corner. In just
a second, the two guards in the next room will get called away and you
can cruise in there without having to deal with either of them. There
is nothing of importance in that room so just run on through to the
other side and you'll enter the Nike room.

Go down either stairwell, it doesn't matter. When you get to the landing
and start to go up the next set of stairs, a guard will pop out from
behind the Nike Statue. If you're creeping, then he won't see you and
in just a second, he'll turn his back to you and go up a set of stairs
to the left. Creep up behind him and do the stealth knockout and you
can breathe relief. Examine the statue and learn stuff. Go back up to
the platform you knocked out the guard on and examine the display case
there. You'll see a round hole here. Be sure to pan the camera so that
the round hole is in the center of the screen and is indicated as such at
the top of the screen. Use the PRIORY RING on it and a drawer will slide
out to give you a FLEUR-DE-LIS DISC.

You're all done here and now its time to escape the Louvre. Go down to
the landing below the Nike statue and two guards will start to come up
towards you. Hide to the right, wait for them to separate and you can
take them both out with stealth attacks. After both guards are knocked out,
look around on the lower landing (the right side as you came down the
stairs). You should see a glowing symbol on the wall as you turn to
look back up the stairs. Examine the railing and you'll find the
**LEAD COIN**. Finally, head carefully out the exit door there at the
very bottom. You'll see one guard, but there are actually two. Creep
up behind the statue to the left and if you're lucky, you can take out
one of them with a stealth attack, but at a minimum you're going to end
up fighting at least one of them, so take them out. When they are
disposed of, head to the exit and the level is over.


Once the opening sequence is done you'll be standing in a bedroom. There
is a small bandage on the table between the beds, other than that, there
is nothing useful in here at all. Head out and go to the bedroom straight
across. Examine the dead sister on the floor (make sure you examine her
outstretched hand). Examine the desk and read stuff. The numbers "7:14"
are important. That's all you can do in here for now, so go out of this
room and go to the door to the right (balcony) and enter.

Cross the balcony to the other door (there is nothing useful on the
balcony) and enter. You find yourself in a closet, so search around and
be sure to find the CAN OF OIL and the BOLT CUTTERS and then head back
across the balcony.

Back in the living quarters area, head into the little alcove with the two
doors in it.

The door to your right is the sisters room and if you knock on her door,
she will give you hints, but if you're using this guide, you don't need her.
Go out the other door. First things first, there is a creepy monk walking
away from you. Simply creep up behind him and knock him out with a
stealth attack, then search around this area (don't go down the stairs yet)
and you'll find the diagram on the wall that tells you the letters that
corresponds to symbols. Note this because you'll need this twice in
this level --


or you can just keep using this walkthrough 'cause I'm gonna tell you anyway.
Head back to the room with the dead sister on the floor.

If you examined her hand earlier, he said something about her pointing
to the bed. Stand beside that bed and pull it out of the way. You will
reveal a safe on the floor that has a slide puzzle lock. The center row
of the puzzle has symbols in the blocks underneath the slider tiles.
These tell you what letters should be in the center row using the earlier
noted diagram. You want the center row to say "SION".


I generally hate these kind of puzzles, but its already pretty close and
you can make that arrangement in about 5 moves. Complete it and it will
open to give you the BRONZE SLIDE. Head back out to the area that had the
alphabet diagram.

Now you can head down those steps and enter the door, then you will go
through yet another door and you'll be standing in one big a$$ room.
There are two creepy monks walking around in here, one of whom is right
in front of you with his back to you. Creep up behind him and stealth
attack his butt. There is a large bandage in this area where you
knocked him out, behind a round concrete thingy with a cross on top. The
other creepy monk is way down near the other end of this giant room.
Hunt him down and take him out. (There MAY be a third creepy monk in
here, I forget, but I don't think so.) You may now freely explore this
very large room. You can listen to the stories on all 14 of the posts,
but note the little platform on the bottom of each one. Get the
**TIN COIN** in the window of the dark alcove between #'s 9 (IX)and 10 (X).


The quickest way to get this done is to go down to the end of the room
between #'s 7 (VII) and 8 (VIII)where you will find two fountains that
look like seashells. In the fountain closest to #8 you will find an ORNATE
KEY. Grab this key and head all the way back up to the room with the dead
sister and the "under the bed" puzzle. Use the ornate key on the
armoire. (Once again, be sure to center the camera on the keyhole of the
armoire.) Look inside to find a small statue of Jesus after his death,
then head back down to the giant room.

I don't believe the creepy monks come back when you return, so you
should be ok. Now we're ready to finish up this room (for such a large
room, there isn't a whole lot to do here). Go to the alcove between
#'s 3 (III) and 4 (IV). Read the book there and then turn to the stone
tablet on the floor and examine it. Using what you learned in the book,
you know that you have to turn the left dial to "Aprilis" and the right
dial to "XI".


Just outside the alcove, a piece of the floor will rise up and there you
will find another small statue of Jesus carrying the cross.

Now head down to the large double doors near pillar #7. You'll know you
are at the right one because it is locked with a padlock. Yank out the
trusty BOLT CUTTERS and unlock the door. You will go up a short set of
stairs and enter another door. You are standing in front of the church
organ. To your left there is a small bandage on the floor. Go to the
crank to the right of the organ and use it to change the clock to 7:14.


A slot in the floor will open up in front of the organ keys and you will
get the COPPER SLIDE. Now head back to the large pillar room.

Three creepy monks return in the pillar room when you return, so do what
you have to do to get rid of them.

Now go to pillar #7 and examine it. Put the statue of Jesus carrying the
cross on the platform. From there go to pillar #14 and put the remaining
statue there.


A trapdoor in the floor between pillars 10 and 11 will unlock and thats
where we're going next. Open the trapdoor and enter.

You'll find yourself in a cave. There is a stack of boxes immediately
to your right, behind which you will find **DA VINCI'S ORNITHOPTER**.


Head around to the left to the stone table with the 3 lanterns on it.
Stand behind the table and examine it. Use the can of oil on the oil
valve. Now open the lanterns and put the sliders that you found in
the appropriate lantern (Put the BRASS SLIDE in the BRASS LANTERN, etc)
and use the matches to light all the lanterns. You will now see the
word "JERUSALEM" projected on the wall. That's a hint, folks.

Now go to the crypt to the left of the lanterns (left as you are looking
at the word projected on the wall) and push it to the side. Behind
it you will find a series of buttons with those symbols on them that
you found in the alphabet diagram at the beginning of this level. The
symbols all correspond to the letters in the word "JERUSALEM" and there-
fore need to be pushed in that order. (Since there are two "E's", the
first one you push is indicated by 1 dot and the second indicated by
2 dots) To help you out, I'll translate the buttons in the diagram

/ S / E / R / J / L / A / M / E / U /
1 2

When the puzzle is solved, a door in the floor will open up and you
will get a list of all the Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion. You
will never use this or hear mention of it again in the rest of the game,
so I'm not entirely sure why we had to go through all this except to
be able to move on to the next level of the game.

As soon as the cutscene is done, two creepy monks will be heading towards
you from the way you came in and they are blocking your hasty exit.
Since facing two of these guys in a fight when you are alone RARELY
works out in your favor, hide behind the crypt opposite the button
puzzle. (There is one of those golf club looking things on the floor
there for your convenience - although I'm not sure what a golf club is
doing in an ancient crypt). Keep an eye on these two and when they
head in separate directions, do your best to creep up behind one of them
and take him out with a stealth attack (usually the easiest one to get
is the one that heads towards the lanterns). You are then free to fight
the other monk as you wish. (If you do manage to get discovered by both
monks, simply take the option to run away and get as far away as possible.
It doesn't take long for them to believe they lost you and resume their
patrol) Head out the way you came in after you've disposed of the monks.

Now that you've made it out of that trap and are back up in the large 14
pillar room, you will find that the game has kindly placed 3 monks into
this room now. You can either carefully beat the crap out of all of them
one at a time, or slowly creep past all of them . . .either way, your
goal here is to get back to the door to head back upstairs. Once you've
chosen your method, get to the door and head back up. You are going to
knock on the door of the sisters room and get the cutscene that ends
the level. Yay you.


You begin facing the mansion. Don't worry about the dogs yet, they're not
coming after you unless you go right up to them and you're not going
over there yet anyway. Go behind the shed to your right and climb in
the back window. As soon as you start to move, the Creepy Monk Leader
(Silas) will follow you in in a cutscene and then you'll have to beat him
unconscious before you can do anything. Once he's out, you need to go
examine the lockbox on the shelves next to the chalkboard with the numbers
on it. The numbers indicate the Fibonacci Sequence which is simply a
sequence in which the next number is the sum of the two numbers in front
of it. (1+1=2, 2+1=3, 3+2=5, 5+3=8; thus 1,1,2,3,5,8) This being like a
hint and all, it means that the number you need to unlock the box is
related to this. Quite simply, you just need the next numbers in the
sequence, so it's solved like this:
5+8=13, 8+13=21, 13+21=34 or 13, 21, 34
Unlock the box with the combination 132134. Get the key found inside and
leave the shed.


Time to deal with the dogs. Walk straight out from the shed to the other
building and find the boarded up door at the end. (You should be looking
almost straight at it when you exit the shed). Break down the door.
Inside this small room, locate the freezer that you can examine, and get
the steak out from inside. Head back out of this little room and over
to the open cage with the dog bowls in it. Put the steak in the bowl
(You only need to put it in one bowl, the steak will appear in both bowls
after you do it) Walk out of the cage and turn to the left (back towards
the room with the freezers). You'll see a big square on the sidewalk
there (its a shadow of the belfrey) and there is a rope there. Pull the
rope and the bell will ring and the dogs will run up to eat. You are
now a friend to the dogs and they are no longer a threat.

Now you need to turn the bridge so you can get to the mansion, so go down
to the big spool just below the shed. Grab the crank and turn it to spin
the bridge around. (NOTE: This action is SUPER picky compared to every
other action you will do in this whole game. Do EXACTLY what the indicator
on the bottom of the screen is showing you . . . .do not get ahead of it,
and don't fall to far behind what it is indicating. You will need to spin
it 4 times. It's annoying, but keep trying.) Once the bridge is spun,
head across to the mansion. Don't let the dogs upset you, they're your
friends now, but it kind of freaked me out the first time I saw them
running at me. Go up to the door and use the key you found in the shed.

Now that you are standing inside, ignore the stairs in front of you for now
and head into the alcove on the left. Look in the cabinet you find there
and you will find the AENEAS STATUE. Go into the room opposite the cabinet
with the lions head with the fleur de lis discs over it. Notice that there
is a disc missing. Well, now you know what to do with that disc you found
back in the Louvre, but now she's crabbing about not remembering how they
are supposed to be rotated, so we'll have to figure that out. Head towards
the back of this room and look on a little table on the left side. Sitting
right there in front of everybody with no puzzle or locks or cabinets or
anything is the CUPID STATUE. Grab it. Keep going out the back of this
room and head up the stairs you find here. You can examine the stained
glass windows here, but at the moment it is meaningless to you, so head all
the way to the top of the stairs. The PRIORY RING is what unlocks this door,
so unlock it and head in.

You find yourself in a bedroom (wish I had a bedroom like that). First,
examine the bed and find **DA VINCI'S TANK**.


Now go to the dresser and examine it. There is a poem you need to read in
the top center drawer, which gives you a clue as to how you are going to
rotate the discs downstairs. There is a large bandage in the middle drawer
on the right. The drawer on the bottom left is locked, but once again, the
PRIORY RING is the key to unlock it. In that drawer you find the VULCAN
STATUE. Now head back out the way you came in and go observe the stained
glass windows.

You'll see that each window has a God on it and Sophie will tell you the
story of each one. Each God has a fleur de lis symbol in a pane above it
rotated in a certain direction. Each line of the poem you found in the
dresser refers to one of these God's, and your goal here is to figure out
which God each line refers to and therefore which direction their
respective fleur de lis is facing.


It's all very confusing at first, but for the purposes of this walkthrough,
head down to the fleur de lis discs over the lion's head and examine the
discs again. Turn them like this:

(The direction refers to which way the TOP of the design faces)



The lions mouth will open and give you the VENUS STATUE. Now head back up
to the bedroom.

Go all the way through the bedroom and into the library on the other side.
Stay on the top level for now and go to the table you see to your left.
Look inside the box first and you'll get the JUPITER STATUE, then read the
note on the table. After you've read the text of the note, you'll get your
second cryptogram of the game. Give it a shot first (hint: the symbols
always represent the same letter in EVERY cryptogram you will do in the
whole game), but if you don't wanna, this is what it says:


Now head down the stairs to the lower part of this library. Upon reaching
the bottom of the stairs you will be treated to another cutscene and
another "You don't have any choice close quarters fight with a crazed monk".
Once you have disposed of the monk, examine the table with the skeleton
sitting on it like a monk fight spectator. Examine the funky UFO lookin'
thing and a statue will roll out from under it. Move your gaze to the floor
under the table and pick up the MARS STATUE. Pick either door out of this
room and make your way back to the stairs you saw when you first entered the
mansion and head up.

Halfway up there is a little overlook area with two paintings. Examine the
painting on the left and you'll find the **JUPITER SPHERE**. Now head the
rest of the way up the stairs to the room at the top.

In this room, go to the round table with the pentacle on it and place all
6 statues on it (They will all line up on the platform on the left side
of the table). Once they are all there, its time to place them all on the
pentacle in the correct spot and facing the correct direction. Put them
on the pentacle in THIS ORDER:

Put Aeneas on the lower right point
Put Mars on the upper right point
Put Cupid on the lower left point
Put Jupiter on the top point
Put Venus in the center
Put Vulcan in the upper left point


When you are done, make sure that all the statues are FACING VENUS, and that
Venus is facing Aeneas. You'll get a cutscene, and when its over, you'll be
in the garden below.

The concept here is pretty simple, its just a matter of getting it done. The
garden is a big replica of the pentacle table you just completed. You simply
have to go around the outside and rotate all the statues so that they face
Venus, which is pretty easy considering that when the statue is facing the
right way, a big box pops up on the screen and tells you that its right.
The trick is the 3 guards wandering around in there. Fortunately,
it does allow so that you only run into one guard at a time (MOST of the
time. One time I did get snagged by two at once.), and you can usually
sneak up on him and take him out with a stealth attack. Just be sure to drag
them out of the way so one of the other guards doesn't find him and wake him
back up (Metal Gear Solid flashbacks). The safest bet is to drag them to one
of the statues that you have to rotate . . .they don't go there on their
patrol. Once you have them all turned the right way, the Venus statue will
rise up out of the ground to reveal an entranceway beneath it. Of course,
you should go there and enter.

So now you're in the "Underground Grotto".

First, there is a statue on either side of the room. Go to the one that
looks like King Tut and take the TORCH (You can examine the other statue, but
there is nothing there to examine until the puzzle is completed, and then
its a cutscene anyway, so forget it). Light the torch on one of the flaming
birds. Now, you can do what I did and run around for 45 minutes just
lighting torches until you get lucky and the puzzle solves itself or you can
do this:

Starting from scratch before you've lit any torches, imagine the torches in
a clock format. When you walk in the room, the one furthest from you being
the 12 o'clock position, illustrated as shown below:


-----door you come in-----


Now light the torches in this order:

12 oclock
10 oclock
5 oclock
10 oclock
2 oclock
10 oclock
7 oclock

(Many thanks to 'maceasar' on the IGN Message Boards for this description
of solving the puzzle!)

A cutscene ensues, the LASER ETCHED KEY is retrieved and the level is over.

IV. BANK OF ZURICH (3 Secrets)

If I had to pick which level is "Chock full O' guards", this is it, so if
you don't like the guard fights and creeping around, go ahead and mentally
prepare yourself now.

First thing you're going to do is talk to the guard at the main desk and
he'll point you through the door on the right. Go through the two doors here
and you'll be in the "Atrium". There is nothing to find on this level and
the only door you can go through is the one in the center on the left side,
so just head there and go in.

Speaking to the guard here is useless unless you just want to hear him say
stuff that only borders on funny, so you can skip him and go to the gate and
use your newly aquired LASER ETCHED KEY to get in. Once the gate is open,
there is an open room right in front of you to go in. Don't bother exploring
the hallway, there is nothing there.

In this new room, you will again use the laser etched key to retrieve your
box o' goodies, but, to your surprise, it gets there and THEN it decides
to let you know you need a password. Then you have cutscenes telling you
about the symbol on your box of goodies and what numbers it represents and
the Fibonacci Sequence and 21 and 500 and 521 and blah blah blah, so its
going to make you do math again, but at least its math you can do in your
head because you only need a 4 digit number this time so:

21+500=521 (this you know already), 500+521=1021

How about that. A 4 digit number. "1021" is your password, so enter it, and
the box o' goodies is yours. Inside, you get the Cryptex and no clue how to
open it . . . .SWEEEEEEET!! not.

Examine the box again and you will find that there is a tiny hole in the
smaller box that contained the Cryptex, but you need something to poke into
the hole. Well, of all things, suddenly you can examine the desk on the left
side of this room. Open the drawer and inside you'll get a paper clip. Of
course Sophie will tell you how very perfect that is, so go and use it on
the little hole in the Cryptex case. You get a lovely little poem that if
you know anything at all about "The Da Vinci Code" (even if you've only seen
commercials, or it could be you are over 30 years old and you are a Monty
Python fan), you know boils down to one word: "GRAIL" Go into your
inventory and chose the Cryptex and "use" it. Enter the word "GRAIL" and
you're on your way. The bank manager comes in and very kindly tells you to
get the hell out and he's going to help you do it without getting busted.

After the cutscene, head out the way you came in, but when you get back to
the "Atrium", head to the left and around to the elevators. Use the security
card the bank manager just gave you on the elevator. A cutscene lets you
know that this is the last friendly guard you're gonna see on this level,
because this guy is too stupid to know he's supposed to be pissed at you yet.

When you're in the elevator, you're told that you're screwed and you need to
get out of there before the elevator opens, so lift Sophie through the door
in the top of the elevator and up you both go. Once there, turn the crank
you see on the wall to open the doors.

Head to the right out of the elevator. There are two guards patrolling this
floor. Go into the first set of doors you come to, which should put you in
a storage closet. Look around in here and you'll find a large bandage, and
you should see the eerie glow of one of the secret items, so, of course,
search the shelves to find the **MARS SPHERE**. Exit the closet.


At this point, what you do with the guards is up to you. What you want to do
is continue along this side of the Atrium to the doors further down the hall.
If you can get there and into the Admin Office without messing with the
guards, good for you, if not, try to only have to get rid of one of them.
Enter the Admin Office.

In here, there are two more guards. Sophie will not follow you in here, so
you are on your own for fighting, so just don't fight. Immediately crouch
and look straight ahead and a guard will pass from right to left. Sneak up
behind him and stealth attack him and knock him cold. Move up a little
further and look to your right around the cubicles and you'll see another
guard on patrol. If you crept up correctly, you should be able to sneak up
on him and do the same thing you did to the first guard in here. If not,
just fight him and take him out. You are now free to explore and do your
thing on your own time in here.

First thing we'll do is take care of one of the two hardest secrets in the
game to find. If you go to the door you came into this room, and turn
around and look into the room just as you did when you came in, you need to
go all the way to the back of the room to the furthest cubicle on the RIGHT.
(If this description confuses you, just check each of the four corner cubicles
and you've got a one in four chance of hitting it. At least you won't have to
search all of them like I did and finally find it in the last one you check.)
Go in the cubicle and you'll get the "examine" cue. Examine the shelf here
and you'll get **DA VINCI'S BALLISTA**. (If you choose to find this cubicle
by looking at the map on the wall to either side of the door, it will be the
cubicle in the lower right corner.)


Now you have to go to the Administrator's office. As you came in, its on the
left side near the back, and you have to walk through a smaller office with
about 7 cubicles in it to get to the Admin Office. (Does this mean the
Administrator has 7 secretaries?? This guy can DELEGATE!!) Once in the
Admin office, go to the desk and insert the security card after the bank
manager gives you the code. Enter the code "867530" and it will be wrong,

(TRIVIA NOTE: For those of you who might be fan's of 80's music, note
that this passcode is the first 6 digits of the song "867-5309 (Jenny)"
that Tommy Tutone topped the charts with in 1981. I have yet to
confirm if this was on purpose, or if its a freaky coincidence. Is my
age showing?)

so the manager tells you to check out the Office Managers office. As you
stand, the Office Managers office is directly across the main cubicle room
from you,so head out and go across and enter the Office Manger's office.

Search the desk first. There is a large bandage in the bottom left drawer
and a password in the middle right drawer. When you're done with the desk,
turn around and examine the painting with the UV light. Examine the
fingerprints you find. Now you can lift the painting and reveal the safe
that is hidden behind it. Use the password you found in the drawer to open
the safe "728559". Take the FILE CABINET KEY you find inside and leave that

Go to the right and enter the file room at the end. Go all the way to the
back of the room to the last set of free standing file cabinets (IE: Not the
ones against the wall) and find the set that allows you to "examine". Unlock
the top drawer with the key you just obtained from the safe and get the
password. Go back to the Admin Office.

Put the security card back in the computer and enter the code that you found
in the file cabinet "260924". Head out of here and back towards the door you
came in here from and find the Security Card Reader in that corner. Use the
security card and move to the stairwell. When you get to the bottom, you'll
go through another door and end up on the lower floor of the "Atrium". (Sophie
begins to follow you again when you head down the stairs. Wasn't she helpful?)

There are guards here, but if you immediately crouch and head to the left,
you'll end up near a door that says it is "Deposits and Servers" or something
to that effect. Enter that door and go down a long hallway that has nothing
in it but doors you can't open until the last door on the left. Go through
that door, down a little hallway past an unmanned security desk and through
another door. You end up in a small break room. Walk through it and you'll
be in a big "privacy cubicle" room. Walk all the way to the far side of this
room and peek to your left and you'll see the two guards in this room. It's
up to you how you handle those two because I knocked them both out when I was
searching for secrets, but it is possible to get through the room without the
guards even knowing you're there.

As you come in this room, the place you want to be is the other corner of
this room directly to your left (there is a security card reader and another
door in this corner). There is a privacy room you can enter, closest to the
security card reader, however the secret you want is in the privacy room
directly BEHIND it. In other words, check the two privacy rooms closest to
the card reader, you'll see the glowing symbol on the wall when you go in.
Get the **IRON COIN**.


On the same wall as the door by the card reader, there is an air vent. Go
there and you will be prompted to shove Sophie through it. Do so.

You are now in a small server room and a guard will walk up between the
servers and turn his back to you. Creep up on him and take him out with a
stealth attack. Go to the left from here and you'll find a set of doors and
an office with no door. Creep into the office because there is a guard
standing there with his back to you. Take him out with a stealth attack.
You can now upgrade your security card once again at the computer found in
this office. Just stick it in . . . no password or puzzle necessary.

Go back out of this office and through the doors right beside it. Go down
the short hallway outside the card upgrade office and open the door at the
other end with the security card. Langdon will meet you there and you'll be
back in the "privacy cubicle" room. Leave here the way you came in and go
back to the "Atrium".

When you're back in the Atrium, there are two guards here, but there is no
need to even mess with them. Simply crouch, turn to the right and follow the
wall around to the loading dock door. You've got time and space here, so
listen to the guards conversation for a giggle if you want. If not, go ahead
and enter the loading dock area.

You'll be in a sitting room with a security card reader and a caged off door.
Use your upgraded card in the card reader and the cage will raise. Creep
through the doorway quick enough and there will be a guard walking away
from you that you can sneak up on and take out with a stealth attack. As
you now stand, you should now see a guard just standing there and looking
to your left. Believe it or not, you can crouch and sneak up beside and then
behind him and take him out with a stealth attack (the guys gotta be BLIND!).
There is a small bandage in the closet behind that guard. Now look down
where that guard was looking and you'll see a guard waaaaaaay down on the
other end. He does pace back and forth, so I suppose you COULD sneak up on
him, but its quicker just to run up, fight him and knock him out.

The arrow on the floor points you out the door, so follow it. Go to the end
of that hall, use the Vehicle Key on the doors and the level is over.


This level has only one enemy and you don't see him till the end, so in the
meantime we'll have to endure the fact that Teabing is longwinded and just
get through this. When you finally have control after the cutscenes, the
first thing I recommend that you do (Only if you want all the secrets) is
take the steps down into the basement. Go through the door and the basement
is to your left. Go to the back left corner of the basement (look for the
glowing symbol) and there are some chairs there that let you "examine" them.
You'll find the **COPPER COIN** there. Go back upstairs to the room everyone
is standing in.


Listen to Teabing babble and observe the two paintings on the wall. When
he's done, you can either go to each shield at the back of the room and
listen to Teabings story, or, you can listen long enough to find "Gallahad's"
shield and "Percival's" shield. In either case, it is the shield furthest
to the left in both sets. (Gallahad's shield is a red cross, Percival's
shield is the Heart)

Grab Gallahad's shield and put it on the Knight closest to the painting of
the knight looking at the Angels.

Grab Percival's shield and put it on the Knight closest to the painting of
the knight looking at the castle and the Grail floating in the sky.


Doors will open. (From this point on, the door next to Gallahad's shield
is "Gallahad's Room" and the door next to Percival's shield is "Percival's

Enter Gallahad's Room and read the note on the bookcase in the corner
directly to your right. Go over to Percival's Room and read the Bible on
the bookcase. Go back to Gallahad's Room and enter "HEAR" as the password
on the security door. In this new room, there is a piano and two other
doors. The furthest door takes you back to the main hall of the house, the
other door puts you in a closet in which you will find a table you can
"examine". Under it, you will find **VENUS SPHERE**. Go back the into room
and then back into Gallahad's room. Observe the Chalices in this room and find
the "Red Dragon Chalise". Take it and carry it to Percival's Room.

Place the chalise on the display stand directly to your left that says
"Arthur". A door will slide open and you will have to do a slide puzzle to
put together a picture. It's pretty easy and you can complete it in 5 moves.
Click on the tiles in this order:

Bottom Left
Top Left
Top Center
Bottom Center
Bottom Right


The puzzle will be finished and the door to the library will open. Go in this
new room.

Turn right and go to the corner and on top of an empty display case you will


You walked past a table on the way here, so stop now and grab the music.
Take the music back to the piano you found in the room off of Gallahad's room.
Use the music sheet on the piano and just hit the buttons AFTER the note
displays to complete this very slow and easy puzzle. More longwinded speach,
then go back to Gallahad's Room.

You'll go through many longwinded cutscenes here, but basically you'll be
searching "The Last Supper". Basically, after you have observed and heard
about the following items, you'll be done:

The "V Shape"
The "Grail"
"John is Mary"
The "M Shape"
"Peter mad at Mary"
The "Grail" (again)
"Jesus and Mary"

Apparently, now you have all you need to solve Cryptex #2, so go in your
inventory, use Cryptex #2 and put in "MAGDALENE"

Large cutscene here with the Creepy Monk (Silas) and now you'll have to send
parts to the basement to complete a weapon. Run upstairs to the room with
the piano and grab a GLOBE in the corner. You'll end up having to fight the
crazy monk for it. Get away with it and they send it to the basement.

Go over to Percival's Room and go to the right as soon as you enter. The
thing you need is over there, but you end up having to fight the crazed monk
yet again. When you're done, the cutscene sends that part downstairs too.

Now, you have to run around and enter the room you just crammed the crazed
monk into, (I know, sounds stupid, doesn't it?) via the other door from the
main hall. Head to the far corner and you'll be attacked again (DUH!!).
Fight him off, make Langdon crush him under the bookcase, and the final piece
will head to the basement. It's all cutscene from here on out. Watch,
enjoy, and move on.


You start off here freezing in the rain and cops are beating on the door.
Go to the dumpster nearby and push it in front of the door. Behind the
dumpster you just moved, there is a power switch. Activate the power switch
and move over behind the rail car. Release the brake on the rail car and
walk carefully behind it. The cops will be shooting at you, but the rail car
is your cover, so stay behind it and you'll be fine. When the car stops, you
are at the end and you can enter the door you've come to.

Once in the hanger, turn directly to your right and get **DA VINCI'S BRIDGE**


from on top of the crates there. You are standing very close to a "Bunker
Map" on the wall next to the door you came in. Right next to that is a tool
box in which you will find BOLT CUTTERS. Go to the left side of the plane (as
you are looking at it) and find the gate with the padlock. Cut the lock,
enter the fence and climb the ladder. Get the large bandage off the table
then activate the controls to move the crate. Climb back down, go back into
main hanger area and two guards come in to ruin your day/evening/weekend.
Dispose of both of them. Enter the cage you revealed by moving the crate.
Get the FLARES off of the shelves in there, then open and enter the trapdoor.

Follow the dark stairwell all the way down until you get a cutscene. When its
over, enter the very dark room and open the grate on the floor and crawl down.
Go forward to another short set of stairs, go down and find a gate with a pad-
lock. Cut the lock with the bolt cutters and head down the new hallway. Go
through another door and head to a fuse box that is straight in front of you.
Take all the fuses (3 of them). Turn to your left and head into the next
room until you hit the railing, then turn right. There is an alcove here and
at the back of it, there is another fuse box with 300 amp fuses (2 of them)
you can take. Go all the way to the opposite end of this room from this
set of fuses (STRAIGHT ACROSS, do not go downstairs yet!), and climb the
ladder to the Control Room.

In here, find a first aid kit on a shelf behind some cleaner, then take the
elevator to the control tower. Up here you will have more cutscenes and
another fuse box. Take all the 300amp fuses (3 of them). Go back down to
the control room.

A guard meets you there. Defeat him. Go back down again and there are two
guards patrolling here. Do what you will with the guards, but make your way
back to the opposite side and take the ladder down into the lower area and
then come back to the far end to find the "fuse box", "switch" and the
"schematic". Use the UV light on the schematic. Go to the fuse panel and
put in the correct fuses to activate the "left generator", "right generator",
and "surface door" (Generators take all the 300amp fuses,surface door takes
the 50amp fuses).

The fusebox should end up looking something like this:


(emp= empty or unused)

300 300 emp 300 300
300 300 emp 300 300
emp emp emp emp emp
50 50 emp emp emp

(You will indeed have leftover or extra fuses)

Pull the switch.

Start heading back the way you came, but before you climb back up, go behind
the ladder and to the left into the alcove underneath where you found the
first set of 300amp fuses. Look for the glowing symbol on the wall and look
around for the **MERCURY COIN**. When you get past where you took all the


fuses from, down the long hallway and then down a short set of stairs, creep
up and you'll see a guard pass from left to right. Sneak up behind the guard
and stealth attack him and take him out. Go back to where the guard came from
and find the alcove on the right. Look for the glowing symbol in there and
get the **MERCURY SPHERE**. (You cannot get this secret on the way in. It


will not let you find it until the lights are back on.) Head back towards the
door that you could not open because it had no power, and there is a guard
there with his back to you. Knock him out, pull the switch and the door opens.

Follow this path until you reach a ladder. Take the ladder up to the next
floor and you'll find another ladder. Take this ladder up and you'll find
yourself back up in the rain and outside. There are two guards here, but it
is very possible to sneak up on both of them and take them both out with
stealth attacks. Once they are taken care of, go to the cage at the back of
the gas tank and cut the lock with the bolt cutters. Open the valve you find
there to release the gas. Go over to the ladder on the building and climb to
the roof. Sneak up and stealth attack the guard here and then use the flare
on the edge of the building.

Consider this level over.


You start in the courtyard outside the church with Langdon and Teabing. The
first thing you have to do is go into your inventory and "use" the coded
message you find there. It is a cryptogram, so give it shot or I'll just
tell you what it is here:


The boys head off into the church and leave you alone. Behind you as you face
the church, look for a sunken area. Go either to the left or right, it
doesn't matter, and you'll find a path down. In this path you'll find a
window with a trash bag laying under it. Examine the window and you'll find
the **SILVER COIN**. Go back up to the courtyard.


Go to the bulletin board just to the right of the front door of the church.
Examine the board and you'll find you can grab the handle and open it. Inside
you'll find a key.

Go to the left side of the church and use the key to unlock the gate to the
backyard of the church. Once inside, there is one guard walking away from
you, so grab the shovel on your left, creep up behind him and stealth attack
him so he's down.

There is a long wall with archways in front of you. Go to the sixth arch and
enter. Look for the glowing symbol and grab the **MOON SPHERE** in the pile
of boxes to your right. Cross the rest of the way under the arches (you will
have to back out of this archway and go back two are three archways) and
find the stairway upwards to the right. Creep up the stairs as there are
two guards having a silly conversation at the top. Wait for their conversation
to end and they will walk away from each other. Pick one to sneak up behind
and you can take him out with a stealth attack. Watch what the other one does
and you can do the same to him as well.

Now you are enemy free. Go down the walkway over the archways and find the
wheelbarrow. Get the SHEARS from the wheelbarrow and go back to where you
knocked out the guards and go to the fountain. In the planter closest to the
church, use the SHEARS and you will cut back the roses. Use your PRIORY RING
on the resulting plaque, and you will get the METAL SHARD.


You awake in a cell with a guard looking through the window giving you crap.
Eventually he will go away and watch TV. Turn and look towards the door to
the room. To your right is a table on which you will find a PIECE OF CARD-
BOARD. To the right of that table is a pallet on which you will find a
METAL ROD. Turn right 90 degrees from the pallet and pull the chair out from
under that table and get the SMALL GEAR.

Now go to the door and examine it. Go to the bottom of the door and use the
PIECE OF CARDBOARD on the space below the door. Move up and use the METAL ROD
on the keyhole. Congrats, now you have the key and can get out of your cell.

The guard is watching TV and he is entertained. Sneak up behind him and take
him out with a stealth attack. You can breathe for a moment, so go into the
room that was directly across from your cell. In there you will find **DA
VINCI'S PADDLEBOAT** on top of the file cabinets just to your right inside


the door. Go back in by the guard you knocked out and enter the door just
to the right of the television.

You are in a large sanctuary, with a crypy to your left. There are two guards
in the crypt having a conversation. Wait for them to finish and quietly take
them both out with stealth attacks when they go their separate ways. There
is still one guard left in the main sanctuary area. Sneak around and take him
out too.

You are now free to roam, but not much you need. In the main sanctuary, there
are two cabinets in opposing corners. One has doors on it, and the other
does not. The one that has doors on it has only a SMALL GEAR, grab it and go
to the other corner. In that cabinet that has no doors, get another SMALL
GEAR and a large bandage.

Go back over to the crypt area where you took out the first two guards and
turn to your left. You will find a desk that has a LARGE GEAR on it. Head
back to the door and go back down to where you were held prisoner. When you
go back in this room, go to the right and find the gearbox. In your
inventory you should have 1 large gear and 3 small gears. You may rearrange
the gears you see in the gearbox, but this should be your final result:

(Ex)Ls s(Sw)

s=small gear
L=larger gear
(Ex) = Exit gear
(Sw) = Switch gear


When you get it right, pull the switch and you'll get a cutscene and you'll be
Sophie again.


All you have to do here is be sneaky and take out the two guards. Wait in
the archway that you start in and listen to the conversation that the guards
are having on the radio (absolutely hysterical!) The guards will then walk
by you to the right, and then very quickly turn around and walk back to
where they came from. As they pass back by, sneak up behind them and knock
them out. Enter the basement door when they are taken care of. Thats it,
you're done. You join Langdon in the basement.

Now that you have Sophie with you, you can take her down the long hallway in
this room and open the door to the tunnels (catacombs). Once inside the
tunnels there is a small bandage just to your left in the little alcove. Let
the two guards have their conversation and when they are done talking, they
will split up. Now you can creep down and stealth attack the first guard.
Continue on down the tunnel and beat up the next guard as well.

Carefully continue through the tunnels until you come up on 2 more guards and
let them finish talking as well. Let the first guard come to you and then
subdue him. Look in the crypts on the wall in this area (should be on your
left as you are walking through the tunnels) and you should find your first
TEMPLAR SEAL. Now you need to move up and dispose of the remaining guard.
Move a little further along the tunnels and look for a crypt on your right
with a cardboard box in it. Move the box and get the second TEMPLAR SEAL.

Continue through the tunnels until you get to one lonely guard complaining
about the electrical switch. Creep up on him and stealth attack him. Now
you get a brief (very brief) break from the guards. Examine the electrical
box on the wall. There are 4 green buttons inside that you need to push in
the correct order to get them all to light up. Remember this order because
you will need it later several times when you are in a panicked state:

2 4

3 1


Push them in that order and the power will turn on for the switch right next
to you. Pull the switch and enter the room that opens for you. Grab the
small bandage and the third TEMPLAR SEAL. Check your inventory and make sure
you have all 3 TEMPLAR SEALS. You are going back through the tunnels the way
you came now, so if you don't have them all you can pick up what you missed
on the way.

Go back through the tunnels carefully because 2 guards will reappear for your
fighting pleasure. Do away with these guards and return to the switch on
the wall in the area you found these guards. Pull the switch and enter the
little room that opens for you. You have a disc puzzle in front of you very
similar to the one you found in Normandy Mansion, only its not nearly as
complicated to figure out.

Put the three TEMPLAR SEALS you found into the empty spaces in the puzzle.
The way the seals need to be turned is very easily painted on the walls to
either side of the puzzle. I will use clock positions to tell you how each
disc should be turned since this puzzle doesn't have straightforward up/down
type positions. Turn them like this from left to right (the clock position
refers to where the TOP of the seal should be):

10 O'clock, 4 o'clock, 12 o'clock, 2 o'clock

(For the really observant among you, if you looked at the monument in the
courtyard of the church when you first started the level, you may have noticed
that there were 4 templar seals on it, numbered I - IV. Those seals were
rotated the way you will have to rotate them here.)


Now you'll get a cutscene showing you that you've revealed something up in the
courtyard where this level first started, so you're going to continue back
through the tunnels the way you came in. You will come across two guards on
your way back, but there will be more if either of those guards find and
awaken any of the guards you knocked out on the way in, so get out of there
fairly quickly.

When you exit the tunnels back in the room where Langdon was held prisoner,
the guard Langdon knocked out when he escaped his cell will be there waiting
for you and he won't be happy. Take him out and go out the door near the TV
to go back up to the church sanctuary.

When you get there, use the combined efforts of Langdon and Sophie to unlock
and open the front door of the church that you see on your right, and exit
out into the courtyard you started the level in. Go to the monument straight
in front of you and look around the bottom of it for the item you revealed
with the Templar Seal puzzle. Get the METAL SHARD.

After you have the shard, 2 guards will run across the courtyard after you.
Take care of them as you see fit and return inside the church through the
front door.

Go to the left into the room with all the crypts on the floor and in the right
rear of this room you will find a shield with two pieces missing. Put the
ROUGH METAL SHARD in the top space and the SHARP METAL SHARD in the bottom
space and the shield will be whole again revealing a code of paired symbols.
You don't need to write this down as it will be shown to you when you need it.

Look at the crypts in the room and find the one that says "Dark Effigy" when
you approach it. When you examine it, it will say "Here lies W. Marshall" and
then you will be presented with a chart and the shield you need to decode.

Use the paired symbols on the shield to find the correct letters on the chart
and fill in the blank spaces at the bottom. When you finish, the word will
spell out "RICHARD".

Now you can go into your inventory and solve the 3rd Cryptex with the word

You'll get a cutscene in which you'll discover that you've been duped. Enjoy
the cutscene or skip it, but be prepared when its over because the Creepy
Monk Leader will be chasing you with a gun. (Yes, only Langdon. Not sure
exactly where Sophie disappeared to or how you ended up back in the tunnels,
but yet here you are.)

What you have to do here is just RUN! You will get a crappy camera angle with
a view of the crazed monk shooting at you from behind. Run away from him
until you get to a door that you need to break down. Do it quickly and
continue to run. Next you'll come to another door with one of those
electrical boxes and a switch. Solve the electrical box with the solution
I gave you earlier, pull the switch and then run some more.

The next door you come to will be one that you have to break down again. Do
it and keep running. You come to another electrical box/switch door, so do
them again, but this time the door will only go halfway up. Quickly grab the
door and pull it the rest of the way up by hand, then run again.

The next door you come to will just be halfway up, so just grab it and lift
it up by hand and run some more and you'll come to another half opened door
where you will do the same thing and keep on running.

The last door you come to will be the electrical box/switch type door. Get
it opened by the prescribed method and enter it for the cutscene. In total
there are 7 doors you have to get through. Thankfully, while you are running,
the crazed monk is walking, so you get enough time to get through them all,
but here is an abbreviated list of the doors you have to go through:

1. Break through door
2. Electrical Box/Switch door
3. Break through door
4. Electrical Box/Switch broken door, then lift
5. Half open door
6. Half open door
7. Electrical Box/Switch door

The cutscene will show you trapped by the crazed monk and Sophie reappearing
and saving your butt. Now this level is over.

VIII. Westminster Abbey (3 Secrets)

This level looks kind of intimidating, but its really not that bad. First
thing you need to do is turn and look at the directory to get an idea of
where you will be going. Go behind the directory first, towards the front
doors of Westminster Abbey and look towards the statue on the left for the
glowing symbol that indicates a secret. Examine that area to find the
**GOLD COIN**. That is the only secret out in this main area, so we'll pick
up the other two on our way through the level.


Check the directory and find your way to "Newton's Tomb". As soon as you
enter this room, you will get a hint about electricuting the patrolling
guard. Do as suggested and shove the light into the puddle of water, but
do it fairly quickly as the guard will eventually walk out of the puddle and
then you'll have to kick his butt as you normally would. Go straight across
the room to the opposite side and look on the wall for the glowing symbol
of secrets. Examine that area to get the **SUN SPHERE**. (Just started and
already you got 2 secrets!)


Now walk over to Newton's Tomb and examine it thoroughly. When it has been
completely examined and you are staring at it wondering what to do, use the
PRIORY RING in the little hole next to the Sun, and you will be able to take
the sun off the tomb and add it to your inventory. (That Priory Ring is handy
as hell) Listen to them babble for a bit and head out of this room back to
the main area.

Use the directory if you need to, but you want to go to "Chaucer's Tomb".
Examine this tomb and note the characters from Canterberry Tales across the
top of the tomb. You will need to know one of them to solve this puzzle.
Examine down near the bottom of the tomb and find the slider puzzle with the
shield engraving in the middle. Place the Sun Orb on the shield engraving to
activate the slider puzzle. It's pretty easy to solve as you have to get
the letters to spell out "PARDONER" clockwise around the puzzle starting from
the top left square.


Simply slide the "D" into the center and the rest of the letters will slide
right into place so you can slide the "D" right where it is supposed to be
and the puzzle will be solved. You will be presented with the LARGE RING
for your efforts.

Now that you have completed that, lets save you some running around and grab
a nearby item that you will need later. You are standing next to where
Shakespeare's Memorial should be, but there is a sign saying that it is
being renovated. Right next to that area you will find a "Workman's Cabinet".
Examine the cabinet and you will find and old coat inside. Slide the coat
to the side and you will get a BRUSH added to your inventory. Now if you know
the way, head to "The Cloister". Check the directory if you don't know how
to get there.

When you enter the Cloister, creep straight ahead and there will be a guard in
front of you. Look a little to the left and Langdon will proclaim that maybe
he can untie the light on the ceiling and it will drop on the guard. Do just
that and grab the large bandage that you find there as well. Continue down
that hall and enter the "Restoration Hall" on your left near the end.

There are 3 guards in this hallway. Try to take them out with stealth
attacks by turning on the light switches you can find on either side of the
hallway, otherwise if all 3 guards come after you, you are unlikely to beat
them. The third guard is near the end of this "L" shaped hallway near a
closet with a closed door. Enter the closet and find a large bandage and a
light switch. Flip the switch and a guard will walk out of the Restoration
room at the end of the hall. Run out and take care of him before he wakes
up any of the bodies you've left laying around the hall. When the guards are
all sleeping peacefully, enter the Restoration room at the end of the hall.

Just inside the door to the right is a pallet that you can examine. Search
it and find BOLT CUTTERS inside one of the boxes. Look to the other side of
the door you came in and look for two boxes covered with blue cloths right
next to each other. Walk around them until you get the cue to "examine" and
you will be rewarded with **DA VINCI'S CODEX ARUNDEL**. You can't do


anything else in this room at the moment, but go and examine Shakespeare's
Statue before you leave if you feel like it. Head back out of the Restoration
Hall to the Cloister and back towards the door you came in, but instead of
leaving, turn to your left and go down the previously unexplored hallway.

There will be 1 guard wandering around down here, so just take him out in
whatever way you like best, and proceed all the way to the end of the hall to
find a padlocked door. Use the BOLT CUTTERS to unlock the door and enter this

The closet is dark, so examine the pallet just inside the door and slide a
box to the side to reveal the light switch and turn on the lights. Search
under the workbench until you find MARBLE CLEANER. You are done in here, so
go aaaaaaaaall the way back to the Restoration Room where Shakespeare's Statue
was. When you get there, there will be a single guard wandering around the
room. He's pretty easy to creep up on and take out with a stealth attack.
Do that and go over and examine Shakespeare's Statue. Go in your inventory
and combine the MARBLE CLEANER and the BRUSH. Use the resulting soapy brush
on the scroll on the statue and reveal the quote. Note the word that
Shakespeare is pointing to, "TEMPLES". Now examine Shakespeare's finger and
place the LARGE RING on it. A drawer will slide out and you will be rewarded
with a HAND CRANK.

You are done here, so you are going to head all the way back to the main area
of Westminster Abbey. You will encounter 1 guard on the way back in the hall
in the Cloister, so take him out on the way.

When you are back in the main area, head over to King Henry III's Tomb if you
know the way, check the directory if you don't.

Examine King Henry's Tomb and you will find a hole into which you can insert
the HAND CRANK. The word Shakespeare was pointing to is your clue, so crank
the letters around until it says "TEMPLES".


Your efforts will reward you with the KING SYMBOL.

Now turn around and examine the scaffold behind you. Examine the two wheels
with locks on them and unlock them. Now you can push the scaffold to the side
to reveal the door to Saint John's Chapel. Use the BOLT CUTTERS to unlock
this gate and enter Saint John's Chapel.

In here, search through the box on the floor and once you've emptied it,
you'll find a first aid kit. Now go examine Baron Hunsden's Tomb in this
room. Put the KING SYMBOL in the empty space that you find. Use the clue
to figure out the sequence in which to push the buttons you now have in front
of you or just read the sequence I have provided for you here because the clue
you have is terribly confusing. Push the buttons in this order:


You will be presented with the UNUSUAL CYLINDER. A guard has now entered the
room and you will have to induce his coma so you can get out of here. When
you have made it back out to the main area of Westminster Abbey, you need to
head back to the very first room you explored in this level, Newton's Tomb.

When you enter Newton's Tomb again, there will once more be a guard wandering
around in here, but electrocuting him is not presented as an option this time,
so you'll just have to kick his butt. Once that is done, examine the tomb
once again. In your inventory, combine the UNUSUAL CYLINDER and the SUN ORB.
Place the resulting object (SUN ORB CYLINDER) in the Sun Orb Cavity on the
tomb. A drawer will slide open to reveal a torn scroll. Take the torn
scroll you already have in your inventory (I don't know how it got there
either) and place it in the empty space below the torn scroll you just found.

Now you will have a scrambled up picture to assemble. Generally speaking, the
top and bottom row of the picture should be fairly easy to identify, so put
that together first and assemble the rest of the picture. There isn't really
a "way" to do this puzzle, you just have to use your eyes until it is put
together correctly.

This is probably the most requested image in the whole game. Be sure to click
on the image in the gallery for the 800 x 600 version if you need a closer


Once it is done, you get the word you need to solve the fourth and final
Cryptex, "PAYENS".

Instead of getting to solve the Cryptex though, you'll be subjected to a very
longwinded cutscene in which you find out that Teabing has screwed you over.
During this long oration from Teabing, you will be presented with different
things for Sophie to say to Teabing to distract him so that Langdon has some
time to solve the Cryptex.

The first response you need to use is:

"I thought you told us only the worthy can find the grail"

You will then switch to Langdon and the Cryptex. You need to rotate it as
quickly as possible to say "PAYENS". You will probably not get to finish
the first time, so get as far as you can until you are returned to the cut-

The next time you need to respond, use:

"You are the one responsible for my grandfather's murder"

You will now return to the Cryptex to pick up where you left off. I managed
to get the Cryptex finished during this turn, so it just returned to the cut-
scene to let it finish out the level, but if you need one more go at it, you
will be given another opportunity to respond to Teabing.

This response will be:

"You are no better than the church"

If you sill have not finished the cryptex, you will be given a fourth and final
chance to get it done. Listen further to the cutscene and shortly you will
be presented with the last list of responses.

This response is:

"and now you have taken over where the church left off"

(Thank you to Janica Aniceto for writing to me from the Phillipines to give
me this 4th response!)

After that, listen through the rest of the cutscene to the end of the level.


For being the last level of the game, this is certainly the easiest. There
are no guards, no crazed monks, and no friends to stab you in the back
anymore. In fact, there is no creeping, fighting or hiding at all in this
level. You are just here to follow clues and solve puzzles, just the way
The Da Vinci Code was intended.

First go into the foyer of the church (the area where the front doors are).
Examine the Baptismal there and take the STONE LID from it. Turn around and
look behind you and examine the wooden chest, being sure to examine the drag
marks on the floor in front of it. Now you can pull the wooden chest away
from the wall and find a loose stone underneath it. Pick up the loose stone
and you will find a DAISY DISC.

Go back into the main area of the chapel, and go over to the red curtain on
the right wall. Pull the rope to open the curtain. Place the STONE LID
in the empty space you find here and you will retrieve the LILY DISC.

Now return towards the rear of the church and examine the 4 Angels on the
back wall. Grab the box of matches from underneath the "Faith" Angel. Now
go to the red curtain on the other side of the sanctuary and pull the rope to
open that curtain. Use the matches on the candle you find there, then read
the inscription for a clue.

Return to the back wall and closely examine the "Truth" Angel and help Sophie
retrieve the ROSE DISC from it.

Now go up to the front of the sanctuary and examine the 3 altars on the front
wall. There is nothing in the left and center altars, but in the right altar
you will find and read the "Ceiling Journal". Note the following things from

Daisies = Innocence
Lilies = Purity
Sunflowers = Adoration
Roses = Love

Stars in the sky, crescent moon, one small star, a dove, a sun and an
open hand underneath.

Now you can walk around this room and let Langdon tell Sophie about the 3
pillars at the front of the room, or you can just move on to the gate with the
Star of David on it so you can get out of here. Examine the Star of David
gate and you will see the various characteristics on it with a little
space underneath it. We are only worried about 3 of them.

Put the DAISY DISC in the "Innocence" space
Put the LILY DISC in the "Purity" space
Put the ROSE DISC in the "Love" space

A cutscene will open the door and you can now go down into the Sacristy.

As you enter the Sacristy, read the memorial on your right. Go up to the
front of this room and observe the globe on the right. Be sure to spin
the globe so that you find that it is missing a piece. Now return to the
end of this room and go down the short hallway you find on the right.

Examine the "Bleeding Angel" on the wall and retrieve the ODDLY SHAPED STONE.
This is, of course, the missing piece of the globe you just looked at, so
return to the globe and put the ODDLY SHAPED STONE into the globe where it
belongs. The globe will now open and give you the STAR DISC.

Go back down the short hall past the "Bleeding Angel" and into the next room.
In here you find a stone slab and a wicker box. Push the wicker box out of
the way to reveal the trap door beneath it which you can't open yet.

examine the stone slab and use the STAR DISC in the appropriate place and
another scrambled picture puzzle will reveal itself. This one is REAL EASY
because the borders of the picture make it obvious where most of the pieces
go, and then you just have to arrange the center pieces. It should be
fairly obvious that you are assembling the picture that was described earlier
in the level in the "Ceiling Journal".


When the puzzle is completed, the trapdoor will unlock and you can open it
and enter the final area of the game.

Before you do anything else in here, go to the far corner of the room near a
stack of chairs and find the last secret of the game, **DA VINCI'S CODEC
ATLANTICUS**. Now all you have left to do is examine the two murals on the
wall in here and then examine the photo album and its contents. When you've
done that, put the controller down and watch the closing cutscene.

Congratulations, you have completed "The Da Vinci Code".


This level is an extra awarded to you after completing the game. There are
no enemies to fight or secrets to find. In here you simply return to The
Louvre and get to examine all the paintings. There are 9 cryptogram puzzles
in here to solve, and they can be found with the UV light on the paintings
that represent each of the 9 levels of the game. They don't have to be done
in any particular order because they are just there for the puzzle lovers
among you. These puzzles were unlocked by finding the secrets within the
game. There are 8 puzzles in the main hall and 1 in the Mona Lisa room.


The quote the cryptograms reveal are simply dialouge that you heard in cut-
scenes that you saw in each level, so if you're the type that skips these
cutscenes, you'll find these cryptograms a little more difficult.

Note that the same symbols represent the same letters in every single
cryptogram. For example the symbol that looks like the letter "B" that fell
over onto its humps, represents the letter "T" in EVERY puzzle.


This is quite simply the solutions to all the puzzles:

The Louvre Museum Painting:


St. Sulpice Painting:


Normandy Mansion Painting:


Bank of Zurich Painting:


Chateau Villett Painting:


Biggin Hill Airfield Painting:


Temple Church Painting:


Westminster Abbey Painting:


Rosslyn Chapel Painting:


Oddly, there is no other way out of here after you are done except to save
and then exit back out to the Level Select menu.


This level is also unlocked by completing the game. The important thing
to note here is that if you have not found ALL of the secrets in the game,
then not all of the things in this level will work. It breaks down like

The rotating solar system will not be rotating and you will not be able
to examine it if you have not found all the SPHERES.

The coins on the table will not play music tracks if you have not found
all of the COINS.

You will not be able to go into the underground library if you have not

You will not be able to go upstairs unless you have all the secrets.

Please do not write to tell me that Rosslyn Revisited is not working for
you. If it isn't working, you aren't finished with everything. End of
story. Do not write me angry e mails because you didn't finish everything
and Rosslyn Chapel isn't working for you. I've given you all the
information you needed in this walkthrough to get everything.

If Rosslyn Revisited isn't working for you, it's YOUR fault. I did
everything described in this walkthrough and it all worked for me.

The rotating solar system model where the globe was during the game allows
you to play various music tracks from the game by clicking on the coins
that you found that are now on the base of the solar system model, and
examining the Sun gives you a full screen view of the solar system.

In the room that had the trap door in the floor, there is a table that will
display all of Da Vinci's invention models that you found during the course
of the game.

Take the trapdoor down to the lower room and in here you will find all
the concept art that you unlocked by finding the secrets during the game.

Originally I didn't even bother to try to go upstairs into the main
sanctuary of the church because I figured if they wanted me to be there,
they would have started me in there just like the normal level did, but
after recieving an e mail from a reader (All he gave me were the intitials
B.G. --- So, Thank you, B.G.) I found that there is a whole big puzzle up there.
Several actually, but they all add up to one final one, so here goes the

Up in the area where the altars are, the one on the right is:


The one on the left is:


The one just outside of this area is:


As you look at the back wall under the Angel Statues, the one on the right is:


the one on the left is:


The one right by the Star of David Gate is:


Looking at the two in the center of the room, the one on the right is:


and the one on the left is of course:


As you solved each one, you may have noticed that you got a box on the screen
that repeated the name for you and added a title to them:

BEZU FACHE - The Soldier
SILAS - The Priest

Go to the table in between the Langdon and Teabing anagrams in the center of
the room and examine it. You will find 9 buttons corresponding to the titles
given to the characters above, and a note lying on the table above the buttons.
Read the note and it gives you the clue as to what order to push the buttons.
You have to push the button that corresponds to each character in the order they
first appeared IN THE GAME. I have to clarify the "IN THE GAME" part because
I received several e mails telling me that "thats NOT how they appeared in the
movie or the book or whatever.

Hopefully you did as I told you at the very beginning of the game. In fact it
was the very first paragraph of the walkthrough. Using the opening cutscene,
you should know in what order the first 5 characters appear. After that, it
should be real easy to figure out the last 3 being that you next see Sister
Sandrine in level 2 and then you need only figure out what order you met Remy
and Teabing in level 5.

You will now push the buttons in this order:


The Blacksmith button will never be used.

The game then tells you that everything in the visual database has been
unlocked. This means that all the data in your L2 menu is now available
for you to go through. (For those of you playing on XBox or PC, its the
menu where you can go through and read about the characters, art, history,
go over the clues you've recieved and see how many of the secrets you have
picked up). Once again, there you are, just wandering around Rosslyn Chapel
with no forseeable end, so you can now save and exit.

Again, thanks to B.G. for pointing out to me that I missed this whole section,
and thanks to Google for helping me find all of the complete names that I had
not heard before.

It would seem you are done with the game. Yay!

Thanks go to:

2K Games, The Collective and Dan Brown for making the whole game possible.

"macaesar" on the IGN message boards for the easy solution to the torch
puzzle at the end of Normandy Mansion.

Janica Aniceto of the Phillipines for sending me the 4th response needed
at the end of Westminster Abbey

B.G. for pointing out to me that I really COULD go upstairs at Rosslyn
Chapel Revisited.

"macaesar" at IGN message boards, Bob Challenger and Henk from
www.gamesolves.tk for the help getting the pictures that have helped
so many of you get through the puzzles that just can't be described with

A great big extra shout out for Bob Challenger, for still playing video
games at the age of 62, and playing them with his dad who is 83!

A very special thank you to Marcelo Hincapie of Pereira, Columbia (South
America) for translating the walkthrough to spanish. GRACIAS, MARCELO!!

To all of you too numerous to list who have written with compliments,
suggestions and tips for describing things better. I now have new friends
in England, Netherlands, Phillipines, Greece, France, New Zealand, Australia,
Belgium, Spain, Columbia, Brazil, and even New Jersey. The list continues
to grow!


Ok, ordinarily, I hate these things. I believe it sucks all the challenge
out of a game, however, everybody else is posting them, so I might as well
jump on the bandwagon. These can be entered by entering the codes menu in
the game:

Et In Arcadia Ego   All bonuses Unlocked
Apocrypha    All Visual Database entries Unlocked
Sacred Feminine    Double Health
Vitruvian Man    God Mode(infinite health)
Clos Luce 1519    Level Select
Phillips Exeter    One Hit Fist Kill
Royal Holloway    One Hit Weapon Kill

Credit for this list goes to every walkthrough site listed in my permissions
list and the 38,000 of you that submitted them by e mail.

Do they work? Probably. Nobody's bitching.


I've put together this page to help answer some of the questions that
you kind folks have asked me via e mail since I have posted this walkthrough.
The question, as it was written to me is here, as well as the answer that I
e mailed back. These are good questions that warranted an appropriate

Please note that if you don't see your question here, the reason may be that
it is a stupid question. In which case you will find it on the Dumb FAQ. I
used to believe that the only stupid question is the question that is not
asked. Since writing this walkthrough, I've found this theory to be complete

Q - "Wow! You don't write like a 15 year old hard core gamer that lives with
their parents and has nothing but time on their hands! Your teachers must be
very proud of you!"

A - Indeed, 20 years ago, my teachers were quite proud of me. 1 or 2 of them
still are. I am in fact, 37 years old, do not have nothing but time on my hands
and have to compete with three kids ages 8-11 for the Playstation. I finished
the game the first time with about 8 hours total playing time and wrote the
first draft of the completed walkthrough from memory in about 4 hours. I've
reached the point now where I can complete the game, including both Revisited
levels, in just over 2 hours.

Q - You are an incredible writer and you make me HOT! Will you marry me and
let me have your children?

A - Yes, however my wife insists on being the Maid of Honor and that she
videotape the conception of the children.

Q - "When I am in the Catacombs in Temple Church and I am trying to leave the
tunnels, there are three guards that attack me before I can get to the door. I
can't beat them and the game won't allow me to open the door. What do I do?
I'm extremely frustrated with this."

A - Then there are two ways to approach heading out of here
1 - Run like hell back towards the beginning so the new guards don't have a
chance to find any guards to wake up,
2 - Be patient, carefully head back toward the beginning and draw the guards
to you 1 by 1 so you don't get beat to death by a large group.I don't
recommend trying to fight more than 2 guards at once. While Sophie's
assistance in a 2 on 2 fight is, at best, a decent distraction while you take
out 1 guard and at worst she just plain gets in the way, in a 2 on 3 fight
you don't have a chance. Be patient, draw them to you 1 or 2 at a time and
you'll make it through, I promise.

Q - "I found the UV light to discover the symbols written on the protecting
glass in front of "La Joconde (Mona Lisa)" but there is something missing...
I've passed almost hours for searching what could be missing."

A - You must pass the UV light over EVERY SINGLE SYMBOL on the Mona Lisa
before you will be given the cryptogram.

Q - "I have got to the Nike room, and have followed your instruction in your
walkthrough regarding the use of the Priory ring to open the display case but
am having problems opening it. Langdon keeps repeating phrases that it isn't
the right thing to do, and Sophie suggests looking around the room. Now,
looking around the room i have come across a glowing symbol on the wall near
the bottom of the staircase, but am not able to do anything with this.

A - First things first, at the display case, walk up to it and press "examine"
once. Pan the camera so that it is over the open hole and open your inventory
and use the Priory Ring. A drawer will open with your prize inside. Everyone
that has had problems with this has been because they did not have the camera
centered on the hole the ring goes in. As for the glowing symbol on the wall,
stand near it (up against the railing) until you get the "examine" prompt,
then look on the rail itself. Your last secret of this level is lying there.

Q - "I can't get the #$%&ing window open in The Louvre!"

A - By pressing (A on the XBox, X on the Playstation 2 and E on the PC)
repeatedly, watch the icon on the bottom of the screen and you will see it is
slowly turning a brighter shade of green - that is building up Langdon's
strength . . . .as soon as it reaches its brightest point, the icon changes
to the L & R icons (The W and "mouse forward" icons on the PC), at which
point you must quickly push the L & R sticks (or push the W and move the
mouse forward simlutaneously) up. If you wait too long, Langdon loses his
strength and you must start again. I would recommend getting the hang of this
procedure quickly, as you will use it frequently throughout the game.

Q - "hi..ive finished the game and im revisiting the louvre,ive figured out
all the puzzles in the paintings..now what do i do to get out?"

A - You can't. You're screwed. You have to leave your Playstation on forever
now. I'm kidding. Oddly, there is no other way out of here after you are done
except to save and then exit back out to the Level Select menu. I have no
idea why they did it that way, sorry.

Q - "Hello the walk through you did was very helpful but I can't get out of
the Louvre Revisitied I solved all the puzzles but it won't let me leave! Oh
and I can't turn off the plystation because we do not have a memory card so
if you can help my sister and I would be very thankful."

A - What do you and your sister look like? Oh yeah, and never play a full
length adventure game without a memory card.

Q - "Where is the Saved Games folder on the PC version?"

A - They are in your Shared Documents folder, in a folder labeled "the da
vinci code"

Q - "Where can I read some of your other walkthroughs, because you are an
AWESOME author!"

A - You can't. This is the only one I've done. But thanks!

Q - "In the mansion while in the bedroom you are to use the priory ring on
the dresser to get the vulcan statue. It is not working for me any

A - You are then, one step too close to the drawer. As you are just standing
there in the room . . . .examine the dresser. Move the camera around until
the locked drawer is highlighted, then go in your inventory and use the
Priory Ring. Point here being, do NOT examine the dresser, then push examine
AGAIN when the drawer is highlighted. Your Priory Ring does not work if you
are "examining" the locked drawer itself.

Q - "How in the world did you find Da Vinci's Ballista in the Bank of Zurich

A - I searched every damn cubicle in that room until I found it. It was, of
course, in the last one I looked in. Same thing with the coin hidden in the
Deposits and Server Room downstairs from there.

Q - "Hello. I'm 13 years of age and I'm stuck in Westminser Abbey."

A - You should find your parents. You shouldn't be walking around alone in
a place like that.

Q - "Just wondered if there was a way of collecting the secrets without
completing the whole level again?"

A - No, sorry . . . .gotta do the whole level start to finish again. It
sucks, but thats how they made it.

Q - "I got this game for my PC and installed it, but it won't work. It just
closes down and goes back to the desktop. I've got a killer processor and
tons of RAM. This game should play easily. Whats going on?"

A - It's a 99.9% chance that it is your video card. Not that there is anything
wrong with your video card or its capabilities, but for some reason this
particular game is incredibly touchy about what video card it is going to
work with. In fact, if you read the box, it even plainly states in the System
Requirements that there are certain NVIDIA cards it won't support at all.
If you have an NVIDIA video card and this game works for you, consider
yourself lucky.

Q - "What do i need to do if on the saint sulpice level, when I examine the
puzzle, tom keeps saying that the symbols don't look familiar?"

A - First of all, you need to tell me what game you're playing because there
is no "Tom" in this game, but in the event you actually mean "Robert" then
look around in that upstairs area, you'll find an alphabet chart to help you
decode the symbols.

Q - "I made it to Rosslyn Chapel Revisited, but not everything you describe
is working. What's up with that?"

A - You've got to have every single secret in the game, including Da Vinci's
Inventions. Then it will work.

Q - "I made it to Rosslyn Chapel Revisited, but not everything you describe
is working. What's up with that?"


Q - "I made it to Rosslyn Chapel Revisited, but not everything you describe
is working. What's up with that?"


Q - "I am aware that one needs to use the black light on the map in
Sauniere's office in The Louvre, but it isn't giving me any sort of option
for using the black light. I stand in front of the map, access my tools menu,
select the blacklight and the 'use' option, but the menu only retracts and
my character does nothing. Is there some sort of action button i need to
press in order to use the all ready selected blacklight? I don't recall
needing one to read the encryption written over the Mona Lisa."

A - You will not be able to do anything to the map at all until you have
"examined" the statue on Sauniere's desk that points to it. It's a small
detail a lot of people miss, and if you go back and read the walkthrough
carefully, it does say "examine all the objects on the desk".

Q - "ya estoy en la puerta de salida y sophie acaba de derribar al segundo
guardia, el guardia deja una pistola en el suelo y al tomarla aparece en mis
pies, en la lista de inventario aparece un cuadro verde (sin nombre) no puedo
usarlo. camino con ella y no se suelta ni se cae, parece que eso me impide
salir y al intentarlo aparece un mensaje, te paso imagenes."

A - Estoy apesadumbrado, pero no hablo español. Estoy utilizando un traductor
en línea para crear este mensaje. Envíe por favor su pregunta (en español)
al marcelohincapie@yahoo.com él escribió el walkthrough traducido para mí y
estará alegre contestar a su pregunta.

Q - "I was wondering if the walkthrough for The Da Vinci Code (PS2) is mostly
the same for the PC game."

A - With the exception of the controls, the PC, Playstation 2 and XBox
versions of the game are all identical. The walkthrough works with any of them.

Q - "If I enter the cheat Et In Arcadia Ego in order to unlock all bonuses,
and Apocrypha to unlock all visual database entries, do i get more puzzles
or painting or visual arts, music etc. by entering those two cheats? (note
that i found EVERY secrets already).

A - Your secret retrieval is duly noted (you looking for a cookie here?),
however I honestly couldn't tell you. I have yet to use a single cheat code
in the game.

Q - "Will you be doing any more walkthroughs on a webpage like this?"

A - Only if I find it financially advantageous.

Q - "You are an incredible wisea$$."

A - Yes. Yes I am.

Q - "Will you do my homework for me so I can finish this game."

A - There will be a fee, and I hate Geometry, so if its Geometry, its going

Q - "Can I link to your webpage?"

A - Absolutely

Q - "Can I post the text version of your walkthrough on my website?"

A - Write me an e mail and send me a link to your site. As long as you will
be posting it in its entirety with no exclusions and all proper credit
remains intact, I will most likely grant you permission. With that said, I
am strongly opposed to censorship in any form, so if you are going to bleep
out words you don't find "appropriate", go ahead and take this as a "kiss my
a$$" right now.

XV. DUMB FAQ (Yes, there is a joke there)

The questions listed in this section all fell into the "dumb question"
category. The question, as it was written to me, is here, as well as the
answer that I e mailed back. The identities of these individuals has been
omitted to protect their total lack of attention span.

Q - "I am having a problem with my game, I cannot get King Henry's Tomb to
say Templar. It doesn't have an E on the second letter. Any suggestions on
what I should do?"

A - Yes, you could start by making it say "Temples", which would be the
correct thing to make it say.

Q - "wondering if you can answer this , when you are mixing the chemicals in
the game , how do you get the cup to move ?"

A - Try using the control indicated on the bottom of the screen next to the
word "MOVE"

Q - "I am underground trying to light th urns. When I light one another goes
out. Please send any info that will help."

A - The answer is in the walkthrough you just got my e mail address from.

Q - "Sólo decirte que tu guía ha sido lo mejor que he encontrado en la web.
Me puse a buscar alguna solución al quedarme bloqueado en dos nombres de los
altares en la vuelta al altar de Rosslyn a los que no veia lógica.

A - WHAT?!

Q - "I am sorry to disturb you again, but I need help finding any bird
statues are they near in the room I am in holding the torch or in some other
place that I haven't looked."

A - They would be the only two statues that are ALREADY ON FIRE!

Q - "At Saint-Sulpice, you thoroughly explain how to obtain the bronze and
copper tablets, but do not mention how to get the brass one. I got all the
way to the three lanterns and never came up with the brass slide. I have read
your file over and over and still come up short."

A - You can continue to search the walkthrough, and you'll never find it. The
brass slide is already IN THE DAMN LANTERN! Feel silly yet?

Q - "in the game "THE DIVINCI CODE" in the third level "Bank of Zurich" i am
at the begining of it and i do not know what the the code is for the cryptex
is it is the one that starts with "G" and it is a 5 letter work"

A - Ok, so I HAVE to assume that you have my walkthrough if you have my e
mail address. The answer is in there.

Q - "We're trying to find some info on how to get out of the Louvre. We have
found the 3 secret items, no problem. But we can't find our way out! Very
frustrating. Any help?"

A - How in the hell did you find three secrets if you can't find a big ass

Q - "hey wats up... i just started the game and i didnt read the book so can
u tell me what "Oh, lame saint" de-codes to?"

A - Are you actually reading the walkthrough, or did you just skip to the end
to get my e mail address?

Q - "I'm know in the zurich bank and I don't know the numbers of the box could
you help me waiting... thank you"

A - Where did you get my e mail address if you are not actually reading the

Q - "it may sound stupid. i am at the mansion and i cant figure out the lock.
can you please help me if you remember the code."

A - There is no "may" about it. The answer is directly north of my e mail
address in the walkthrough.

Q - "At the mansion - I enter the code for the lock 112358 but nothing
happens - do I have the wrong code? IF so, what is the code please."

A - Usted es increíblemente mudo.

Q - "the game da vinci code there is a part where u have 2 unscramble words
this is the line oh lame saint"

A - ifyouarentreadingmywalkthroughwhichtellsyoutheanswertothatthenwhere-

Q - "De knoppen op het graf moeten in de volgorde koningin, baron, ridder,
soldaat gedrukt worden, wanthet gaat hier om de tijd. Als je om een hint
vraagt zegt Sophie op een moment: ‘The last line sugests a reversal oforder.’
Die ‘reversal’ zit in de laatste twee zinnen. Eerst de koningin, dan de
baron. Een dag met een ridderen de dag daarna vertrok zijn moeder met een
soldaat. Het is best vaag en onduidelijk, maar dit is de logicawaar ik me
aan heb gehouden tijdens het spelen." (It is important to note that for some
reason the subject line of this e mail was in English)

A - Uh . . . Hi there!

Q - "I purchased the Da Vinci code video game and looked at your strategy
guide on cheatcc.com and i cant get passed the first level. In your strategy
guide it said to chuck the soap and the tracker out the window., i combined
both of them and when i press use it doesnt let me throw it out the window.
Can you please tell me how to?"

A - You will probably attract less attention if you open the window first.

Q - "Can you please mail me the Da Vinci Code PC Saved Game File with unlock
to all levels and extras. I will be happy if you mail me at the earliest."

A - Even if I did have one, I still wouldn't send it to you. I spent several
hours writing that walkthrough and secrets guide to help YOU get through the
game on your own time, I'm certainly not going to play the damn game for you
too. If you're just going to chuck 50 bucks out the window that way, send it
my way instead. I have PayPal.

Q - " In the Second Level when you are examining the sister's outstreached
hand..you can move the bed and there is a puzzle that you have solve. Do you
know what the puzzle is decrypted?"

A - No, I don't, but I managed to finish the game and write an entire
walkthrough with all the answers in it anyway.

Q - Hi, I'm writing to ask permission to post your walkthrough on my site.
I will delete you as the author, remove your contact information and use your
image links as though they are my own. It will look like I did it. Can I post

A - Absolutely. I only ask that you send me your home address, phone number,
social security number and the numbers of three of your current valid credit
cards. Verification of this information will be required before you may post
the walkthrough.

Q - I have downloaded and installed an illegal copy of this game. Can you
please tell me how to get it to work?

A - No.

Q - "Hello i am using your walk through for the da vinci code and im still
not getting the torches lit right in the grotto in the normady home to make
the pentagram if you could maybe give me a better explanation because the
clock thing just didnt work i tried it over and over and it didnt work so
maybe i just dont know how to read a clock"

A - I'm betting a weeks pay you don't know how to read a clock. You just have
to be sure you are using the correct torch as 12 o'clock, and it works

Q - "are you sure?" (Same guy as above e mail)

A - Well, no, I'm not sure, BUT, since I posted the walkthrough 2 weeks ago,
I've had over 75,000 hits to it. You are the ONLY one that said that clock
idea doesn't work. So no, I'm not sure . . . .but the odds are in my favor.

This one was two e mails from the same person:

Q - "there is a four didgit number u hath 2 putt in at the bank do u know
that number?"

A - Well, you obviously got my e mail address by reading the END of the
walkthrough. Try going to the MIDDLE of the walkthrough and look under the
Bank of Zurich section.

Q - "it does not tell u the anwser butt thank u anyway"

A - Yes, it does tell you the answer. In fact, it says it TWICE! And I did
not call you names, you do not need to call me a "Butt".


My name is Eric Waechter. If you have any questions, comments, submissions
or anything else constructive to say, please send me an e mail to:

(E mail address has been moved to bottom of this section. You need to read
ALL of this before you send me an e mail!)

I will answer you as quickly as possible unless you are sending flaming
e mails, in which case I will be ignoring you.

I do not mind answering questions, in fact I have enjoyed hearing from folks
all over the world already and have met some really great people, but I would
ask this: Please don't write with a question until you have CAREFULLY checked
the walkthrough to be sure the answer isn't there. I have been recieving a LOT
of e mail and I'm the type of person who has to answer EVERY SINGLE ONE (it is
just the kinda guy I am and I wouldn't sleep if I didn't answer one - not that
I sleep anyway). Far too many of the questions have been things that were
answered in the walkthrough, and either because the individual read too quickly
or they had not read far enough, they didn't find the answer they needed.
Please help me by making absolutely sure the answer isn't in the walkthrough

I am a writer. I write in english and I appreciate those that respond to me
in english, do it correctly. I do not respond to "internet shorthand". Do
not write "r" instead of "are". Do not write "4" instead of "for". Do not
write "2" instead of "to" and for God's sake, don't write "knoe" instead of
"know". I took the time to write using proper english, you will take the time
to respond to me in proper english. I believe "internet shorthand" is an
abomination of the language and simply goes to demonstrate INCREDIBLE laziness.
I also used capital letters, punctuation and sentence structure. I expect
you to do so as well. The idea here is that if you can read it correctly,
then you ought to be able to write it correctly too. This is a major pet peeve
of mine and I will not bend on it. Any e mail sent to me like this will
simply get this paragraph, copied and pasted, in return.


DO NOT write to me and ask for game saves! Let me repeat, DO NOT write to me
and ask me for game saves! I have spent a lot of time playing the game,
writing the walkthrough, answering e mails, updating the walkthrough, writing
the Secrets FAQ, collecting images and posting them so you could see them.
I have done everything but take the controller from your hands and played the
game FOR you, and I am not going to do that too by sending you game saves. If
you don't actually want to PLAY the game, don't rent or buy it. Thats just
dumb. If you want to waste $50 that way, send it to me instead.

davincicode (at) northsearesearch (dot) com

The Da Vinci Code: FAQ/Walkthrough by EWaechter
Version 1.8, Last Updated 2006-06-13 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs
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