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Fejl i Nero 8
Fra : kaypia
Vist : 3064 gange
100 point
Dato : 03-12-07 17:33

I et tip 20-11-2007 beskrev jeg problemer efter installation af Nero 8, afsluttende med at jeg påny installerede Nero 7, som fungere upåklageligt sammen med alt det andet.

En paneldeltager - "mintk" - kom med en løsningsmulighed.
Ved at omdøbe filen "NeroBurnRigths.cpl" skulle det kunne komme til at virke.

Det kunne jeg godt tænke mig at prøve nu, men løsningen forstår jeg ikke rigtig.
Er det en fil, som man kan se, efter at Nero 8 er installeret. Jeg har prøvet at se efter i Nero 7. Der er godt nok under Toolkits tror jeg 4 filer med dette navn, men ikke .cpl filer.
Jeg er heller ikke helt med på meningen med ikke at installere, men omdøbe denne fil. Hvad vil så ikke fungere i Nero 8, eller vil det alligevel fungere med det nye navn.
Problemet er åbenbart ret kendt, men der synes stadig ikke at være hjælp af hente ved Nero support.
Så hvis nogen skulle kunne forklare mig, hvad løsningen egentlig går ud på ville jeg være taknemmelig.
Om ikke andre kan mintdk jo nok, hvis han ser dette.

Accepteret svar
Fra : jangchr

Modtaget 110 point
Dato : 03-12-07 18:30

gå ind i regedit og find følgende sted:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\Cpls
slet nøglen der hedder:
Nero BurnRights

Jeg tror ikke at der er noget der ikke virker i nero efter at man slettet filen,jeg har ikke lagt mærke til noget og jeg bruger også nero 8

Fra : heltfin

Dato : 04-12-07 07:56

svar fra nero support

Nero installed (e.g. C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 8\Nero Toolkit)
and rename the file "NeroBurnRights.cpl" to "NeroBurnRights2.cpl".
You should be able to access the control panel again

It seems that there is a problem with danish letters,because only danish customers
have this problem.At the moment we have only a workaround to deactivate
Nero BurnRights.We will fix this issue as fast as possible.Please save the attached
Burnrights.zip and extract it to your desktop.Please import the
burnrights_in_control-panel_forbid.reg with a doubleclick and restart your PC.
BurnRights will be disabled now.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\Cpls
omdøb nøglen der hedder:
NeroBurnRigths.cpl til NeroBurnRights2.cpl

Fra : Naurton

Dato : 04-12-07 09:40

Hej Kaypia

Se nedenstående svar fra en henvendelse til Nero-support,- techsupport@nero.com om samme problem, -og det virker


It is possible that the problem you described is caused by Nero entries which remain on your computer.
Please delete these entries manually.
For this, five essential steps are necessary:

1. Delete Nero from the directory “Programs”, if applicable.
2. Delete Nero from the directory “Common files”, if applicable.
3. Delete the folder “Temp” from the directory “Local settings”.
4. Delete Nero from the registry, if applicable.
5. Reboot you computer.

Delete Nero from the directory “Programs”

Right-click the "Start" button in the Windows start menu and select the entry “Explorer”.
-> The Windows Explorer will open.
In the drop-down menu select the menu item “System (C:)” and click the folder “Programs”.
Can you see the folder “Nero” in this directory?
If that is the case, please right-click the folder “Nero” and select the entry “Delete” in the menu.
-> The window “Confirm the folder deletion” will open.
Confirm this by clicking the “Yes” button.
If the deletion of single subfolders is not possible, follow the path “C:\Programs\Nero\Nero 7“ respectively “C:\Programs\Nero\Nero 8“ and delete the subfolders individually by right-clicking the respective folder and selecting the entry “Delete” in the menu.
-> The window “Confirm the folder deletion” will open.
Confirm this by clicking the “Yes” button.

Folders and files that cannot be deleted may remain in the respective directory.
Please let us know which files and folders these are and what the error message tells you during the deletion.

Delete Nero from the directory “Common files”

Right-click the "Start" button in the Windows start menu and select the entry “Explorer”.
-> The Windows Explorer will open.
In the drop-down menu select the menu item “System (C:)” and subsequently click the folders “Programs” and “Common files”.
Can you see the folder “Ahead” respectively "Nero" in that folder?
If that is the case, right-click the folder “Ahead” respectively "Nero" and select the entry “Delete” in the menu.
-> The window “Confirm the folder deletion” will open.
Confirm this by clicking the “Yes” button.
If the deletion of single subfolders is not possible, follow the path “C:\Programs\Common files\Ahead“ respectively “C:\Programs\Common files\Nero“ and delete the subfolders individually by right-clicking the respective folder and selecting the entry “Delete” in the menu.
-> The window “Confirm the folder deletion” will open.
Confirm this by clicking the “Yes” button.

Folders and files that cannot be deleted may remain in the respective directory.
Please let us know which files and folders these are and what the error message tells you during the deletion.

Delete the folder “Temp” from the directory “Local settings”

Right-click the "Start" button in the Windows start menu and select the entry “Explorer”.
-> The Windows Explorer will open.
Please open the follwing directory:
under Windows Vista:
c:\User\<your username>\AppData/Local
under Windows XP:
C:\Dokuments and Settings\<your username>Local Settings

You will find the subfolder “Temp” in this location.
Right-click the folder “Temp” and select the entry “Delete” in the menu.
-> The window “Confirm the folder deletion” will open.
Confirm this by clicking the “Yes” button.

If the folder “Local settings” is not displayed in this directory, check the following settings in Windows:
In the menu bar of Windows Explorer select the "Tools" menu. Select "Folder Options", go to the "View" tab, and in the navigation tree under "Hidden files and folders" select the option "Show hidden files and folders". Confirm this change by clicking the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.

Delete Nero from the registry
Click "Start" in the Windows start menu.
Click the "Run" command.
-> The window "Run" will open.
Enter "regedit" in the "Open" text field and click the "OK" button.
-> The registry window will open.

First check if there is still the entry “Ahead” in the navigation tree on the left side of the window under the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\.
If that is the case, right-click the folder “Ahead” and select the entry “Delete” in the menu.
-> The window “Confirm the key deletion” will open.
Confirm this by clicking the “Yes” button.

Then check if there is still the entry “Nero” in the navigation tree on the left side of the window under the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\.
If that is the case, right-click the folder “Nero” and select the entry “Delete” in the menu.
-> The window “Confirm the key deletion” will open.
Confirm this by clicking the “Yes” button.

Now check if there is still the entry “Ahead” in the navigation tree on the left side of the window under the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\.
If that is the case, right-click the folder “Ahead” and select the entry “Delete” in the menu.
-> The window “Confirm the key deletion” will open.
Confirm this by clicking the “Yes” button

Finally check if there is still the entry “Nero” in the navigation tree on the left side of the window under the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\.
If that is the case, right-click the folder “Nero” and select the entry “Delete” in the menu.
-> The window “Confirm the key deletion” will open.
Confirm this by clicking the “Yes” button.

Reboot you computer

Close all open windows and reboot your computer.

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : kaypia

Dato : 04-12-07 15:42

Tak for svaret jangchr.

Det virker. Alt fungerer nu helt OK.
Men jeg er mystificeret, hvorfor virker det. Vil du løfte lidt af sløret for det ??
Du får de 100 point, fordi det simpelthen var den nemmeste løsning.
Forslaget fra heltfin indebar det problem, at den nævnte fil ikke fandtes på det nævnte sted efter at jeg havde installeret Nero 8 påny.
Det sidste forslag fik jeg ikke afprøvet.
Men tak for jeres indsats.


Fra : jangchr

Dato : 04-12-07 15:51

Jeg ved det simpelthen ikke hvorfor,jeg havde også problemer med nero 8,da jeg havde installeret den,kunne jeg ikke åbne kontrolpanelet,førend jeg havde fjernet Nero BurnRights

Fra : Fijala

Dato : 05-12-07 15:57

Det er en indbygget fejl der er i den danske version Nero 8.0 som de vil løse nhen ad vejen. Det med at Nero 8.o og Vista ikke lige vil fungere sammen har jeg selv haft inde på livet. Det indebar at explorer ikke ville fungerer og det samme med kontrolpanelet jangchr som du har set. Snart kommer Ahead vel med en opdatering der skulle løse de problemer.

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