| webcam på hjemeside Fra : 1195 | Vist : 909 gange 100 point Dato : 21-02-07 10:10 |
er der nogen der kan sige mig hvad man skal bruge af software til at få webcam på ens hjemmeside evt script eller hvad der nu skal bruges har søgt på nettet men synes ikke jeg kan finde noget
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| Kommentar Fra : molokyle |
Dato : 21-02-07 10:40 |
Det afhænger af hvilket fabrikat Webcam du har. Selv bruger jeg Creative.
Her en oversigt over de forskellige muligheder: http://www.ofzenandcomputing.com/zanswers/85
Først bestemmer du intervallet mellem kameraets billeder.
Så overfører du billedet via FTP til din side.
På din side laver du en opdateringsmekanisme skrevet i (X-)HTML og en eller anden form for serverside kode (ASP, PHP el. lign), samt i Java eller Javascript.
Her er lidt om indstillingerne som er relevante for dit spørgsmål i mit Webcam program:
Citat To specify the interval between successive captures
Click Tools -> Settings.
Click the Remote Monitoring tab in the Settings dialog box.
Click General in the box on the left.
In the Capture image every boxes, specify the time interval between image captures.
Select the Auto stop after check box and specify the duration of a remote monitoring session.
Select the Add time stamp to captured images and Add date stamp to captured images check boxes if you want the image files to contain time and date information.
Click the Apply or OK button. |
Citat Click Tools -> Settings.
Click the Remote Monitoring tab in the Settings dialog box.
Click FTP Upload in the box on the left.
Type in the FTP information for your web site.
In the Host name box, type your FTP host name in either its numeric or alphabetic form.
In the User ID box, type your user ID for the FTP site.
In the Password box, type your FTP site password.
In the Directory box, type the remote host directory that hosts the FTP site you are using.
If you have an active Internet connection, click the Test FTP button to test whether you can successfully access your FTP site.
To save the current configuration, click the Save As button and type a name in the FTP Settings box.
You can select saved FTP configurations by clicking the FTP Settings box.
Click the Delete button to delete a saved FTP configuration.
Click the Apply or OK button. |
Citat Click Tools -> Settings.
Click the Remote Monitoring tab in the Settings dialog box.
Click Web Page Design in the box on the left.
Select the Upload custom web page check box and customize the web page design.
In the Filename box, type the name of the file you want to use, for example, index.html.
Click the Style box to select a predefined style.
In the Title box, type the title (optional) for your notification web page.
In the Body text box, type the text content (optional) for the web page.
In the Footer box, type a copyright statement or your signature (optional).
Click the Preview button for a preview of the web page in your default browser.
Click the Apply or OK button. |
Her er et par eksempler på en Javascriptimplementation:
1.) http://www.southwest.com.au/~jfuller/webcam/webcam4.htm
2.) http://www.crowes.f9.co.uk/Javascript/webcam.htm
3.) http://developers.webcamworld.com/template5_cd.html
..og ved brug af en Java applet: http://www.surveyorcorp.com/support/webcam32help/java.html
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| Kommentar Fra : bentjuul |
Dato : 21-02-07 10:54 |
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| Accepteret svar Fra : molokyle | Modtaget 100 point Dato : 21-02-07 11:16 |
Orv... jeg havde helt glemt applet'en ANFYCAM fra Anfy Team
1195 -> Hvis du vil bruge denne løsning i Java (..IKKE at forveksle med Javascript !), så kræves det af brugeren (..den som besøger din hjemmeside med Web kameraet) SKAL have JVM (Java Virtual Machine) fra Sun ( http://www.sun.com/java/ ) installeret på sin PC.
JVM kan man også tjekke og/eller installere herfra: http://www.znn.dk/
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| Godkendelse af svar Fra : 1195 |
Dato : 21-02-07 18:31 |
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