 | GENIALT!, SIMPELTHEN GENIALT!!!! JacobS. har modtaget -10 point for dette tip Fra : JacobS.  | Vist : 638 gange
 Dato : 28-11-04 19:57 |
Prøv lige at læse det her:
What is Complete Registry Cleaner? Complete Registry Cleaner is a utility software to make your computer run smoother and faster. How does Complete Registry Cleaner achieve this? Complete Registry Cleaner achieves this by cleaning and compressing the registry. What is registry? Registry is a database where Windows and programs store their data. Why do I need to clean the registry? When data changes i.e. you delete a file, the registry doesn't remove the invalid data, thus in this case a reference to a non-existent file remains in the registry. As the registry gets filled with invalid data, Windows and programs consume more system resources to search the database for any data. Therefore your computer gets slower and slower. Last but not least, passing invalid data to Windows programs can cause severe system complications resulting in system crash, hang and malfunction. Why do I need to compress or defrag the registry? After a registry cleanup the invalid entries leave empty spaces, which means the size of the registry remains unchanged. It goes without saying that loading a small registry is faster than a big one. What are the minimum requirements to run Memory Defragmenter? Complete Registry Cleaner runs on all versions of Windows and doesn't have any significant system requirement. One-click disk clean up, scandisk, disk defrag, registry backup, registry cleanup and registry defrag (requires Abexo defragmenter).
HEnt programmet her: http://www.download.dk/includes/download_count.asp?prog=14022
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Fra : Teil  |
 Dato : 28-11-04 20:00 |
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Fra : oftime |
 Dato : 28-11-04 20:22 |
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Fra : johnni  |
 Dato : 28-11-04 20:28 |
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