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Til Dem Der Bruger EasyCleaner
Manse9933 har modtaget 5 point for dette tip
Fra : Manse9933
Vist : 815 gange

Dato : 14-02-04 15:20

Jeg har fået en e-mail fra Toni Helenius>


First, toniarts.com isn't my site anymore. I don't
support what they're
doing there. EasyCleaner is freeware as always. Please
http://personal.inet.fi/business/toniarts instead.

Second, the "new" site is limited, the traffic is
enormous so temporary
errors (file not found) are to be experienced. Just
try again...

I released EasyCleaner with 4 new languages.
It has a load of
improvements as well as few fixes. An update is

The auto-update information on my programs need to
changed from
http://www.toniarts.com/EasyCleaner.ini to
Please note
that even if you update your version of EasyCleaner
the option doesn't
change. A fresh copy of EC has the new address.

Here is the complete list (changes from

- Added GB to the space usage, never know...
- No more "please wait" in the space usage, instantly
- Deleting IE temp internet files, cookies or history
made a bit faster
- User defined font, improves multilingual usage
- Unnecessary files deletion is somewhat faster, it
doesn't take
exponential time to complete anymore. And the locked
files are double
checked just to make sure
- Replaced the icons in the registry finder with
lights (red, yellow,
green). Of course the 2.0 will only have the green one
(= safe to
delete), it'll indicate that everything is
deletetable, no more
answering that question in e-mails...
- Alternative location of the IE temp files, history
and cookies. Should
cover all Windows versions now
- Add/remove software, instead of trying to display
the icon of the
"extra items", a blue light is displayed, this is to
know which are the
"extra items" in the list
- Registry cleaner removes the first "\" from the path
if found, there
are few entries which display this and it's wrong. It
didn't do any
changes in my computer but I think it provides more
compatibility in
some Windowses
- Added more places for the startup inspector to find
(Windows 95/98/ME
especially), now covers the whole thing
- Changed the auto-update to react on build
information (the last octet
of a version number x.x.x.XXX) changes
- Shortcut finder now handles all the environmental
(%systemroot%), and always (removed the option)
- Add/remove software now lists entries with no
uninstall or location
information as yellow, not red
- Startup inspector now more accurately determines
whether a file/folder
exists or not
- Updated contact and auto-update information
- Support for HTML and PDF helps also (works from the
main button only,
does not respond to F1)


- The space usage is fixed, now shows correctly the
free space available

- When saving undo information from startup inspector
or add/remove
software the entry name was used as the file name.
Caused the undo file
not to be saved when the entry name contained illegal
characters (/, \,
=, *, ?....). Fixed
- Saving or printing the duplicate file finder
resulted in error. Fixed
- Registry cleaner now displays the error messages if
needed, no more
silent errors
- The background color is now correctly applied to all

Yours Toni Helenius, ToniArts



Fra : Better_Performance

Dato : 14-02-04 15:27


Fra : bentjuul

Dato : 14-02-04 15:28


Fra : Gaskonen

Dato : 14-02-04 15:49


Fra : CLAN

Dato : 14-02-04 15:50


Fra : briani

Dato : 14-02-04 15:55

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