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De gamle smileys
CLAN har modtaget 0 point for dette tip
Fra : CLAN
Vist : 3308 gange

Dato : 24-01-04 18:00

Fra de gode gamle dage... og stadig aktuelle. Nu bliver det sjovt at se, hvad der kommer frem på Kandu med deres koder.
Uha' uha'... lidt af en gåde, at gætte sig til

:-) your basic smilie. this smilie is used to inflect a sarcastic or
joking statement since we can't hear voice inflection over unix.
;-) winky smilie. user just made a flirtatious and/or sarcastic remark.
more of a "don't hit me for what I just said" smilie.
:-( frowning smilie. user did not like that last statement or is upset
or depressed about something.
:-i indifferent smilie. better than a frowning smilie but not quite as
good as a happy smilie.
:-> User just made a really biting sarcastic remark. Worse than a :-).
>:-> User just made a really devilish remark.
>;-> Winky and devil combined. A very lewd remark was just made.

Those are the basic ones...Here are some somewhat less common ones:

(-: User is left handed
%-) User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight
:*) User is drunk
[:] User is a robot
8-) User is wearing sunglasses
B:-) Sunglasses on head
::-) User wears normal glasses
B-) User wears horn-rimmed glasses
8:-) User is a little girl
:-)-8 User is a Big girl
:-{) User has a mustache
:-{} User wears lipstick
{:-) User wears a toupee
}:-( Toupee in an updraft
:-[ User is a Vampire
:-E Bucktoothed vampire
:-F Bucktoothed vampire with one tooth missing
:-7 User juust made a wry statement
:-* User just ate something sour
:-)~ User drools
:-~) User has a cold
:~-( User is crying
:~-) User is so happy, s/he is crying
:-@ User is screaming
:-# User wears braces
:^) User has a broken nose
:v) User has a broken nose, but it's the other way
:_) User's nose is sliding off of his face
:-` smiley spitting out its chewing tobacco
:-1 smiley bland face
:-! "
:-@ smiley face screaming
:-#| smiley face with bushy mustache
:-$ smiley face with it's mouth wired shut
:-% smiley banker
:-6 smiley after eating something sour
:^) smiley with pointy nose (righty)
:-7 smiley after a wry statement
8-) smiley swimmer
:-* smiley after eating something bitter
:-& smiley which is tongue-tied
:-0 smiley orator
smiley invisible man
(:- unsmiley frowning
(:-) smiley big-face
):-) "
):-( unsmiley big-face
)8-) scuba smiley big-face
=:-) smiley punk-rocker
=:-( (real punk rockers don't smile)
+:-) smiley priest
:-q smiley trying to touch its tongue to its nose
:-e disappointed smiley
:-t cross smiley
:-i semi-smiley
:-o smiley singing national anthem
:-p smiley sticking its tongue out (at you!)
:-[ un-smiley blockhead
:-] smiley blockhead
:-{ smiley variation on a theme
:-} ditto
{:-) smiley with its hair parted in the middle
}:-) above in an updraft
:-a lefty smilely touching tongue to nose
:-s smiley after a BIZARRE comment
:-d lefty smiley razzing you
g-) smiley with ponce-nez glasses
:-j left smiling smilely
:-k beats me, looks like something, tho.
:-l y. a. s.
:-: mutant smiley
:-\ undecided smiley
:-| "have an ordinary day" smiley
;-) winking smiley
:-z y.a.c.s.
:-x "my lips are sealed" smiley
:-c bummed out smiley
:-v talking head smiley
:v) left-pointing nose smiley
:-b left-pointing tongue smiley
:-/ lefty undecided smiley
:-? smilely smoking a pipe
.-] one-eyed smilely
,-} wry and winking
0-) smiley cyclops (scuba diver?)
:-=) older smiley with mustache
:u) smiley with funny-looking left nose
:n) smiley with funny-looking right nose
}:^#}) mega-smiley: updrafted bushy-mustached pointy nosed smiley with
a double-chin
:-) ha ha
~~:-( net.flame
|-) hee hee
O |-) net.religion
|-D ho ho
:-> hey hey
8 :-I net.unix-wizards
:-( boo hoo
X-( net.suicide
:-I hmm
E-:-I net.ham-radio
:-O uh oh
>:-I net.startrek
:-P nyah nyah
3:o[ net.pets
|-P yuk
:-} beard
:-{ mustache
:-# braces
:-)X bow tie
:-Q smoker

:) midget smilie
:] gleep...a friendly midget smilie who will gladly be your friend
=) variation on a theme...
:} what should we call these? (what?)
:) happy
:> what?
:@ what?
:D Laughter
:I Hmmm...
:( Sad
:[ Real Downer
:- Female
|-O Birth
8-# Death
8 Infinity
And a few I've seen, not listed above:
o/ raised hand
\o/ PTL (praise the lord, or pass the loot?)
_\\// Vulcan salute
( o ) ( o ) hooters

(Denotes thinking out loud to oneself or annotation to comments)
(now I see it)
A wrd correction to previous send:
Wrd = word
[name] = Hug
{name} warm fuzzy hug
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
OTF = On The Floor (Laughing)
ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing
AFK = Away From Keyboard
BAK = Back At Keys
BRB = Be Right Back
NIFOC = Nude In Front Of Computer


Still more smilies:


:-d~ submitter smokes heavily
Q:-) submitter is a new grad
(-: submitter is Australian
M:-) submitter is saluting (symbol of respect)
8) submitter is a frog
B) submitter is a frog who is wearing sunglasses
8P submitter is a bullfrog and it's mating season
8b ditto
|) submitter is a salamander
:8) submitter is a pig
3:-o submitter is a cow
:3-:*) submitter is Bozo the Clown
#:o+= submitter is Betty Boop
_:^) submitter is an Indian
>>-O-> submitter is Gen. Custer
8(:-) submitter is Walt Disney
>:^( submitter is a headhunter (Amazon style)
-=#:-) submitter has wizard status
(: (=| submitter is going to be a ghost for Halloween...
=:-H submitter plays for NFL
(V)=| submitter is a pacman champion
M-),:X),:-M submitter sees no evil, hears no evil, speaks no evil
C):-O submitter is a barbershop quartet
>:-( is sick and tired of reading this nonsense
;^? has punched out for submitting sexist article
|-O is bored by the article that you submitted
*-) is was shot for the last posting
~~\8-O needs to fix frayed cord on terminal
8-O has taken too many nodoz to work on thesis
L:-) just graduated
$-) just won the lottery
:-@ is extremely angry
:-)' tends to drool
:-o is shocked
8=:-) is a chef
$-) is a yuppie
{{-}}} is a refugee from the '60's
0-) is a cyclops



:v woodpecker
) cheshire cat.
3:-o cow
~~~~8} snake
^..^ cat


Fra : Chamira

Dato : 24-01-04 18:05


Fra : Teil

Dato : 24-01-04 18:22


Fra : pepsimax

Dato : 24-01-04 18:23


Fra : Wirr

Dato : 24-01-04 19:16


Fra : Toupie

Dato : 24-01-04 20:16

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