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Spyware Information
gangster50 har modtaget -15 point for dette tip
Fra : gangster50
Vist : 686 gange

Dato : 03-01-04 13:47

Jeg fandt det på en engelsk side... håber i kan bruge det...

(undskyld det er engelsk)
If you ever even THINK about installing the Anti-Leech plugin, LimeWire, iMesh, Kazaa, Edonkey and others, wait a few moments...

First imagine the worst possible spyware available inhabiting your computer, popping up active x control prompts when your browser isnt even open, penis enlargement banners coming from no-where repeatedly, gator spyware install attempts, shortcuts appearing on your desktop, your surfing habits recorded, private information collected, and your system settings modified.... You name it, its there...

I installed the Anti-Leech plugin for the first time today, why so late? Well I KNEW it would be laced with spyware. But hey, I found a decent Mp3 site that used it so I tried it out. Much to my non-suprise I was raped. Oh and whats even better, you can't un-install it. It puts some Second Thought.ink shortcut on your desktop, which is not listed in add/remove programs I might add...Quite genius I think...

Many file sharing applications also use these forms of advertising and malicious code in their software. The only way to remove all the crap that gets bundled with these programs is to install and run a system scan with Adaware.

You might be thinking, "whatever, this doesnt sound like a real problem"...WRONG! This shit will not go away, popups will spawn from your desktop forever until you remove their spyware. The trick of it is that with any luck you have other browser windows open, so you wont be able to tell where they're coming from...It's very sneaky and works very well, to the average user. Adaware picks up over 50 or 60 items from anti-leech alone, and in case you arent aware, this is very bad lol ...

After a scan you will see numerous spyware items recognized with the registry key entries of Software\STC and objects located in c:\program files\STC, and weird registry entries such as Free Scratch Cards which execute a program called stcloader.exe. This is Anti-Leech's nest of spyware. Adaware classifys Anti-Leech and its partner programs as Malware.

"Malware" or, more correctly, "malicious software" is a term which is applied to cover the entire gamut of "hostile" software, like Viruses, Trojan Horses and Worms or software designed specifically to damage or disrupt a system.

Once removing all of this garbage your PC will be totally spyware free, not only from Anti-Leech but from everything else you've managed to pickup along the way. Some files might require you to reboot and schedule adaware to re-scan once your system loads up again, this is due to the fact that some of the files are currently in use by windows and cannot be removed straight away.

It's very common for even professional users to have hundreds of items recognized by adaware, and its a real shock to most people Also I might add, if you have a variety of file sharing programs installed, you're completely infested and I seriously recommend an adaware scan right away.


Fra : jjn31

Dato : 03-01-04 14:35


Fra : pepsimax

Dato : 03-01-04 15:22


Fra : philipf

Dato : 03-01-04 15:35


Fra : netper

Dato : 03-01-04 15:43


Fra : lally

Dato : 03-01-04 13:53

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