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Andet helbred
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Hvad er din PHOBI???
Caine har modtaget -15 point for dette tip
Fra : Caine
Vist : 918 gange

Dato : 18-09-02 20:09


Health and Anatomy

Blood- Haematophobia
Cancer- Cancerophobia
Childbirth- Tocophobia
Cholera- Choleraphobia
Death, corpses- Necrophobia
Deformity- Dysmorphophobia
Disease- Nosophobia
Drugs- Pharmacopophobia
Eyes- Ommatophobia
Faeces- Coprophobia
Germs- Spermophobia
Hair- Chaetophobia
Heart Conditions- Cardiophobia
Heredity- Patroiophobia
Illness- Nosemaphobia
Infection- Mysophobia
Injections- Tryanophobia
Insanity- Maniaphobia
Knees- Genuphobia
Leprosy- Leprophobia
Mind- Psychophobia
Physical Love- Erotophobia
Poison- toxiphobia
Pregnancy- Maieusiophobia
Semen- Spermatophobia
Sex- Genophobia
Sexual Intercourse- Coitophobia
Skin- Dermatophobia
Skin Disease- Dermatosiophobia
Soiling- Rypophobia
Surgical Operations- Ergasiophobia
Syphilis- Sypilophobia
Teeth- Odontophobia
Tuberculosis- Phthisiophobia
Venereal Disease- Cypridophobia
Vomiting- Emetophobia
Wounds- Traumatophobia   

Animals & Plants

Animals- Zoophobia
Bacteria- Bacteriophobia
Bees- Apiphobia
Birds- Ornithophobia
Cats- Ailurophobia
Chickens- Alektorophobia
Dogs- Cynophobia
Feathers- Pteronophobia
Fish- Ichthyophobia
Flowers- Anthophobia
Fur- Doraphobia
Horses- Hippophobia
Insects- Entomophobia
Leaves- Phyllophobia
Lice- Pediculophobia
Mice- Musophobia
Microbes- Bacilliphobia
Parasites- Parasitophobia
Reptiles- Batrachophobia
Snakes- Ophidophobia
Spiders- Arachnophobia
Trees- Dendrophobia
Wasps- Spheksophobia
Worms- Helminthophobia

Inanimate Objects

Books- Biblophobia
Crystals- Crystallophobia
Glass- Nelophobia
Machinery- Mechanophobia
Metals- Metallophobia
Mirrors- Eisoptrophobia
Missiles- Ballistophobia
Money- Chrometophobia
Needles- Belonophobia
Pins- Eneteophobia
Points- Aichurophobia
Slime- blennophobia
String- Linonophobia   


Being Cold- Frigophobia
Being Dirty- Automysophobia
Being Scratched- Amychophobia
Being Touched- Hphephobia
Blushing- Ereuthrophobia
Cold- Cheimatophobia
Colour- Chromatophobia
Fatigue- Kopophobia
Heat- Thermophobia
Itching- Acarophobia
Noise- Phonophobia
Odours- Osmophobia
Odours (body)- Osphresiophobia
Pain- Algrophobia
Pleasure- Hedonophobia
Sleep- Hypnophobia
Smells- Olfactophobia
Smothering, choking- Pnigerophobia
Sounds- Akoustiophobia
Speaking- Halophobia
Speaking Aloud- Phonophobia
Speech- Alophobia
Sourness- Acerophobia
Strings- Cnidophobia
Stooping- Kyphophobia
Taste- Geumatophobia
Thinking- Phronemophobia
Touch- Haptophobia
Touching- Thixophobia
Trembling- Tremophobia


Children- Paediphobia
Human Beings- Anthrophobia
Men- Androphobia
Robbers- Harpaxophobia
Women- Gynophobia
Young Girls- Parthenophobia
Clowns- Joeyphobia
Lawyers- Attorneyphobia
Gay People- Homophobia
Churches- Ecclesiaphobia
Demons- Demonnophobia
God- Theophobia
Heaven- Ouranophobia
Hell- Hadephobia
Sacred Things- Hierophobia
Satan- Satanophobia
Sinning- Peccatophobia


Crossing Bridges- Gephyrophobia
Crossing Streets- Dromophobia
Flying- Aerophobia
Motion- Kinesophobia
Sea Swell- Cymophobia
Speed- Tachophobia
Travelling by Train- Siderodromophobia
Vehicles- Amaxophobia
Walking- Basiphobia


Auroral Lights- Auroraphobia
Clouds- Nephophobia
Dampness, moisture
Flood- Antlophobia
Fog- Homichlophobia
Ice, Frost- Cryophobia
Lakes- Imnophobia
Lightning- Astraphobia
Meteors- Meteorophobia
Precipices- Cremnophobia
Rain- Ombrophobia
Rivers- Potamophobia
Sea- Thalassophobia
Snow- Chionophobia
Stars- Siderophobia
Sun- Heliophobia
Thunder- Brontophobia,
Water- Hydrophobia
Wind- Ancraophobia   

Food & Drink

Alcohol- Potophobia
Drinking- Dipsophobia
Eating- Phagophobia
Food- Sitophobia
Meat- Carnophobia


Being Alone- Monophobia
Being Beaten-
Being Bound-
Being Buried Alive- Taphophobia
Being Looked at-
Crowds- Demophobia
Darkness- Nyctophobia
Dawn- Eosophobia
Daylight- Phengophobia
Depth- Bathophobia
Enclosed Spaces- Claustrophobia
Going to Bed- Clinophobia
Gravity- Barophobia
Heights- Acrophobia,
High Places- Hypsophobia
Home- Domatophobia
Home Surroundings- Apeirophobia
Night- Achluophobia
Passing High Objects- Batophobia
Poverty- Peniaphobia
Places- Topphobia
Public Places- Agoraphobia
Strong Light- Photophobia
School- Scholiophobia
Shadows- Sciophobia
Sitting Idle- Thaadophobia
Solitude- Eremitophobia
Standing- Stasophobia
Standing Upright-


Certain Names-Onomatophobia
Dirt- Mysophobia
Disorder- Ataxiophobia
Draugts- Anemophobia
Dreams- Oneirophobia
Dust- Amathophobia
Electricity- Electrophobia
Everything- Pantophobia
Failure- Kakorraphiaphobia
Fall of Man-made
Fears- Phobophobia
Fire- Pyrophobia
Flashing- Selaphobia
Flogging- Mastigophobia
Ghosts- Phasmophobia
Graves- Taphophobia
Ideas- Ideophobia
Imperfection- Atelophobia
Jealousy- Zelophobia
Justice- Dikephobia
Marriage- Gamophobia
Monsters- Teratophobia
Music- Musicophobia
Names- Nomatophobia
Narrowness- Anginaphobia
Neglect of Duty-Paralipophobia
New Things- Neophobia
Novelty- Cainophobia
Nudity- Gymnophobia
Number 13-Triskaidekaphobia
One Thing- Monophobia
Punishment- Peniaphobia
Responsibility- Hypegiaphobia
Ridicule- Kategelophobia
Ruin- Atephobia
Rust- Iophobia
Shock- Hormephobia
Stealing- Kleptophobia
Void- Kenophobia
Weakness- Asthenophobia
Words- Logophobia
Work- Ergophobia
Writing- Graphophobia

Updated by Caine 2002


Fra : zonker

Dato : 18-09-02 21:22


Fra : yttepigen

Dato : 18-09-02 21:43


Fra : srhansen

Dato : 18-09-02 22:31


Fra : e.p.

Dato : 18-09-02 23:14


Fra : Betinaaaaa

Dato : 18-09-02 23:15

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