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Unlock Mobiltelefon
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Alle disse Kabler....Info (Newbie) Engli~
Squanto har modtaget 0 point for dette tip
Fra : Squanto
Vist : 674 gange

Dato : 14-06-02 00:29

Let Me Explain

This uses a half-duplex protocol, which uses a single wire to send and receive data. As data cannot be sent and received at the same time, this is the slowest method of communication.

MBUS is needed for unlocking earlier models and software versions of phones. It can also be used for updating logos and ringtones. This cable uses the computer's COM (serial) port.

This uses a full-duplex protocol, which uses separate wires to send and receive data. As it can send and receive at the same time, it is faster than MBUS.

FBUS is used for updating logos and ringtones, but cannot be used for unlocking. This cable uses the computer's COM (serial) port.

This cable is a dual bus cable, compatible with both MBUS and FBUS applications. It can be auto-switching or have a manual switch, used to determine the transfer mode. It can be used for unlocking early models and updating logos and ringtones. The circuit is compatible with almost the entire Nokia range.

This DAU-9P is used for communication with Nokia Data Suite, which provides a software based modem for compatible phones (51/61xx models). This cable uses the computer's COM (serial) port.

This cable can be used with LogoManager for updating logos and ringtones, although it is designed primarily for high speed data transfer with compatible phones (62/63/71xx models). These phones have an internal hardware based modem, so the Nokia Data Suite drivers are not compatible.

The DLR-3 is now obsolete and has been replaced by the DLR-3P, which is fully compatible. This cable uses the computer's COM (serial) port.

Flash cables are used to read and write information in the flashable area of the phone. This is where the phone's software is stored and by writing a copy of a different MCU/PPM, it is possible to upgrade or downgrade the software or change the languages used in the phone's menus and dictionaries (other steps are also required for this to work and an MBUS cable will also be required). This cable uses the computer's LPT (printer/parallel) port.


Fra : ingole

Dato : 14-06-02 07:38


Fra : Anakardian

Dato : 14-06-02 09:35


Fra : brianstrate

Dato : 14-06-02 11:54


Fra : netper

Dato : 14-06-02 12:51


Fra : SteenStilling

Dato : 14-06-02 00:34

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