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Ny Nokia Pc Suite, og programmer til mob~
JacobS. har modtaget 5 point for dette tip
Fra : JacobS.
Vist : 2214 gange

Dato : 18-03-05 21:48

Så er der en ny pc suite klar

Den har disse forbedringer:
Connection status is now shown during PC Suite launch and in the application tray

-Connection status is now shown in each application's caption bar

-Updates to graphics and application icons

-Usability improvements when connecting with Bluetooth wireless technology

Hent den her:

Og her er brugermanualen til programmet: http://nds2.nokia.com/files/support/global/phones/software/Nokia_PC_Suite_641_UG_en.pdf

Du kan også hente disse add-ons:

-One Touch Access Download now
15-Nov-04 | version 1.0 | 4.5 MB | English

Use your phone's GPRS connection to create a quick and easy network connection for your compatible PC.

Compatibility: All Nokia phone models compatible with PC Suite 6.4 or later, except the Nokia 3100, Nokia 3120, and Nokia 3200 phones.

Hent det her: http://www.nokia.com/include/support/pcsuite_disclaimer.html?url=http://nds2.nokia.com/files/support/global/phones/software/Nokia_OneTouchAccess.exe

Det er også:

-Nokia Multimedia Factory for Your Nokia 6630
10-Feb-05 | version 1.0 | 10.5 MB | Multi-language

With Nokia Multimedia Factory you can easily create and send multimedia messages.

Note: Works only with Nokia 6630
Languages: Automatically installs in same language as PC Suite
Languages: English

Hent det her: http://www.nokia.com/include/support/pcsuite_disclaimer.html?url=http://nds2.nokia.com/files/support/global/phones/software/NokiaMultimediaFactory.exe

Og til sidst er der:

-Nokia Lifeblog

Nokia Lifeblog automatically organizes your photos, videos, SMSs, and MMSs into a clear chronology you can easily browse, search, edit, and save.

Compatibility: Nokia 6260, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6670, and Nokia 7610

Hent det her: http://www.nokia.com/nokia/0,,59209,00.html

Og bruger manualen til programmet Lifeblog: http://nds2.nokia.com/files/support/global/phones/software/Multimedia_Factory_Installation_eng.pdf

Håber i kan bruge det til noget

Kilde: http://www.nokia.com



Fra : holniels

Dato : 18-03-05 21:50


Fra : hansen9

Dato : 18-03-05 21:52


Fra : yearhouse

Dato : 18-03-05 23:12


Fra : pallebhansen

Dato : 18-03-05 23:49


Fra : poul_from

Dato : 18-03-05 23:50

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